[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
The City Council finds that tattoo establishments can, if carelessly operated, spread blood borne pathogens and transmit communicable diseases through various means. In order to ensure that tattoo establishments operate safely, the City Council finds that it is necessary for such establishments to be regulated in various ways, including licensing and registration of proprietors and operators and adoption of operating standards to ensure the safety of customers and employees. It is the intent of the City Council for the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services to continue its regulatory functions with respect to tattoo establishments, and for the regulations codified in this chapter to supplement requirements imposed by the County.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
ANTISEPTIC – Shall mean a liquid or semi-liquid substance that is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as indicated on the label, to reduce the number of microorganisms present on the skin and on mucosal surfaces.
BLOOD BORNE PATHOGEN(S) – Shall mean disease causing microorganisms that, when present in the blood, can be transmitted to humans. These microorganisms include, but are not limited to, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
BODY ART – Shall mean the practice of physical body adornment including, but not limited to, the following techniques: body piercing, tattooing, or application of permanent cosmetics.
BODY ART FACILITY – Shall mean the area within a building or other location in which a practitioner performs body piercing, tattooing, or application of permanent cosmetics, including the preparation and procedure area, as defined in this section.
BODY PIERCING – Shall mean the creation of an opening in the human body for the purpose of inserting jewelry or decorative objects. This includes but is not limited to piercing of an ear, lip, tongue, nose, belly button, cheek, forehead, or eyebrow. Body piercing does not, for the purpose of this chapter, include piercing the leading edge or earlobe of the ear with a sterile, disposable, single-use stud or solid needle that is applied using a mechanical device to force the needle or stud through the ear.
CLIENT – Shall mean any individual who receives a body piercing, tattoo or application of permanent cosmetics from a practitioner as defined in this section.
DISINFECTANT – Shall mean a product that is approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as indicated on the label, to reduce or eliminate the presence of disease causing microorganisms.
HEALTH OFFICER – Shall mean the Los Angeles County Health Officer or his or her designee.
INSTRUMENT – Shall mean any tattooing, body piercing or permanent cosmetics equipment or device that comes into contact with intact skin, non-intact skin, or mucosal surfaces. Such equipment includes, but is not limited to, needles, needle bars, needle tubes, forceps, hemostats, tweezers, razors, razor blades, or other tools and devices used to insert pigment or pierce the skin or mucosal surfaces of the human body. Such equipment also includes studs, hoops, rings, or other decorative jewelry, materials or apparatuses inserted into any part of the body for the intended purpose of placement in a hole resulting from piercing.
PERMANENT COSMETICS – Shall mean the application of pigments inserted into or under the surface of human skin for the purpose of permanently changing the color or appearance of the skin. This includes, but is not limited to, permanent eyeliner, eye shadow or lip color.
PRACTITIONER – Shall mean an individual that performs tattooing or body piercing or who applies permanent cosmetics as defined in this chapter.
PREPARATION AREA – Shall mean a room or a designated portion of a room that is used to clean and sterilize reusable instruments that are used for tattooing, body piercing or permanent cosmetics.
PROCEDURE AREA – Shall mean a room or a designated portion of a room where tattooing, body piercing or the application of permanent cosmetics is performed.
PROPRIETOR – Shall mean the person having general control and management over the conduct of business at a body art facility, or the person operating such establishment, whether or not such person is the legal owner of the premises or the business.
PURCHASED PRESTERILIZED EQUIPMENT – Means any individually packaged, single-use instruments, devices and/or needles that are obtained after processing to render them free of all microbial life forms. Each package shall have the manufacturer's processing identification number and date of expiration.
SHARPS WASTE – Shall mean any instrument or object, including but not limited to needles or razor blades, that has been used to penetrate the skin or mucosa to perform tattooing, body piercing or the application of permanent cosmetics or otherwise contaminated by coming into contact with blood or surfaces that have not been disinfected or sterilized.
TATTOOING – Shall mean to pierce or puncture the human skin with a needle or other instrument for the purpose of the application of pigments or the inserting of pigment under the surface of the skin; the application of pigments or inks inserted into or under the skin for the purpose of producing a mark or production of scars.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
Each proprietor shall establish, maintain and follow, at each body art facility, a written Infection Prevention and Control Plan.
