[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Hull 5-5-2003 ATM by Art. 25 (Ch. 100 of the 1989 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
All candidates applying for employment with the Hull Fire Department must satisfy the requirements of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 31, the Civil Service Law, so-called. Further, said candidates shall possess, at the time of employment, a valid State of Massachusetts Emergency Medical Technician certificate and such other certifications as the Appointing Authority (Fire Chief) may determine in his or her judgment necessary based on staffing and community needs. Failure to maintain a current and valid certifications as were required for hiring shall result in the following action: Upon loss of such certifications the employee shall be placed on probation for a period of three months. At the conclusion of said three months' probation the employee shall provide to the Appointing Authority (Fire Chief) proof of valid certifications as were required for hiring. Failure to provide such valid certifications at the conclusion of the three month probation shall result in the employee being subject to disciplinary and/or job termination actions. Based on staffing and community needs as reasonably determined by the Appointing Authority (Fire Chief), the Appointing Authority (Fire Chief) may waive the requirement of such certifications.