[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Orange Township 5-15-2001 by Ord. No. 12-2001. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It is the purpose of the chapter and the policy of the municipality to regulate the use of mobile telephones by persons operating motor vehicles in order to protect other persons within the municipality. This chapter shall be liberally construed and applied to promote its purposes and policy.
includes but is not limited to cellular analog, wireless and digital telephones.
For an automatic transmission vehicle that the vehicle is in the park gear, for a standard transmission vehicle that the vehicle is in the neutral gear and the brake is being utilized or the vehicle is otherwise stationary.
To use a mobile telephone in: (a) dialing; (b) answering; (c) talking; (d) listening or (e) reading an optical display.
Permitted uses. Notwithstanding anything contained in this chapter to the contrary, this chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the use of mobile telephones by:
Any law enforcement, public safety or police officers or emergency management personnel in the performance of duties arising out of and in the course of their employment;
A person who is using the mobile telephone to contact public safety forces; or
A person who is using the mobile telephone while maintaining the vehicle in the parked position on public or private property, or with a "hands free device" which allows the operator to maintain both hands on the applicable vehicle steering device while using the mobile telephone.
Restrictions. No person shall operate a motor vehicle on any street or highway while engaging in any conduct defined as the "use" of a mobile telephone unless the operator is using a mobile telephone with "hands free" technology for dialing, answering, talking and listening, and also maintains both hands on the applicable steering device.
Violations of any provision of this chapter shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.).
In the event that any provision of this chapter is found by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unconstitutional or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severable from the remainder of this chapter and shall not cause the invalidity or unenforceability of the remainder of the chapter; and if a provision shall be deemed invalid only because of excessive scope of breadth, the provision shall be deemed valid to the extent of the scope and breadth permitted by law.