[HISTORY: Adopted by the North Wildwood City Council 8-4-2020 by Ord. No. 1813. Amendments noted where applicable.]
All definitions of words, terms and phrases that are set forth in the Communications Act of 1934, P.L. 73-416, as amended by various statutory enactments, including, but not limited to, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, P.L. 104-104, are incorporated herein and are made apart hereof.
All definitions of the words, terms and phrases that are set forth in the portion of the Middle-Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, P.L. 112-96, as codified in 47 USC § 455, are incorporated herein and are made a part hereof.
All definitions of words, terms and phrases that are set forth in the New Jersey Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1, et seq., are incorporated herein and are made apart hereof.
All of the definitions of words, terms and phrases that are set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations at 47 C.F.R. § 1.6002, as amended, are incorporated herein and are made a part hereof.
In addition to the foregoing, the following words, terms and phrases shall have the meanings indicated unless an alternate meaning clearly is discernible from the context in which the word, term or phrase is used:
"Personal Wireless Services," as defined in 47 U.S.C. § 332(c)(7)(C), as supplemented and/or as amended.
The surface, the airspace above the surface and the area below the surface of any street, road, highway, lane, alley, boulevard or drive, including the sidewalk, shoulder and area for utilities owned by the City of North Wildwood within an easement to the public or other easement owned by the City of North Wildwood.
"Small wireless facility," as defined in the Code of Federal Regulations at 47 C.F.R. § 1.6002(1), as supplemented and/or as amended.
A decorative utility pole that conceals, disguises or camouflages one or more small wireless facility installation(s) and may include other features such as street lighting, 911 call service access, public access Wi-Fi and surveillance cameras. A smart pole must allow for multiple occupants and allow space for municipal use for other services and/or equipment. Smart poles shall have neither external latches, external hinges nor external cabling.
[Amended 3-2-2021 by Ord. No. 1833]
A wooden or metal pole that is used by public utilities to support electrical wires, telephone wires, coaxial cables, fiber optic cables and like and similar appurtenances.
In the event that a term, word or phrase is not defined in any of the aforementioned statutes and is not otherwise defined herein then that term, word or phrase shall have its common, ordinary meaning.
No person shall place a small wireless facility in any right-of-way without first filing a small wireless facility siting permit application, in the form specified herein and in accordance with the procedures specified herein, with the City Clerk and obtaining a siting permit therefore, except as otherwise may be provided in this chapter. Upon approval of a siting permit application, the siting permit authorizing placement of a small wireless facility in a public right-of-way shall not be issued by the City Clerk to any applicant unless:
All siting permit application fees and escrow fees, as established herein, have been paid.
All other governmental permits or other governmental approvals that are required for the deployment(s) proposed by the applicant's siting permit application under the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code Act, N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119, et. seq., and the administrative regulations adopted thereunder, Chapter 382, Article V, Street Openings, of the Code of the City of North Wildwood, and by any other applicable federal, state or municipal law have been issued by the appropriate issuing authority therefore to the applicant and the applicant has supplied copies of such other permits or approvals to the City Clerk for inclusion with the applicant's application documents; and
The applicant has entered into a "right-of-way use agreement," the approved form of which is set forth in Appendix B to this chapter,[1] with the City of North Wildwood. The approved form of "right-of-way use agreement" may from time-to-time be revised, supplemented or otherwise amended or replaced. All such revisions, supplements, amendments or replacements shall be approved by resolution of City Council. The City Clerk shall maintain on file the currently approved right-of-way use agreement version and shall provide a copy to all siting permit applicants. Minor deviations to the terms and conditions that are set forth in the approved form of right-of-way use agreement may be approved by City Council at the time that it grants consent to use a right-of-way to a siting permit applicant.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
No siting permit authorizing placement of a small wireless facility in a public right-of-way shall be issued to any applicant unless City Council, in the manner prescribed by applicable laws of the State of New Jersey, has granted to the siting permit applicant its consent to use public rights-of-way within the City.
[Amended 3-2-2021 by Ord. No. 1833]
No application for a small wireless facility siting permit shall be approved if the application proposes the deployment of a small wireless facility upon an existing structure in the right-of-way unless the structure is one of the types of smart poles that are set forth in Appendix A to this chapter[1] and such smart pole specifically is designed to accommodate more than one small wireless facility deployment.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
No small wireless facility shall be installed upon any new structure within any right-of-way unless the new structure is one of the preapproved types of smart poles that are identified in Appendix A to this chapter. A replacement pole shall be considered a new structure. The restrictions on new structures set forth herein shall not apply to new structures to be constructed in the following zoning district: Shopping Center (SC). Appendix A to this chapter from time-to-time may be revised, supplemented or otherwise amended or replaced. All such revisions, supplements, amendments or replacements shall be approved by resolution of City Council. The City Clerk shall provide a copy of Appendix A to all siting permit applicants.
