[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Winchester effective 7-1-1954 (§ 37 of the prior compilation). Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any machine which, upon the insertion of a coin, slug or token or upon payment of a charge, releases balls which are propelled by a plunger across a board and register scores by striking pins, posts, levers or bumpers or by falling into holes or slots, or any machine which, upon insertion of a coin or slug or the payment of a charge, is operated to register a score or tally of any kind. It shall include such devices as pin-ball or pin-game machines.
An individual, partnership, corporation, club or association in whose place of business or upon whose premises any such machine or device is placed for use by the public.
No person shall, in any place open to the general public or occupied by any club or association, place or locate any mechanical amusement device until he shall have obtained a license therefor from the Chief of Police.
The owner of the business or establishment where the mechanical amusement device is to be kept for use by the public shall make application for said license to the Chief of Police upon a form furnished by him and which shall contain the following information:
Name of applicant; if a partnership, names of all partners; if a corporation, club or association, names of officers.
Residence of applicant.
Place and state of birth; if a corporation, club or association, date organized and under laws of what state, and place and date of birth of officers.
Location of place where licensed business is to be conducted.
Type of business.
Citizenship status of applicant or of officers, if applicant is a corporation, club or association.
Whether applicant or, if a corporation, club or association, officers have ever been convicted of a crime.
Number of mechanical amusement device machines for which license is sought.
The Chief of Police shall investigate the character and record of the applicant for a license and the location wherein it is proposed to operate the machine described in the application. He shall not approve the application unless he finds that the applicant is 21 years of age or over and is a person of good moral character and that the business or activity carried on in such a location is a bona fide and lawful one.
In case of the denial of an application or refusal to issue or renew a license, the Chief of Police shall notify the applicant of such action and set a day and place for a hearing thereon, giving the applicant reasonable notice in advance thereof and an opportunity to be represented by counsel at such hearing. Said hearing shall be held before the Board of Selectmen.
The annual license fee for each mechanical amusement device shall be $100. One mechanical amusement device may be substituted by a licensee for another similar machine or device under his license, but in the event of a sale or transfer of his business by a licensee a new license shall be obtained by the transferee, and the transferor shall notify the Chief of Police of such sale or transfer.
All licenses and renewals thereof shall expire on May 31 each year.
The license shall be conspicuously posted in the place of business of the licensee and each licensee shall maintain good order in his place of business, shall not permit any mechanical amusement device to be used for gambling, and shall not harbor in his place of business persons under 16 years of age or allow them to congregate therein or play said amusement device. A violation of this section by an agent or employee of a licensee shall be deemed a violation thereof by the licensee.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined not less than $25 nor more than $150.
The Chief of Police shall have the power to revoke any license issued hereunder for cause upon due notice in writing to the licensee and an opportunity to be heard before the Board of Selectmen and to be represented by counsel at such hearing. Cause shall be deemed to include, but not to be limited to, conviction of a crime subsequent to the granting of the license, false information in the application for a license or any violation of this chapter.