[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Winchester effective 8-12-1974 (§ 116 of the prior compilation). Amendments noted where applicable.]
The regulation of special events and the supervision of such events are hereby declared necessary for the protection of the health, property, safety and welfare of the public.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any public gathering of more than 500 persons but less than 3,000 persons assembled at one time for one particular event held out of doors. The term "special event" shall not be interpreted to include the normal operation of existing enterprises.
No special event shall be held without a valid license. Application for a license for the holding of such a performance shall be made to the Board of Selectmen at least 30 days before the opening day of the proposed performance, except that the Board of Selectman may, for good cause, waive this thirty-day requirement. A public hearing may be held if the same is deemed necessary or advisable by the Board of Selectmen. Such public hearing shall be held not more than 10 days after receipt of the application after public notice in a newspaper having a circulation in said Town at least three days before the day of such hearing. The application shall be granted or denied within five days after such hearing; and if no hearing is held, the application shall be granted or denied within 15 days after receipt of the application.
The application for such a license shall be made in the name of the person or persons, corporation, club or association responsible for the presentation. A fee as set from time to time by the Board of Selectmen shall be paid at the time of the application, except that no fee shall be required of a charitable or nonprofit organization. The application shall contain the following information under oath:
Names of applicants and, if a partnership, the names of all partners; if a corporation, club or association, the names of the officers thereof.
The residence of the applicants.
Age of all the applicants; if a corporation, club or association, the date incorporated or organized under the laws of what state.
Type of business or activity.
Whether the applicants, or if a corporation, club or association, the officers thereof, have ever been convicted of a crime.
Description of the type of event to be held and dates and hours to be held. No license shall be valid for more than three consecutive days.
Location where event will be held.
That the proposed activity will comply with the Town's Zoning Regulations.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 415, Zoning Regulations.
Anticipated maximum number of persons who will be assembled at one time for the event: No persons in excess of this number shall be permitted within the confines of the site of the event.
Plot plan or sketch of facilities and description of plans to comply with local, state and other applicable standards for:
Food services.
Drinking water.
Fire prevention.
Fire protection.
Refuse disposal.
Law enforcement.
Traffic control.
First aid.
The facilities described shall be subject to review by the Fire Marshal, Building Official, Chief of Police and Director of Health of the Town within 48 hours of the time that the event is scheduled to begin.
Licenses shall be granted by the Board of Selectman only to suitable persons over 18 years of age or corporations, clubs or associations whose officers are all over 18 years of age and upon a finding that the business or activity in such a location is a bona fide and otherwise lawful one and after ascertaining that adequate provision has been made to meet the requirements for the items specified in § 334-4J of this chapter and these items have been approved by the authorities designated in § 334-4K.
No license may be transferred by a licensee to any other person, corporation, partnership, club or association. The licensee shall maintain proper sanitary conditions and continue to provide adequate standards for all items covered by the application throughout the period of the activity and shall be responsible for payment of police officers needed and other expenses incurred to comply with this chapter for the period of the activity.
The Board of Selectman shall have the power to revoke any license issued hereunder for cause, after due notice. Cause shall be deemed to include, but shall not be limited to, false information in the application for a license knowingly given, failure to show good intent to comply with the condition under which the license has been granted, any violation of this chapter or conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude subsequent to the issuance of the license.
Any person, corporation, partnership, club or association violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined not more than $100 for each offense. Each day on which any provision of this chapter is violated shall constitute a separate offense.
Each separate provision of this chapter shall be deemed independent of all other provisions herein and if any provision of this chapter shall be declared invalid, all other provisions thereof shall remain valid and enforceable.