[R.O. 1991 § 155.340; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
Fringe benefits are subject to change. The following types of benefits are currently provided at the City's expense to regular full-time employees: Annual holidays, vacation leave, sick leave, worker's compensation, group medical and hospital insurance, group life insurance and retirement. In addition, the City also matches the amounts of employee contributions to the Social Security program. Seasonal or temporary and part-time employees are entitled only to fringe benefits of worker's compensation and Social Security programs, unless otherwise provided by ordinance or separate contract (see Section 135.180).
[R.O. 1991 § 155.350; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990; Ord. No. 09-1085 §§ I – II, 2-10-2009]
All regular full-time employees shall receive their regular compensation for holidays authorized by the Board of Aldermen in the annual budget. Currently there are ten (10) such holidays. Unless otherwise authorized in the budget, the holidays shall be as follows:
New Year's Day
January 1
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
3rd Monday in January
Presidents' Day
3rd Monday in February
Memorial Day
4th Monday in May
Independence Day
July 4
Labor Day
1st Monday in September
Veterans Day
November 11
Thanksgiving Day
4th Thursday and Friday in November
Christmas Day
December 25
When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed (this applies to all City employees).
All full-time employees are eligible for holiday pay. In order to qualify for holiday pay, an employee must work the last scheduled day prior to and the first scheduled day following, the day the holiday is observed, unless absences have been authorized.
Scheduled employees who wish to insure an off-duty holiday will operate on a first come, first serve basis with their department heads. Those responsible for scheduling shall make every effort to schedule holidays with regards to a rotation.
Hourly and scheduled employees shall be compensated at one and one-half (1 1/2) times their regular rate of pay for hours worked on a holiday and holiday pay shall be used to compute overtime for hourly employees. However, holiday pay will not be used to compute overtime for scheduled personnel, unless those personnel are scheduled to work a holiday.
The Mayor shall be the only person authorized to declare special holidays or days off as an unusual need or circumstance may occur.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.360; Ord. No. 614 § 1, 1-15-1991; Ord. No. 694 §§ I – II, 4-13-1993; Ord. No. 744 § I, 4-12-1994; Ord. No. 759 § I, 11-8-1994; Ord. No. 872 §§ I – III, 5-13-1997]
Each full-time employee shall accrue vacation leave credit at the following rates:
[Ord. No. 22-1236, 12-13-2022]
During the 1st partial calendar year (after any probation periods, described in Subsection (B) below)
0.77 hours
During the 2nd calendar years of service
40 hours
During the 3rd through the 5th calendar years of service
80 hours
During the 6th calendar year of service
88 hours
During the 7th calendar year of service
96 hours
During the 8th calendar year of service
104 hours
During the 9th calendar year of service
112 hours
During the 10th calendar year of service
120 hours
During the 11th calendar year of service
128 hours
During the 12th calendar year of service
136 hours
During the 13th calendar year of service
144 hours
During the 14th calendar year of service
152 hours
After 15 calendar years of service
160 hours
After 20 calendar years of service
168 hours
After 25 calendar years of service
184 hours
After 30 calendar years of service
200 hours
The employee shall not become eligible to use vacation leave until after his or her ninety (90) days probation period, after which time he or she will start accruing vacation weekly. If the employee's probation period is extended, he or she will not accrue vacation until all probation extensions have been completed.
[Ord. No. 22-1236, 12-13-2022]
Vacation credit may accumulate in an amount of up to one (1) year of the employee's annual accrual rate.
[Ord. No. 14-1142 §§ I – II, 7-8-2014]
Any employee with the exception of those employees serving on formal "on call" status at the time, who is called into work during any full (eight-hour) scheduled vacation day previously approved by his/her supervisor, shall be compensated for the full day of approved vacation leave as well as straight time for any hours worked. In addition, and as compensation for the disruption, the employee shall also receive the equivalent of one (1) additional day [eight (8) hours] of vacation leave to be used at a future date.
Employees shall have the option of "selling" their accumulated vacation time back to the City. For the purpose of "selling back" vacation time, an employee shall be entitled to sell accrued vacation. Vacation shall accrue daily beginning on the first day of the calendar year according to the schedule presented in Subsection (A) of this Section. In the event that an employee resigns during the course of the year, he/she shall only be entitled to sell back any unused accrued vacation time. Should an employee choose to sell vacation time they shall be entitled to compensation at his/her regularly earned salary. All such transactions must receive prior approval of the City Administrator.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.370; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990; Ord. No. 764 §§ I, II, 12-13-1994; Ord. No. 902 § I, 2-10-1998]
Short Term Sick Leave. All full-time employees shall accumulate nine (9) sick days per calendar year to be utilized for "short term sick leave absences," defined as illnesses which last less than seven (7) consecutive calendar days. For new employees, the number of sick days available is pro-rated based on the month employment begins.