No application for a small wireless facility siting permit shall be approved if the application proposes the deployment of a small wireless facility in an area other than those specific locations set forth within the City’s siting plan, which can be found on file in the Office of the City Clerk. All small wireless facilities must be placed within a twenty-five-foot radius of those specific locations set forth on the City’s siting plan. All smart poles must be located at an intersection unless otherwise described in the City’s siting plan. No more than one smart pole shall be permitted per intersection or block if the siting plan calls for the deployment of a small wireless facility at any location other than an intersection. No smart pole shall be located within 200 feet of another.
Application filing. An application for a siting permit to place one or more small wireless facility within a right-of-way shall be made on forms which shall be available from the Office of the City Clerk. The application, along with the required application fee and the required escrow fee, shall be filed with the City Clerk. Immediately upon receipt of an application, the City Clerk shall provide copies of the application and all supporting documents that were submitted by the applicant with the application, to the City Engineer, the Construction Official and the City Solicitor.
Application form. The small wireless facility siting permit application shall be made by a provider of personal wireless services, or its duly authorized representative as noted in a notarized statement from the provider of personal wireless services on whose behalf the representative is acting, and shall contain the following:
The applicant's name, address, telephone number and email address;
The names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses of all consultants, if any, acting on behalf of the applicant with respect to the filing of the application;
A general description of the proposed small wireless facility, existing structure and new structure work to be performed. The scope and detail of such description shall be appropriate to the nature and character of the work to be performed, with particular emphasis on those matters, including, but not limited to, subservice utilities likely to be affected or impacted by the work proposed along with a description of such other governmental permits or approvals as may be required by applicable law with respect to the proposed installation(s) and a description of such other permits or approvals for which the applicant has applied;
Authorization for any consultant acting on behalf of the applicant to speak with the City, or a designee of the City, on the area of consultation for the applicant even if the applicant cannot be available;
Verification from an appropriate professional that the small wireless facility shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, administrative regulations and codes.
An applicant seeking to deploy a network of small wireless facilities, all of which are to be located in rights-of-way, may file a batched application for up to 25 small wireless facilities and receive a single siting permit for multiple small wireless facilities.
The City shall review the application for a small wireless facility siting permit in light of its conformity with the provisions of this chapter, and shall approve a siting permit on nondiscriminatory terms and conditions subject to the following requirements:
Within 10 days of receiving an application, the City Clerk shall determine and notify the applicant:
Whether the application is complete;
If the application is incomplete, what specific information is missing; and
Whether the deployment of the small wireless facilities as proposed requires the applicant to apply for other permits, such as a street opening permit or construction permit, for which the applicant has not yet applied. No small wireless facility siting permit application shall be deemed complete until the applicant has applied for all other permits and approvals required by all other laws and regulations that are applicable to the applicant's proposed small wireless facility deployment.
Decision by City.
The City shall make its final decision to approve or deny the application within the following timeframes:
Sixty days from the submission of a complete application to install a small wireless facility upon one or more existing structures.
Ninety days from the submission of a complete application to install a small wireless facility upon one or more new structures.
Ninety days from the submission of a complete batched application to install small wireless facilities upon both existing and new structures.
The timeframes described above by which an application shall be either approved or denied may be extended by mutual consent of the applicant and City. Such consent shall be set forth on a form for such purposes which shall be available from the Office of the City Clerk. Such consent on behalf of the City shall be exercised by the Mayor in his/her reasonable discretion.
The City Clerk shall notify the applicant in writing of the final decision, and if the application is denied:
Specify the basis for denial; and
Cite such specific provisions, as may be recommended by the City Solicitor, from federal, state, or local laws, administrative regulations or codes as to why the application was denied.
Notwithstanding an initial denial, the applicant may cure any deficiencies identified by the City within 30 days of the denial without paying an additional application fee, provided the City Clerk shall approve or deny the revised application within 30 days of receipt of the amended application which shall be limited to the deficiencies specified in the original notice of denial.
If the City fails to act upon an application within the timeframes prescribed by this section, the applicant may provide written notice to the City that the application review and decision period has lapsed. Upon receipt of such notice, City Council, by resolution adopted no later than its second regularly scheduled public meeting next following receipt of the notice, shall either deny the application or direct that the siting permit shall be approved and issued. Nothing in this subsection is intended in any way to impact any other right or remedy that may be available to the applicant under applicable federal or state law if the City fails to act upon an application within the timeframes prescribed by this section.
A siting permit from the City authorizes an applicant to undertake only certain activities in accordance with this chapter. No approval or consent granted, or siting permit issued, pursuant to this chapter shall confer any exclusive right, privilege, license or franchise to occupy or use any public right-of-way within the City of North Wildwood for the delivery of telecommunications services or for any other purpose.
No siting permit issued under this chapter shall be valid for a period longer than 12 months unless construction has actually begun and continuously and diligently is pursued to completion. Upon written request from the applicant, the Mayor, upon consultation with the Construction Official, may extend the siting permit for a period of up to 12 months so long as construction has begun at the time that the applicant's request for an extension is made.
A small wireless facility siting permit shall not be required for:
Routine maintenance of a small wireless facility; and
The replacement of a small wireless facility with another small wireless facility that is substantially similar or smaller in size, weight and height to the small wireless facility that is being replaced.
