[Adopted 10-26-1987 STM by Art. 32 (Ch. 149, Art. IV, of the 1989 Code)]
Whereas the increased development in the Town of Hull is creating greater demands on the municipal sewerage system due to a greater number of properties connecting into the system than the different parts of the system will be able to handle and resulting in the need to perform sewer improvements, rehabilitation work, replacement work, updating work and repairs, there is hereby established a Sewerage Rehabilitation Fund.
There shall be a sewerage rehabilitation fund, the purpose of which is to help offset the costs and expenses associated with the increased demands on the sewer systems and facilities and to provide funds for the Permanent Sewer Commission for the costs of engineering, testing, construction and rehabilitation of sewerage pipes, lines, facilities, plant and pump stations located within the Town and to provide funds to do all things necessary to correct, remedy, repair, regulate, prevent and prohibit all forms of infiltration or inflow from groundwater and other sources into pipes, lines, facilities and systems and to take such actions necessary to properly maintain and operate the sewerage system, plant and facilities in the Town.
[Amended 5-1-2000 ATM by Art. 21; 5-13-2002 ATM by Art. 18]
Payments/contributions to said account shall be made by applicants for and holders of building permits for the construction, erection, improvement, reuse or rehabilitation of land or the buildings thereon for business, industrial, commercial, multifamily and residential uses or mixtures thereof which are connected or need to be connected to the sewer system of the Town and who need a sewer extension permit. Excluded however shall be existing single family residences for the purpose of expansions and/or additions which do not alter the structures status and or use as a single family residence.
The amount of said payment/contribution shall be based on an equal dwelling unit (EDU) or percentage thereof, "EDU" being a bedroom in a residential dwelling. Percentages are computed using standard flow projections listed in Section 7.15 of Massachusetts Sewer System and Connection, 314 CMR 700. Where Section 7.15 of the Massachusetts Sewer System and Connection, 314 CMR 700 does not provide flow estimation projections for the intended use, the Chief Facility Manager shall determine the estimated flow using the best practical methods available.
[Amended 5-13-2002 ATM by Art. 18]
The current charge per EDU is $500.
[Amended 5-1-2000 ATM by Art. 21]
Payments/contributions made hereunder shall be made prior to issuance of a sewer extension or sewer connection permit or if said permit has been issued, prior to the Permanent Sewer Commission signing off on the occupancy certificate.
The Permanent Sewer Commission may make and issue rules and regulations concerning the implementation of this article.