[HISTORY: Adopted by the North Wildwood City Council 5-3-1988 by Ord. No. 993. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, drop, discard or otherwise place litter of any nature upon any public or private property other than in a litter receptacle.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any used or unconsumed substance or waste material which has been discarded, whether made of aluminum, glass, plastic, rubber, paper or other natural or synthetic material or any combination thereof, including but limited to any bottle, jar or can or any top, cap or detachable tab of any bottle, jar or can, any unlighted cigarette, cigar, match or any flaming or glowing material or any garbage, trash, refuse, debris, rubbish, grass clippings or other lawn or garden waste, newspaper, magazines, glass, metal, plastic or paper containers or other packaging or construction material, but does not include the waste of the Primary processes of mining or other extraction processes, logging, sawmilling, farming or manufacturing.
A container suitable for the depositing of litter.
Litter receptacles and their servicing are required at the following public places which exist in the municipality, including sidewalks used by pedestrians in active retail commercially zoned areas, such that at a minimum there shall be no single linear quarter-mile without a receptacle; buildings held out for use by the public, including schools, government buildings and railroad and bus stations; parks; drive-in restaurants; all street vendor locations; self-service refreshment areas; construction sites; gasoline service stations islands; shopping centers; parking lots; campgrounds and trailer parks; marinas, boat moorage and fueling stations; boat launching areas; public and private piers operated for public use; beaches and bathing areas; and at special events to which the public is invited, including sporting events, parades, carnivals, circuses and festivals. The proprietors of these places or the sponsors of these events shall be responsible for providing and servicing the receptacles such that adequate containerization is available.
It shall be unlawful for any person to discard or dump along any street or road on or off any right-of-way any household or commercial solid waste, rubbish, refuse, junk, vehicle or vehicle parts, rubber tires, appliances, furniture or private property, except by written consent of the owner of said property, in any place not specifically designated for the purpose of solid waste storage or disposal.
It shall be unlawful for any residential property owner to store or permit storage of any bulky household waste, including household appliances, furniture and mattresses, in areas zoned residential except in a fully enclosed structure or during days designated for the collection of bulky items.
It shall be unlawful for any residential property owner to store or permit the storage of tires in areas zoned residential except in a fully enclosed structure or on days designated collection of tires.
It shall be unlawful for any residential property owner to park or permit the parking of any vehicle on his or her residential lawn.
Editor's Note: Original § 282-8 of the 1981 Code, Inoperable vehicles, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I). See Ch. 414, Vehicles, Abandoned.
It shall be unlawful for any vehicle to be driven, moved, stopped or parked on any highway unless such a vehicle is constructed or loaded to prevent any of its load from dropping, sifting, leaking or otherwise escaping therefrom. Any person operating a vehicle from which any glass or objects have fallen or escaped which could cause an obstruction, damage a vehicle or otherwise endanger travelers or public property shall immediately cause the public property to be cleaned of all glass or objects and shall pay the costs therefor.
Editor's Note: Original § 282-10 of the 1981 Code, Construction sites, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I). See Ch. 202, Construction Sites.
It shall be unlawful for any residential or commercial property owner to permit open or overflowing waste disposal bins on his or her property.
It shall be the duty of the owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or person in charge of any structure to keep and cause to be kept the sidewalk and curb abutting the building or structure free from obstruction or nuisances of every kind and to keep sidewalks, areaways, backyards, courts and alleys free from litter and other offensive material. No person shall sweep into or deposit in any gutter, street, catch basin or other public place any accumulation of litter from any public or private sidewalk or driveway. Every person who owns or occupies property shall keep the sidewalk in front of his or her premises free of litter. All sweepings shall be collected and properly containerized for disposal.
[Added 6-7-2017 by Ord. No. 1717[1]]
Purpose. This section is adopted in order to protect the environment, particularly the wildlife, and the health, safety and welfare of persons and property by prohibiting the release of helium balloons into the atmosphere, including latex and Mylar, as it has been determined that the release of balloons inflated with lighter-than-air gases poses a danger and nuisance to the environment, particularly to wildlife and marine animals, so as to constitute a public nuisance and may pose a threat to the safety of persons and property.
Prohibited releases. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or entity to intentionally release, organize the release of, or intentionally cause to be released, balloons inflated with a gas that is lighter than air within the limits of the City of North Wildwood, with the following exceptions:
Balloons released by a person on behalf of a governmental agency or pursuant to a governmental contract for scientific or meteorological purposes.
Hot-air balloons carrying or transporting people that are recovered after launching.
Balloons released indoors.
Editor's Note: This ordinance also provided for the renumbering of former § 282-13 as § 282-14.
[Amended 3-20-1991 by Ord. No. 1054; 3-5-1996 by Ord. No. 1222]
Any person who supplies the City of North Wildwood with proof sufficient to obtain a conviction for littering under this section shall, after the conviction and sentencing, be entitled to a reward from the City in an amount equal to 10% of the fine received by the City in connection with said conviction.
Any violation or violations of any provision or provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $2,000, imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or community service for not more than 90 days, or any combination thereof. Each day that any violation of any section of this chapter shall exist shall constitute a separate offense.
[Amended 5-21-2002 by Ord. No. 1411; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]