[Adopted 8-4-87 as Ord. No. 28-87; amended in its entirety 7-6-89 by Ord. No. 14-89]
There shall be created and established the position of Rent Regulation Officer P/T, Department of Planning and Development, City of Orange Township, New Jersey, who, under direction, is responsible for enforcing and carrying out the provisions of the local ordinance and rules regarding the regulation of rents[1] within the community and does related work as required.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 166, Rent Control.
The typical tasks and duties of the Rent Regulation Officer P/T, Department of Planning and Development, shall be as follows:
Collects information and analyzes the housing problems of the community to prevent increases in rent which are exorbitant, speculative and unwarranted.
Determines the internal organization of the rent leveling office and formulates necessary rules and regulations.
Gives appropriate assignments and instructions to subordinates, provides them with advice and assistance when difficult or unusual problems arise and checks their work to see that proper procedures are followed.
Provides the necessary information to members of the Rent Leveling Board and determines the vacancy rate of multiple-dwelling housing space in the community.
Correlates and summarizes all pertinent information regarding properties subject to rent regulation and presents such information, using narrative, comparative statements and other related data, to the Rent Leveling Board at a public hearing.
Supplies information and assistance to landlords and tenants relative to the community's rent regulations and helps them to comply with the provisions of such regulations.
Makes the best use of available funds, personnel, equipment and supplies.
Resolves complaints between tenants and their landlords.
The qualifications of the person appointed Rent Regulation Officer P/T, Department of Planning and Development, pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance shall be as follows:
The satisfactory completion of sixty (60) semester credit hours at an accredited college or university.
Applicants who do not meet the above educational requirements may substitute additional work experience as described below on the basis of one (1) year of experience being equal to thirty (30) semester hours of credit.
Three (3) years of experience involving the investigation of consumer complaints, one (1) of which shall have been in a supervisory capacity.
A thorough knowledge of the policies, procedures and local regulations relative to the control of rents.
The ability to organize assigned tasks and develop effective work methods and to prepare clear, accurate and informative reports containing findings, conclusions and recommendations.
The ability to collect, analyze and evaluate information pertaining to the housing needs of the community and prevailing rental practices and to recommend appropriate policies and procedures thereon.
The ability to develop and issue suitable work assignments and to provide subordinate employees with appropriate instructions, guidance and advice.
The ability to interpret local regulations and policies pertaining to rents and to establish and maintain effective relations with employees, tenants, landlords and public officials.