The Infection Prevention and Control Plan shall include, at a minimum, the following:
Procedures for cleaning and disinfection of surfaces in the preparation and procedure areas;
Procedures for maintaining the sterility or integrity of instruments, equipment and other material used during tattooing, body piercing or permanent cosmetics;
Procedures for cleaning, packaging, sterilizing and storing reusable instruments and equipment;
Procedures for the safe handling and disposal of sharps waste; and
Inventory (names, manufacturers, container size) of all chemicals and disinfectants and their intended use.
The Infection Prevention and Control Plan shall be revised by the proprietor whenever changes in practices or procedures are made.
The proprietor shall be responsible for ensuring that the Infection Prevention and Control Plan is followed.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
Body art facilities shall conspicuously post their health permits in the facility's lobby.
Body art facilities shall not be used as food establishments, for human habitation or any other use which may cause contamination of the instruments or equipment used for body art procedures.
The floors, furnishings and equipment of body art facilities shall be kept clean at all times during business hours.
Adequate lighting and ventilation shall be provided in the preparation and procedure areas.
Adequate toilet facilities shall be made available. Toilet rooms and bathrooms shall not be used for the storage of instruments or other supplies used for body art activities.
Rooms used for tattooing, body piercing or permanent cosmetic procedures shall be separated by a wall or partition from those areas used for nail, hair and other activities.
All sinks shall be supplied with hot (at least 110° F.) and cold running water.
A readily-accessible sink shall be made available to all body art practitioners and equipped with liquid soap and single-use paper towels dispensed from wall-mounted dispensers that protect the supply from contamination.
Pets and other animals, except for trained guide or assistance animals for the disabled, shall not be allowed in body art facilities. No trained guide or assistance animal shall be allowed in the procedure or preparation areas.
No person in body art facilities shall utilize or maintain body art equipment that does not comply with the requirements of this chapter, unless that equipment is maintained in an appropriately secure viewing area for historical purposes only.
Proprietors shall maintain the body art facilities under their control in a clean and sanitary manner.
All solid surfaces and objects in the procedure and preparation areas shall be immediately cleaned and disinfected after each use with an appropriate bleach solution or other Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA")-registered disinfectant labeled "tuberculocidal." Manufacturer's instructions for concentration, contact time and disposal requirements for all disinfectants must be observed.
All practitioners shall wear disposable gloves when touching, cleaning or handling surfaces or objects soiled or potentially soiled with blood. Disposable gloves worn by body art practitioners shall be promptly removed, and hands immediately washed whenever practitioners leave the procedure or preparation areas.
Each procedure and preparation area shall have waste receptacles which are lined with plastic waste bags manufactured to properly fold over the top margin of the waste container.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
Instruments that pierce the skin or touch non-intact skin and which are intended for reuse shall be cleaned, packaged in appropriately-labeled sterilizer pouches, and sterilized prior to each use.
Used instruments intended for sterilization and reuse shall be placed in a container of clean water until properly cleaned and sterilized. Used instruments must be kept physically separate from sterilized or unused disposable instruments. Disposable instruments must be immediately and directly disposed of in a sharps container or into the appropriate trash receptacle after use.
If used, ultrasonic cleaners shall be maintained and operated according to the manufacturer's instructions.
If an ultrasonic cleaner is not available, instruments shall be manually cleaned and disinfected according to the manufacturer's instructions by scrubbing with a brush and a disinfectant.
Clean instruments waiting to be sterilized shall be placed in sterilizer pouches that contain either a sterilizer indicator or internal temperature indicator. Each pouch shall contain instruments for not more than one client. The outside of the pouch shall be labeled with the name of the instrument, date sterilized and initials of the person operating the sterilizer equipment.
Instruments must be repackaged and resterilized in the following circumstances:
If the pouch is torn or otherwise compromised;
If the indicator shows that adequate temperature was not reached; or
If the items are not used within six months of the date of sterilization indicated on the pouch.
Sterilized instruments must be maintained and stored in sterilized pouches until use.
Sterilizers shall be operated according to manufacturer's instructions. If manufacturer's instructions cannot be obtained, steam sterilization shall be accomplished in an autoclave with at least 15 pounds of pressure per square inch at a temperature of 250° F. for at least 30 minutes or as instructed by the local Health Officer should the standards of sterilization change over time.
