There is hereby established within the Town a cultural district
which shall have the following physical boundaries:
Beginning at the intersection of S. Main Street and Whiting
Street, said intersection being the southeast corner of the herein
described District; then continuing northwest along the whole of Whiting
Street (to include all firms and buildings located on that section
of street) to its intersection with Holabird Avenue; then continuing
westward along the center line of Holabird Avenue to its intersection
with N. Main Street; then continuing north along and including the
Whole of N. Main Street to its intersection with Wetmore Avenue; then
continuing left along the center line of Wetmore Avenue to its intersection
with Hinsdale Avenue; then continuing westward along the whole of
Hinsdale Avenue (to include all firms and businesses located on that
section of street) to its intersection with Main Street; then continuing
north along Main Street to its intersection with Division Street;
then continuing west along the whole of Division Street (to include
any abutting parcels) to its intersection with Meadow Street; then
continuing south along the whole of Meadow Street (to include all
firms and buildings located along that section of street) to its intersection
with Lake and Prospect Streets; then continuing southeast along the
whole of Prospect Street (to include all firms and buildings located
along that section of street) to its intersection with Bridge Street;
then continuing north along the whole of Bridge Street (to include
all firms and buildings located along that section of street) to its
intersection with Willow Street; then continuing east along the whole
of Willow Street (to include all firms and buildings located along
that section of street) to its intersection with Rowley Street; then
continuing northeast along the whole of Rowley Street (to include
all firms and buildings located along that section of street) to its
intersection with Main Street; then continuing southeast along the
whole of Main Street (to include all firms and buildings located along
that section of street) to its intersection with Whiting Street and
the point and place of beginning.
The Town shall prepare a map which shall show the boundaries of the cultural district set forth in §
22-1 of this chapter, and shall identify and inventory all cultural assets located within said district, which assets shall include, but not be limited to, all cultural facilities, artistic spaces, creative businesses, historic sites, and locations of cultural activities, both indoor and outdoor.