[Ch. 5 of the 1981 Regulations]
Effective January 1, 2008 the Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Board of Registration of Massage Therapy is the regulatory authority for all aspects of the massage therapy profession from individual towns and municipalities in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The following terms give a general description of Section 111, and Section 51 and 53 of Chapter 140 of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
For the purpose of these regulations:
Shall mean the office, place of business, or other premises where massage is practiced or where therapeutic or conditioning baths of water, vapor, or other substance is given.
Shall mean the manipulation or conditioning of part or parts of the body by manual, mechanical, or other means as a beauty treatment, for purported health or medical treatment or for the purpose of invigoration.
No person shall practice massage or conduct an establishment for the giving of massage or vapor, pool, shower, or other baths for hire or reward, or advertise or hold himself out as being engaged in the business of massage or the giving of said baths in the Town of Hull, without receiving a license therefor from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Licensure.
Every licensed establishment must display in a conspicuous location the licenses of all the licensees operating in the establishment.
No licensed person shall operate under any name or conduct his or her business under any designation not specified on his or her license.
Every licensee shall permit the Board of Health or its agents or other Town authorities acting in an official capacity to inspect his place of business and his work at any reasonable time.