[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Mercer County as Ch. 3.01 of the 2003 Mercer County Code (Ord. No. 76-5). Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Pursuant to P.L. 2020, c. 67, effective 1-1-2021, the Code of Mercer County has been amended to delete the term “Board of Chosen Freeholders” and replace it with the term “Board of County Commissioners.” In addition, the terms “Freeholder” and “Chosen Freeholder” have been deleted and replaced by the term “County Commissioner.”]
Every bill, demand or claim shall be submitted on a voucher approved as to form by the Treasurer.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § 3.01.010, Fiscal year, which immediately preceded this section, was repealed 10-22-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-5.
No voucher shall be paid unless it is itemized in sufficient detail for verification, is certified to be correct by the party claiming payment, carries a certificate by the head of the pertinent department, office of agency that the goods or services itemized have been received in good order, and has been audited and approved for payment by the Treasurer.
The Treasurer shall, for each regular meeting of the Board, list all vouchers paid through the close of business on the Tuesday before the meeting and since the last preceding list was compiled, and shall file the list with the Clerk to the Board as a public record.
For the purposes of N.J.S.A. 40A:5-17, the Board shall be deemed to have approved or disapproved all vouchers in accordance with the action of the Treasurer.
Vouchers may be paid by warrant, voucher check or bank check signed by the County Executive and countersigned by the Treasurer as disbursing officer. Payroll checks shall be signed by the County Executive and the Treasurer on authority of a voucher or warrant of the Treasurer for a complete or partial payroll. Facsimile signature plates or stamps under the personal control of the signers may be used.
Salaries, wages and other compensation of officers and employees of the County shall be paid biweekly. The head of each department, office or agency shall certify to the Treasurer, at such times and in such form as he shall prescribe, the names and positions of all persons employed in or by the department who are entitled to be paid in the next ensuing payroll. The Treasurer shall then complete a central payroll for the County and prepare the necessary checks for signature.
The County Executive with the approval of the Board shall designate and retain a registered municipal account of New Jersey to prepare and submit annually a post-audit of all County accounts and financial transactions and records pertaining thereto, in accordance with state laws and regulations and generally accepted auditing standards.
[Added by Ord. No. 88-22]
Contracts proposing the engagement of the Mercer County Auditor pursuant to the Local Fiscal Affairs Law shall be delivered to the Board no later than January 31 of the year for which the audit is proposed to be performed.
No person shall commence any work on the audit to the County conducted pursuant to the Local Fiscal Affairs Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:5-1 et seq., until after that person has been engaged to perform such work pursuant to a written contract approved by the Board.
The County Executive may develop, promulgate and adopt administrative rules and regulations to implement the foregoing policies established by the Board and shall deliver any such rules and regulations to the Clerk to the Board. The Clerk to the Board shall maintain such rules and regulations on file in the office of the Clerk to the Board from the date of the Clerk's receipt thereof.