[§ 3.01, Ord. 522, eff. December 18, 1969]
An employee organization that seeks formal recognition as a recognized employee organization for the purpose of meeting and conferring in good faith as the majority representative of employees in an appropriate unit shall file a petition with the Municipal Employee Relations Officer containing the following information and documentation:
The name and address of the employee organization, certified copies of the employee organization's constitution and bylaws, the names and titles of its officers, and the names of employee organization representatives who are authorized to speak on behalf of its members;
A statement as to whether the employee organization is a chapter or local of, or affiliated directly or indirectly in any manner with, any County, regional, State, national, or international organization and, if so, the name and address of each such County, regional, State, national, or international organization;
A statement that the employee organization has no restriction on membership based on race, color, creed, sex, or national origin and that the employee organization recognizes that the provisions of § 923 of the Labor Code of the State are not applicable to City employees;
A statement that the employee organization has, as one of its primary purposes, the representation of employees in their employment relations with the City and the designation of those persons and their addresses, not exceeding one for each 50 members or major portion thereof, to whom notice sent by regular United States mail will be deemed sufficient notice to the employee organization for any purpose;
A statement of the number of members of the employee organization classified by department, division, and job title in the unit claimed to be appropriate for the purpose of meeting and conferring in good faith on all matters within the scope of representation; and
A request that the Municipal Employee Relations Officer determine the appropriate unit, establish the election date for determining the majority representative, and formally acknowledge the majority representative as the recognized employee organization. The petition, including all accompanying documents, shall be verified as true and correct, under oath, by the executive officer and secretary of the employee organization. All changes in such information shall be filed in like manner within 30 days of any such change.
[§ 3.02, Ord. 522, eff. December 18, 1969]
The Municipal Employee Relations Officer, after reviewing the petition filed by an employee organization seeking formal recognition as majority representative and acknowledgment as the recognized employee organization, shall determine whether the proposed unit is an appropriate unit. The principal criterion in making this determination is whether there is a community of interest among such employees. The following factors, among others, are to be considered in making such determination:
Which unit will assure employees the fullest freedom in the exercise of rights set forth under the provisions of this chapter;
The history of employee relations in the unit, among other employees of the City, and in similar public employment;
The effect of the unit on the efficient operation of the City and sound employer-employee relations; and
The extent to which employees have common skills, job duties, working conditions, or departmental assignment.
No unit shall be established solely on the basis of the extent to which employees in the proposed unit have organized.
[§ 3.03, Ord. 522, eff. December 18, 1969]
Any employee organization which is aggrieved by the determination of an appropriate unit by the Municipal Employee Relations Officer may, within 10 days of such determination, appeal such decision to the Council for final determination.
The appeal by the employee organization shall be in writing, and copies shall be filed with the City Clerk and the Municipal Employee Relations Officer.
The Council shall, within 45 days after the filing of the appeal, consider the matter and determine the appropriate unit, and such determination shall be final.
[§ 3.04, Ord. 522, eff. December 18, 1969]
The Municipal Employee Relations Officer shall, after designation of an appropriate unit, determine the majority representative of City employees in such unit by arranging for a secret ballot election. Such election shall be conducted by him in order to assure a free choice by the majority of such employees.
Any employee organization claiming representation of all or any part of the appropriate unit shall be authorized one official observer to observe the balloting and the counting of such ballots.
The employee organization found to represent a majority of the employees in the appropriate unit, as determined by the secret ballot election, shall be formally acknowledged as the recognized employee organization by the Municipal Employee Relations Officer.
The recognized employee organization, determined as provided in this section, shall be the only employee organization entitled to meet and confer in good faith on matters within the scope of representation on behalf of the employees in such unit.
[§ 3.05, Ord. 522, eff. December 18, 1969]
The recognition rights of any recognized employee organization shall not be subject to challenge by any other employee organization for a period of 12 months following the date of such recognition or during the term of any memorandum of understanding between such organization and the City.
Any other employee organization may, however, commence a proceeding to challenge such recognition rights not more than 90 days prior to the expiration of one year or the expiration of any memorandum of understanding, as the case may be, in the manner required for formal recognition.
The Municipal Employee Relations Officer shall withdraw the recognition rights of any recognized employee organization which has been found by secret ballot election to no longer represent a majority of the employees in an appropriate unit.