Long Term Sick Leave. All full-time employees with at least one (1) year service are eligible for the City's long term sick leave program. This type of sick leave is to be used for employee illnesses lasting seven (7) or more consecutive calendar days. The days available at one hundred percent (100%) of pay and at sixty percent (60%) of pay depend upon the number of years of service for each individual employee. The following chart shall guide the City Administrator when determining long term sick leave requests by City employees:
Years of Full-Time Service
Days of Sick Leave
Not Less Than
Not More Than
Payable At 100%
Payable At 60%
At No Pay
Less than 1 year
See Subsection (A) above
1 year
1.5 years
1.5 years
2 years
2 years
3 years
3 years
4 years
4 years
5 years
5 years
10 years
10 years
15 years
15 years
Employee Incentive Program. There is hereby created an Employee Incentive Program, whereby all employees who do not utilize a sick day for a period of six (6) consecutive months will be eligible for either one (1) day off, or a bonus check for one (1) eight (8) hour shift, at their regular rate of pay.
Eligible Sick Leave. Sick leave may be taken only for the following reasons: Personal illness, pregnancy, occupational injury, exposure to a contagious disease that might jeopardize the health of others, or illness in the immediate family. For the purposes of these regulations, "immediate family" includes only those family members living in the employee's household. Employment-related sicknesses and injuries may be covered by the Missouri Workers' Compensation Act.
Employee Responsibilities. Any employee wishing to use sick leave will notify his or her appropriate supervisor before taking any sick leave, and provide such reasonable verification during illness as may reasonably be requested. Situations where notification is not provided shall be considered an unexcused absence. Any employee who is aware that sick leave will be required in the near future will notify his or her appropriate supervisor as soon as possible.
Documentation Required. Unless excused by a Department Head, an employee taking sick leave will be required to furnish a medical certificate verifying illness, if such verification is requested by the appropriate supervisor, or Department Head.
Improper Usage Of Sick Leave. Improper usage of sick leave shall result in disciplinary actions up to, and including, termination.
Unused Sick Leave. Unused sick leave will not be compensated for in any way at the time of an employee's resignation or dismissal.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.380; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990; Ord. No. 993 §§ I – II, 11-12-2002]
Notification Of Injury. City employees are covered by the provisions of the Missouri Workers' Compensation Act during the performance of their job duties. Any employee who suffers a work-related injury is responsible for notifying the appropriate supervisor immediately. The supervisor will then notify the appropriate Department Head and the Department Head will notify the City Administrator.
Injury Leave. Any employee who is unable to work because of work-related injury will be placed on injury leave (see Section 135.470). The City will not supplement such injury leave. Sick leave, long or short-term, is not available to supplement injury leave.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.390; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990; Ord. No. 957 §§ I – II, 1-9-2001; Ord. No. 23-1243, 5-9-2023]
All full-time employees, and dependent family members at the employee's discretion, shall be provided group medical insurance, at a cost to be determined annually at the renewal date of the group policy. Coverage for a new employee and his/her eligible dependents shall begin on the first day of the calendar month following the employee's completion of sixty (60) days of employment.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.400; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
Presently, all full-time employees will be provided with a twenty-five thousand dollar ($25,000.00) life insurance policy at the City's expense.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.410; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
All employees will participate in the "Federal Retirement Survivors Disability and Health Insurance Program," more commonly known as "Social Security," and the appropriate deductions from gross pay will be made as provided by law. This deduction will be identified on the payroll check stub as FICA (Federal Insurance Contribution Act). The City also contributes an amount to the program which is approximately equal to the amount of individual employee contributions.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.420; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990; Ord. No. 980 § I, 3-12-2002; Ord. No. 12-1119 § I, 7-10-2012; Ord. No. 15-1156 § I, 12-8-2015[1]]
All full-time employees who have successfully completed six (6) months of service as defined under the LAGERS plan will automatically become members of the Missouri Local Government Employee's Retirement System (LAGERS). LAGERS is a statewide, non-profit retirement system for local government employees and the program was created and is regulated by the Revised Statutes of Missouri. It is not controlled by the City of Vandalia.
The City hereby adopts a change in the contributions from covered employees, changing to the requirement of no contributions from covered employees in accordance with the provisions of Sections 70.705 and 70.730, RSMo.
The City hereby adopts no change in the method of determining a member's final average salary, keeping a sixty-consecutive month period for determining a member's monthly salary in accordance with Sections 70.600 and 70.656, RSMo.
The City hereby adopts no change in the Benefit Program of covered employees, keeping the Benefit Program at L-7 (1.5%) in accordance with Section 70.655, RSMo.
The City hereby adopts no change in the Retirement Age Provision of covered employees, keeping member employees option of retirement upon attaining minimum service retirement age in accordance with Sections 70.600, 70.646, RSMo.
All rules and regulations for the LAGERS Retirement System as it applies to the employees of the City of Vandalia shall be available for employee inspection in the office of the City Clerk.
Editor’s Note: Section III of Ord. No. 15-1156 also provided an effective date of 1-1-2016.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.430; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
The City will provide uniforms for all employees who are required to wear uniforms in the performance of their regular duties and will buy badges for personnel required to wear the same.
[R.O. 1991 § 155.440; Ord. No. 610 § 2, 9-11-1990]
Seniority or length of service for purposes of seniority means continuous full-time service calculated from the first day of employment except that a lapse of service less than thirty (30) days by reason of resignation or discharge shall not be considered a break in full-time continuous service.