[Adopted 11-5-69 by Ord. No. 129-69]
[Amended 6-6-2018 by Ord. No. 21-2018]
No person shall erect or maintain any stoop, step, platform, bay window, cellar door, area, descent into a cellar or basement, post, erection, projection or encroachment of any kind, or any other obstruction or encumbrance, in, over or upon any street, highway or alley, or the sidewalks or crosswalks thereof, unless permission therefor shall have first been given by the City Council by resolution adopted by a majority of its whole number. No person shall allow the same to be maintained after the expiration of 20 days after notice, in writing, to remove the same has been given by the Director of the Public Works Department to the person erecting or maintaining the same.
No person shall post or affix any sign, advertisement, notice, poster, paper, device, or other matter to any public utility pole, shade tree, lamppost, curbstone, sidewalk, or upon any public structure or building, except as may be required by law or authorized. Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, the sponsoring entity shall secure the permission of the owner of any public utility pole for the establishment of eruv wiring as set forth on the attached map (Exhibit 1).[1]
Editor's Note: The map is on file in the City offices.
If the owner or occupant of any premises in front of which is erected or maintained any stoop, steps, platform, bay window, cellar door, area, descent into a cellar or basement, or erection, projection or encroachment of any kind, shall neglect or refuse to remove the same, or such part thereof as shall project or encroach in, over or upon such street, highway or alley, for twenty (20) days after notice given by the Director of the Public Works Department, then the same, or such part thereof, shall be removed by the Director of the Public Works Department, at the expense of such owner or occupants; such expense to be sued for and collected with costs of suit by the Director of the Public Works Department in an action of debt, for the use of the city, in any court of competent jurisdiction.
No person shall be allowed to deposit in any street any materials for the purpose of erecting any building, unless permission is first obtained from the City Engineer stating the portion of the street and the length of time to be so occupied.
The City Engineer shall make the charge as provided in Chapter 88, Fees, or a fraction thereof, for each permit so issued, and each permit is to be limited for the storage of materials to be used in the erection of one (1) building only.
[Amended 5-18-1982 by Ord. No. 16-82]
No person shall play ball or any other game upon any ground kept for the public use of the city, nor shall any person, either upon any sidewalk or highway of the city, engage in coasting or skating or in any game, sport or amusement which may be annoying to persons passing, whether on foot or in a vehicle.