[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Hull 5-2-2022 ATM by Art. 21.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This article also repealed former Ch. 147, Memorial Commission, adopted 9-21-1982 STM by Art. 28 (Ch. 36 of the 1989 Code).
There shall be established a Memorial Commission which shall be responsible for overseeing the care and maintenance of the War Memorial (also known as the Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial) at Monument Square and its surrounding grounds to Phipps Street, the Gold Star Mothers' Memorial at the entrance to the cemetery and its immediate surrounding grounds, and squares or other locations in Town dedicated in memory of deceased or other veterans. The Select Board may assign such other duties to the Commission as it deems appropriate.
The Commission members shall serve without compensation and shall consist of five regular members of whom three shall be veterans, one citizen at large and one member of the Select Board and two alternates who shall be citizens at large.
Appointments to the Commission shall be made annually on or as of the first day of July by the Select Board to serve at their pleasure. The term of office shall be for a term of three (3) years, with the initial terms staggered such that the terms of no more than two of the Commissioners ends in the same year.
The Commission shall annually or when it votes to do so organize by choosing from its own number a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary.
No major additions, alterations or improvements shall be made to memorials without the approval of the Select Board.
The Commission shall consult with and work in cooperation with the local Veterans' organizations.
Requests to dedicate a square or other property in memory or honor of a veteran or to add a name to any existing places of observance shall be made to the Veteran's Agent, who shall investigate the request, and to the Memorial Commission. The Veteran's Agent and Memorial Commission shall make a report and recommendations to the Select Board, which shall have final approval. In considering its recommendations or approval, the Veteran's Agent, Memorial Commission and Select Board shall take into consideration any contributions by the person nominated to the wellbeing of the community.
Any request shall be in writing and supported by valid documentation, which shall include, at a minimum, copies of discharge papers, citations, awards and decorations, and such other documentation as the Town may require.
All persons whose home of record was Hull at the time of original or subsequent enlistment shall be considered to be added to the War Memorial wall at Monument Square or other appropriate location.
The names of all persons who served in the Armed Forces of the United States during an armed conflict are included in the dedication of Veterans Road, the Memorial School and any future memorials which may be constructed pursuant to such service within the Town.
All residents of the Town of Hull who served in the armed forces during peace time are included in memorials raised to that service.
The Commission shall annually render a report in writing to the Town on the management of the memorials, with any recommendations. Such report shall be submitted in accordance with the bylaw for publication in the Town Report. The Commission shall also provide such other reports as may be requested.
It is the intention of this chapter that appointees to the Commission be dedicated to the preservation of the memorials, and that the memorials shall be cared for, altered or improved in a manner befitting the Town of Hull's and our country's commitment to honor those who served and those who died in the service of our country.