[R.O. 1991 § 155.220; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
The City will endeavor to assign each City service position to a particular job class. In classifying jobs, the City will consider the position's duties and responsibilities.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.230; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
A pay plan developed annually with the budget will constitute the basic monthly salary schedule consisting of steps of pay in each pay range. The respective ranges will be identified by numbers, and the steps within each range will be identified by the letters "A" through "G" or similar designation.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.240; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
Advancement within each range will be conditional upon a minimum period of service within each step, according to the following timetable:
Step A
Normal beginning rate, and the probationary period of employment.
Step B
After three (3) months in Step A.
Step C
After twelve (12) months in Step B.
Step D
After twelve (12) months in Step C.
Step E
After twelve (12) months in Step D.
Step F
After twelve (12) months in Step E.
Step G
This step is generally reserved for those employees with at least five (5) years of service whose work performance has been consistently above average.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.250; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
Normally, new employees should be paid the rate as shown in Step A in the range allocated to the position for which the individual has been hired.
A new employee may be placed in a higher step in the range allocated to the position for which the individual has been hired, depending upon the individual's qualifications and the availability of budgeted funds.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.260; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
The following suggestions are made as to salary advancement within ranges:
Probationary Advancement. After the salary of a new employee has been initially established under the "Job Classification and Pay Plan," such employee may be advanced from his original Step to the next higher Step effective the first day of the next pay period following the date of satisfactory completion of the individual's probationary period, three (3) months.
Merit Advancement. An employee may be considered for advancement from Step to Step through Step C in a particular pay range upon completion of the minimum length of service as provided in Section 135.240. As the term implies however, such a "merit" increase is not an automatic advancement, and this type of salary adjustment will only be approved following a successful review of the employee's work performance by the appropriate department head and the City Administrator. The effective date of a merit increase will be the first day of the next pay period. The "Merit Salary Adjustment Program" is also contingent upon the City's general financial condition and may be from time to time.
Reconsideration. When an employee is considered but not approved for a merit advancement, he/she may be reconsidered for such advancement at any subsequent time. If an employee is subsequently approved for a merit increase, the eligibility date for further merit reviews will then be changed to coincide with the actual date of approval [generally one (1) year from the most recent approval date].
Special Merit Advancement. In those cases where an employee consistently demonstrates exceptional ability and proficiency in the performance of his/her assigned duties, the appropriate department head may recommend to the City Administrator that the employee be advanced to the next highest Step in the same pay range without regard to the minimum length of service provisions contained in Section 135.240. The City Administrator may approve such advancement, provided that appropriate budgeted funds are available.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.270; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
The City is encouraged to provide notices for job openings involving regular (other than acting) positions. The City may give preference to qualified City employees or such recruits outside present staff.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.280; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
When an employee is promoted to a non-acting position in a higher classification, the individual may normally be assigned to a Step A in the appropriate range for the higher classification. If the employee is already being paid at a rate equal to or higher than Step A, the employee may be assigned to a Step in the new range that will grant him/her an increase of no more than two (2) salary Steps. The assigned Step will be considered as Step A for service advancement purposes.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.290; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
When an employee is demoted to a position in a lower classification, the individual's salary rate will normally be determined in the appropriate range for the lower classification according to the following provisions:
The salary rate may be reduced by at least one (1) Step.
The new salary rate will be within the appropriate pay range.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.300; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
A reassigned employee may be paid at the same, in a higher, or in a lower Step as may be deemed appropriate.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.310; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
All City employees should normally be paid every Friday [fifty-two (52) pay checks per year] by 4:00 P.M., barring computer difficulties in check preparation. If a regular pay day falls on an authorized holiday, pay checks shall normally be issued the preceding Thursday afternoon at 4:00 P.M.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.320; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
The City of Vandalia's overtime management should be in compliance with Federal Law 99-150 (passed in November, 1985), which defines the application of the Fair Labor Standards Act to local governments. The policy should also comply with further applicable legislation, the rulings of the United States Department of Labor, and the decisions of the appropriate courts.
Overtime work should be avoided. It is the City's policy to assign each employee regular work duties and responsibilities which can be accomplished within the established day and week.
Generally, administrative and supervisory positions are exempt from the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The City Administrator may, with the consent of the Board of Aldermen, occasionally authorize overtime compensation beyond the scope of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.330; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
Employees required to temporarily assume on a full-time basis all responsibilities of an out of classification position for more than fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days shall be paid, after the fourteenth consecutive calendar day, the pay of the higher classification.