Liquid sterilizers shall not be used to sterilize instruments.
Sterilized instruments shall be placed in clean, dry, labeled containers or stored in a labeled cabinet that is protected from dust and water contamination.
Sterilization equipment shall meet the following requirements:
Only sterilizers intended for medical instruments shall be used. Sterilization equipment shall be cleaned and maintained according to manufacturer's instructions.
Sterilization equipment shall be tested after the initial installation, after any major repair, and at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer. If no manufacturer's recommendation can be found, the unit shall be tested at least weekly by a biological monitoring system appropriate for the sterilizer type.
Biological indicator test results shall be maintained on site and available for review for a period of two years subsequent to the date of the results.
A written log of each sterilization cycle shall be maintained on site and available for review for a period of two years, and shall include the following information:
Date of load;
The contents of the load;
The exposure time and temperature; and
The results of the chemical indicator.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
Practitioners using only purchased, disposable, single-use and presterilized instruments shall not be required to use sterilization equipment.
Invoices for the purchase of all presterilized instruments must be maintained on site and available for review for a period of two years after purchase. Required invoices include, but are not limited to, combo couplers, needle chambers, barrels, casings, tips and needles.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
Every practitioner as defined in this chapter shall register with the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services and shall display in an area readily visible to the public proof of registration pursuant to the regulations contained in the California Health and Safety Code.
Registration of all practitioners is required at least every three years.
Proprietors and operators shall comply with all licensing, operating and other regulatory requirements imposed by the County of Los Angeles with respect to tattoo establishments.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
No body art procedures shall be performed on skin surface areas containing any rash, pimple, boil or infection or otherwise manifesting any evidence of unhealthy conditions including, but not limited to, any evidence of inflammation, such as redness, swelling, infection or open or draining lesions.
Prior to commencing a tattooing, body piercing or permanent cosmetic procedure, the client shall read, sign and receive a copy of an informed consent form and all appropriate post-procedure instructions.
A copy of the signed informed consent form and post-procedure instructions provided to each client seeking a body art procedure must be maintained on site and available for review for a period of two years after the procedure is performed.
The consent form and post-procedure instructions shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
A record of information obtained from the client's picture identification card, including the client's name, date of birth, gender, address and driver's license or identification card number;
A summary of the procedure(s) provided, including date, location and description;
What the client should expect post-procedure, including any potential medical complications;
A questionnaire relating to the client's health history, including history of herpes, diabetes, allergic reactions to latex or antibiotics, cardiac valve disease or disease requiring the administration of antibiotics prior to dental or surgical procedures, and hemophilia or any other bleeding disorder or the use of anticoagulants which might affect the healing of the tattoo;
A statement regarding the permanent nature of body piercing, tattooing or permanent cosmetics;
Post-procedure care instructions;
Post-procedure restrictions on activities such as bathing, swimming, gardening or contact with animals;
Information regarding signs and symptoms of infection; and
A statement advising the client that he/she should consult a physician should any of the listed signs and symptoms of infection present themselves.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
No body art procedures shall be performed unless the practitioner is free of all pustular skin lesions and communicable disease that may be transmitted in the normal practice of body art.
No practitioner shall eat, drink or smoke while performing a body art procedure.
Prior to performing any body art procedure, practitioners must thoroughly wash and dry their hands. Practitioners shall only use soap in a single-service soap dispenser, lathering for at least 10 seconds and rinsing under a stream of running water. Practitioners shall dry hands using only single-service towels from a sanitary dispenser or a hot air blower. Practitioners shall wear new, disposable exam gloves for every client. Gloves must be discarded between each client, and hands washed each time gloves are changed. If a glove is pierced, torn or contaminated through contact with any person other than the client or with a contaminated surface, both gloves shall be removed and discarded. A single pair of gloves may not be used on more than one person.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
Body art procedures may only be performed on skin that is adequately prepared prior to the procedure. For purposes of this section, skin shall be considered properly prepared if it is thoroughly cleaned with antiseptic according to the manufacturer's instructions. If necessary, the skin shall be shaved with a new, single-use disposable razor.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
All inks, pigments, petroleum jellies, soaps and other reusable products used in a procedure shall be dispensed from containers so as to prevent contamination of the original container and its contents.