Provided; however, that on a location where the City and/or another provider has placed equipment or facilities, any routine maintenance or replacement that is done shall not occur until written authorization from the City and/or the other provider, as the case may be, to proceed is provided to the City, which authorization to proceed shall not unreasonably be withheld by the City and/or the other provider.
Provided further that if the replacement of a small wireless facility with another small wireless facility includes replacement of the structure to which the small wireless facility is attached then an application for a siting permit shall be required.
All applications for approval and issuance of a small wireless facility siting permit pursuant to this chapter shall be accompanied by a fee as follows:
For applications that do not include the installation of any new structures within a right-of-way the application fee shall be $500 for up to five small wireless facilities with an additional $100 for each small wireless facility beyond five.
For applications that include the installation of a new structure within a right-of-way the application fee shall be $1,000 for up to five small wireless facilities with an additional $100 for each small wireless facility beyond five.
In addition to the application fee, all applications for approval and issuance of a small wireless facility siting permit shall be accompanied by an escrow fee as follows:
For applications whose proposed small wireless facility deployment(s) will not require a street opening permit pursuant to Chapter 382, Article V, Street Openings, of the Code of the City of North Wildwood: $5,000.
For applications whose proposed small wireless facility deployment(s) will require a street opening permit pursuant to Chapter 382, Article V, Street Openings, of the Code of the City of North Wildwood: $7,500.
The escrow account deposits are required to pay for the costs of professional services, including engineering, planning, legal and other third-party professional consulting expenses connected with the review of submitted materials, including any traffic engineering review or other special analyses related to the City's review of the materials submitted by the applicant and the preparation of any reports or any necessary legal agreement regarding rights-of-way use. An applicant is required to reimburse the City for all fees, costs and expenses of third-party professionals and consultants incurred and paid by the City for the review process of a small wireless facility siting permit application, such as, but not limited to:
Professional fees for reviews by third-party professionals or consultants of applications, plans and accompanying documents;
Issuance of reports or analyses by third-party professionals or consultants to the City setting forth recommendations resulting from the review of any documents submitted by the applicant;
Charges for any telephone conference(s) or meeting(s), including travel expenses, requested or initiated by the applicant, the applicant's attorney or any of the applicant's experts or representatives;
Review of additional documents submitted by the applicant and issuance of reports or analyses relating thereto;
Review or preparation of right-of-way use agreements, easements, deeds, right-of-way municipal consent ordinances or resolutions and any and all other like or similar documents; and
Preparation for and attendance at all meetings by third-party professionals or consultants serving the City, such as the City Attorney, City Engineer and City Planner or other experts as required.
The escrow account deposits shall be placed in a separate account by the City's Chief Financial Officer at the request of the City Clerk and an accounting shall be kept of each applicant's deposit. Thereafter:
All third-party professional or consultant fees, costs, expenses and charges shall be paid from the escrow account and charged to the applicant;
Upon either final denial of a small wireless facility siting permit application or upon issuance of a small wireless facility siting permit, any moneys not expended for third-party professional or consulting services shall be returned to the applicant within 90 days upon written request by the applicant and as authorized by the City Council;
If at any time during the application review process 75% of the money originally posted shall have been expended, the applicant shall be required to replenish the escrow deposit to 100% of the amount originally deposited by the applicant;
No small wireless facility siting permit application shall be considered complete until such time as the required escrow fee has been posted to guarantee payment of third-party professional or consultant fees, costs, expenses and charges;
All payments charged to the escrow deposit shall be pursuant to vouchers from the third-party professionals or consultants stating the hours spent, the hourly rate and the fees, costs, expenses and charges incurred;
Third-party professionals and consultants submitting charges pursuant to this section shall be permitted to charge for such services at the same rates as they would charge their private clients for like or similar work provided that:
Professional fees are billed at rates that do not exceed such professional fees as are customarily charged by other like professionals and consultants performing similar work within Cape May County; and
Out-of-pocket costs, expenses and charges are billed on a dollar-for-dollar basis with no mark-up being permitted;
The City shall render a written final accounting to the applicant on the uses to which the escrow deposit was put. The written final accounting shall include copies of all vouchers that were submitted by third-party professionals and consultants and paid by the City.
An applicant whose siting permit includes the installation of any new smart pole structure of any of the types that are included in Appendix A to this chapter[1] shall provide the City with access to any of the technological features that are a component the new smart pole structure such as, for example, public access Wi-Fi, 911 call service or security cameras, before the applicant offers such access to any other person or entity. Should the City decide to utilize any such technological features then the City, on an annual basis, shall reimburse the applicant or the subsequent owner of the structure, the costs, on a dollar-for-dollar basis, of providing the City with such access. Such costs shall be limited to the costs of providing electricity to the components used by the City and the costs of any repairs required to be made to the components used by the City, unless the repair costs are necessitated by the acts of the applicant or subsequent owner of the structure, without regard to whether such acts are negligent or intentional.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this chapter, to the extent of such inconsistencies only, be and the same hereby are repealed.
This chapter shall take effect immediately upon final passage and publication as provided by law.