[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Hull as Ch. 137 of the 1989 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 5-8-2021 ATM by Art. 6B]
No hawker or peddler subject to regulations by the Select Board Members under the provisions of MGL c. 101, § 17 shall sell or offer or expose for sale or barter within the limits of this Town any of the articles the same or barter of which is subject to regulation under said § 17, until he has recorded his name and residence with the Select Board Members and has been assigned by them a number to be worn or exposed in such a manner as the Select Board Members shall prescribe; nor if he uses any kind of a vehicle or other conveyance, unless there shall be conspicuously displayed on such vehicle or other conveyance, his name and the number assigned to him by the Select Board Members in character at least two inches in height; nor in all cases when a hawker or peddler is subject to license by the Select Board Members under the provisions of said Chapter 101 until he is licensed by the Select Board Members so to do. The Select Board Members may impose a fee for such license not exceeding in amount the sum provided in § 22 of said Chapter 101.
No licensed or unlicensed hawker or peddler shall cry his wares to the disturbance of the peace and comfort of the inhabitants of this Town.
No licensed or unlicensed hawker or peddler shall sell or offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise on any part of any beach owned by or under the control of this Town and situated therein.
No licensed or unlicensed hawker or peddler shall, while offering or exposing goods, wares or other merchandise for sale, remain in one place or within 200 feet thereof for longer than five minutes unless actually engaged in making a sale.
[Amended 10-17-1988 STM by Art. 20]
No person, unless otherwise authorized, shall go from place to place within the Town selling or bartering or carrying for sale or barter or exposing therefor or taking orders therefor any goods, wares or merchandise, nor shall any person go from place to place within the Town begging or soliciting alms or contributions for any person or cause or organization either on foot or from any animal or vehicle without first having recorded his name and address with the Chief of Police and furnished such other information as may be requested of him. The Chief of Police shall thereupon, if satisfied with the honesty of the applicant, issue a permit for a period not exceeding 12 months, which must be shown on request, and shall state that said person has duly registered and is entitled to go from place to place within the Town for the purpose specified. Said permits shall be valid only as follows: on weekdays, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; and on weekends and legal holidays, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.