[Ch. 13 of the 1981 Regulations]
The Board of Health may vary the application of any provision of this Part 1 with respect to any particular case when, in its opinion, the enforcement thereof would do manifest injustice, provided that the decision of the Board of Health shall not conflict with the spirit of these minimum standards. Any variance granted by the Board of Health shall be in writing. A copy of any such variance shall, while it is in effect, be available to the public at all reasonable hours in the office of the Clerk of the city or town, or in the office of the Board of Health.
The request for all variances shall be submitted by the property owner in writing to the Board of Health. A hearing shall then be scheduled within a reasonable time and in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations. All variances will have an expiration date after which re-application may be made. Variances will only be valid while the property remains in the owner's name in which the variance request was originally made.