[In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1974 Code have been included in the 2020 Code, or the reason for exclusion.]
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title from 1974 Code
Location in 2020 Code
Ch. I, Administration and Government
Part 1, Elected Officers
Part 2, Appointed Officers
Part 3, Boards and Commissions
Ch. 91
Part 4, Police Department
Ch. 96, Art. I
Part 5, Firemen's Relief
Ch. 44
Part 6, Pensions, Retirement and Social Security
Municipal Employees' Retirement System
Ch. 85, Art. I175
Police Pensions and Retirement
Superseded by Ord. No. 1231; see now Ch. 85, Art. II
Social Security for Officers and Employees
Ch. 118
Part 7, Educational Service Agency
Ch. 26
Part 8, Records Retention
Ch. 103, Art. I
Part 9, Fiscal Affairs
Ch. 112, Art. I
Ch. II, Air Pollution (Reserved)
Ch. III, Animals
Part 1, Dogs
Ch. 160, Art. II
Part 2, Livestock
Ch. 160, Art. III
Part 3, Swine
Ch. 160, Art. I
Ch. IV, Bicycles (Reserved)
Ch. V, Buildings
Part 1, Building Construction
Superseded by Ord. No. 1303; see now Ch. 232
Part 2, Dangerous Buildings
Superseded by Ord. No. 1289; see now Ch. 445, Art. I
Part 3, Numbering of Buildings
Superseded by Ord. No. 1289; see now Ch. 445, Art. I
Part 4, Construction and Development in Flood-Prone Areas
Ch. VI, Code Enforcement
Part 1, Tampering with Certain Property
Ch. 451
Part 2, Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 147
Part 3, Smoking Restrictions
Ch. 493
Part 4, Disorderly Conduct and Disturbance of the Peace
Ch. 418, Art. I
Part 5, Conduct in Certain Public Places
Ch. 418, Art. II
Ch. VII, Curfew
Ch. 238
Ch. VIII, Fire Prevention and Fire Protection
Part 1, Fire Prevention
Ch. 293
Part 2, Fire Protection
Ch. IX, Franchises
Part 1, Electric
Ch. A620
Part 2, Gas
Ch. A621
Part 3, Railroad Sidings
Part 4, Telephone
Ch. A622
Part 5, Television
Ch. A623
Part 6, Water Lines
Ch. X, Garbage and Refuse
Part 1, Collection Service Available to Residents Only
Ch. 510, Art. I
Part 2, Care and Removal of Garbage and Other Refuse
Superseded by Ord. No. 1219; see now Ch. 510, Art. III
Ch. XI, Health and Sanitation
Part 1, Health Administration
Ch. 52
Part 2, Grass, Weeds and Other Vegetation
Superseded by Ord. No. 1289; see now Ch. 445, Art. I
Ch. XII, Housing
Ch. 334, Art. I
Ch. XIII, (Reserved)
Ch. XIV, Licenses, Permits and General Business Regulations
Part 1, Distribution and Posting of Advertising Matter and Other Material
Ch. 134
Part 2, Amusements and Amusement Devices
Ch. 153
Part 3, Loudspeakers and Other Sound Devices
Ch. 390, Art. I
Part 4, Prohibited Businesses and Industries
Ch. 197
Part 5, Solicitation and Transient Business
Ch. 426, Art. I
Ch. XV, Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks (Reserved)
Ch. XVI, Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 560
Part 1, Identification of Certain Nuisances
Ch. 396, Art. I
Part 2, Obscene, Pornographic and Lewd Activities and Materials
Ch. 396, Art. II
Ch. XVIII, Parks and Recreation
Part 1, Rules and Regulations
Ch. 412
Part 2, Clarence S. Fugh Memorial Park
Ch. XIX, Plumbing (Reserved)
Ch. XX, Sewers and Sewage Disposal
Part 1, Sewer Construction and Connection
Ch. 470, Art. I, Art. II, Art. III
Part 2, Sewer Uses
Basic Regulations
Ch. 470, Art. IV
Supplemental Regulations
Superseded; see now Ch. 470, Art. VII
Part 3, Sewer Rates and Charges
Ch. 470, Art. V
Ch. XXI, Stormwater Management
Superseded by Ord. No. 1378; see now Ch. 518
Ch. XXII, Streets and Sidewalks
Part 1, Streets
Datum Plane; Plan of Streets
Street Naming
Street Openings and Excavations
Ch. 524, Art. IV
Part 2, Sidewalks and Curbs
Ch. 524, Art. II
Ch. 524, Art. III
Part 3, Streets and Sidewalks
§§ 101 through 103
§ 105
Ch. 524, Art. I
Ch. 524, Art. V
Ch. XXIII, Subdivision and Land Development (Reserved)
Ch. XXIV, Swimming Pools (Reserved)
Ch. XXV, Taxation; Special
Part 1, Deed Transfer
Part 2, Earned Income, §§ 31 through 33
Ch. 535, Art. I
Part 3, Mercantile License and Business Transaction
Ch. 535, Art. II
Part 4, Occupational Privilege
Ch. 535, Art. III
Part 5, Realty Transfer
Ch. 535, Art. IV
Ch. XXVII, Water
Part 1, Pine Creek
Ch. 596, Art. I
Part 2, Little Pine Creek
Ch. 596, Art. II
Ch. XXVIII, Water Use and Rates
Ch. 587, Art. I