Pigments shall be placed into clean single-use cups or caps that must be disposed of immediately upon completion of the procedure.
Single-use rinse cups shall be disposed of immediately upon completion of the procedure.
Reusable rinse cups shall be cleaned and disinfected upon completion of the procedure.
All inks, dyes and pigments used shall be commercially manufactured for the specific type of procedure and shall be used according to the manufacturer's instructions.
All products applied to the skin, including but not limited to stencils, shall be single-use and disposed of immediately upon completion of the procedure.
Needles and needle bars shall be sterilized prior to tattooing or shall be purchased presterilized. Needles shall be used only once and then disposed of. When the needle bar is to be reused, the practitioner must do the following:
Carefully remove the used needles from the needle bar to reduce the risk of needle stick injury and dispose of in a sharps container; or
Clean the needle bar and needles either by soaking in a disinfectant and scrubbing with a brush, or by using an ultrasonic cleaner, and dispose of the needles in a sharps container.
If the practitioner uses a rotary pen or traditional coil machine that reuses components, the practitioner is required to use sterilization equipment on all reusable parts that make contact with the client or blood.
All rotary pens and other devices used to apply pigments must be designed and used to prevent the backflow of pigments into the machine.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
All jewelry or other objects inserted into newly-pierced skin shall be sterilized or purchased pre-sterilized, in good condition, and designed and manufactured for insertion into the intended body part.
Only jewelry or other objects made of implant-grade stainless steel, solid 14 karat through 24 karat gold, niobium, titanium, platinum or other materials determined to be equally biocompatible shall be placed in newly-pierced skin.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
Each procedure area shall provide a container for the disposal of sharps waste. The container must be rigid, puncture-resistant and leak-proof. The container must also be closeable and sealable so that, when sealed, the container can only be reopened with great difficulty. The container must be labeled with the phrase "SHARPS WASTE" and/or with the international biohazard symbol and the word "BIOHAZARD."
All sharps waste produced during the process of tattooing, body piercing and permanent cosmetics shall be removed and disposed of through use of a Registered Medical Waste Hauler to a qualified Medical Waste Facility in accordance with the provisions of the California Medical Waste Act. Tracking documents must be maintained onsite and available for review for a period of two years from the date of removal from the body art facility.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
Each body art facility shall have a manager on the premises during all hours of operation who shall be responsible for the operations and maintenance of the facility, for compliance with all licensing requirements and to observe and supervise the actions of all persons on the premises.
Each body art facility shall provide a lobby or other seating area where customers and other invitees of the business may be seated while waiting or otherwise not having body art applied.
No body art facility shall knowingly permit loud, boisterous, lewd, violent or threatening behavior by clients or staff while in the facility or in any parking lot or other adjacent area under the control of the body art facility.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
Tattoo designs and styles shall not be displayed on storefront windows or the exterior of any building housing a tattoo establishment. Only the name of the business shall be advertised on the building's exterior.
Customers receiving tattoos shall be screened from the main entrance or lobby and from any storefront window by privacy wells.
Storefront windows of a tattoo establishment shall not be painted or covered in any manner that prevents exterior visibility into the premises.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
No body art facility shall operate except between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on Sunday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturdays.
The hours of operation shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the lobby of the establishment and in a window or other location visible from the outside.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
No body art facility shall be operated in a manner which constitutes a nuisance.
Operation of a body art facility in violation of this chapter or applicable penal or health statute of the State of California shall constitute a public nuisance.
A body art facility may be found to be a nuisance on the basis of multiple violations of this chapter, or any penal or health statute of the State of California or of multiple complaints which have been resolved against the proprietor.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
Potential owners or proprietors who wish to establish a body art facility pursuant to this chapter must apply for and obtain a conditional use permit as set forth in Article 4 of Chapter 9-8 of Title 9 of the AMC before operating such facility.
[§ 1, Ord. 1107-11, eff. April 14, 2011]
Body art facilities shall only be conditionally permitted in areas zoned Commercial or Special Commercial as defined in Articles 2 and 3 of Title 9, Chapter 9-6 of the AMC, except that body art facilities are not permitted on Crescent Avenue or on Pebbly Beach Road between Crescent Avenue and Cabrillo Mole.