[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Winchester effective 10-10-1987 (§ 148 of the prior compilation). Amendments noted where applicable.]
There shall be a commission to study the needs of the aged and to coordinate programs for such persons in the Town of Winchester, consisting of nine electors of the Town of Winchester, appointed by the Board of Selectmen. The members so appointed shall be persons interested in the consideration and solution of the problems of the aged. In addition to the nine members of the Commission, the Mayor, or his designee, and the Town Manager shall be ex-officio members of the Commission. Three appointments shall be for three years, three appointments for two years and three appointments for one year. The Board of Selectmen shall fill any vacancy in any such position for the unexpired portion of a member's term pursuant to the provisions of the Town Charter.
A Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and a Secretary shall be elected by the members of the Commission from among the members. The Commission shall be empowered to determine the time and place of its meeting and agenda.
The Commission may recommend candidate(s) to the Town Manager for the appointment of the Senior Citizen Director. The Commission may further recommend to the Town Manager such other personnel as it may deem necessary and proper for the effective administration, management and operation of the Senior Center and for the other senior citizen activities, provided that there shall be sufficient funds appropriated for the employment of such other personnel.
In the alternative, the Director shall employ such other personnel as he deems necessary and proper, subject to prior consultation with the Commission and approval of the Town Manager, provided that there shall be sufficient funds appropriated for the employment of such other personnel.
The Commission shall study the conditions and needs of elderly persons in the community in relation to housing, economics, employment, health, recreation, transportation and other necessary matters. The Commission shall analyze the services provided to the aged by both public and private agencies, and shall recommend to and advise the Town Manager and the Director of the policies, programs and actions the Commission deems necessary for the effective administration, management and operation of the Senior Center and other major senior citizen activities.
The Director shall be responsible for the implementation of the policies promulgated by the Town of Winchester and shall be responsible for all phases of the administration and management of the Senior Center and other senior citizen activities, including their daily operations. The Director shall further assist elderly persons in learning of the community resources available to them and shall assist such elderly persons in applying for federal, state and local benefits. In addition, the Director shall publicize and make known the availability of such federal, state and local resources and benefits. The Director shall be subject to all applicable state guidelines and regulations in the daily operation of the Senior Center and for other senior citizen activities.
The Commission established by this chapter shall neither practice nor allow any discrimination because of any person's sex, color, creed, national origin or political views.