[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Winchester 8-21-2023. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Pursuant to the terms of Article III, Section 302, Subsection A of the Town Charter, there is hereby established the Winchester Historic Commission.
The purpose and intent of this chapter is to safeguard the heritage of the Town of Winchester by preserving the elements of its historic, cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history; to actively seek funding sources for historic preservation projects and to advise Town staff and elected boards and commissions on matters pertaining to historic preservation; and to promote the use of historic sites for the education, welfare and pleasure of the citizens of Winchester and of the general public.
[Amended 1-2-2024; 4-15-2024]
Said Commission shall consist of up to nine members, appointed by the Board of Selectmen, with a minimum of at least one of whom shall be the Municipal Historian (also known as the "Town Historian"). The terms of the nine regular members shall be as follows: three members' terms expire December 31, 2024; three members' terms expire December 31, 2025; and three members' terms expire December 31, 2026. Thereafter, the terms of all members appointed shall be for three years. The Town Manager may, for a period not to exceed one year, fill any vacancy for the balance of the term of such vacant position. "Vacancy," as used herein, shall be deemed to result upon the expiration of the term of a member or the resignation, removal from the Town of Winchester, or the death of any member. Nothing herein shall prohibit reappointment by the Board of Selectmen of a member at the expiration of their current term. All members shall be electors of the Town of Winchester. Members of the Historic Commission shall serve without compensation.
The Commission, subject to the approval of the Board of Selectmen, shall designate sites and buildings owned or hereafter acquired by the Town of Winchester as historic land sites, and, upon such approval by the Board, such sites shall come under the purview of the Commission. The Commission may from time to time recommend to the Town Manager and Board of Selectmen the acquisition or relinquishment of additional historic land sites.
The Commission shall be charged with serving in an advisory capacity to guide the development, management, operation, improvement and maintenance of the historic land sites so designated and shall, additionally, institute and carry out programs designed to acquaint the general public with the historical, cultural and economic history of the Town of Winchester.
The Commission may create subcommittees of their membership to constitute Historic District Commissions for the purpose of working to establish and manage historic districts within the Town of Winchester.
The Historic Commission, with the assistance of the Town Historian(s), shall:
[Added 4-15-2024]
Promote an awareness of and an appreciation for the Town's history by the following methods: through research, writing and public speaking; through publications, projects, exhibits, displays, celebrations and commemorations; through the maintenance of plaques, markers and monuments; and through the preparation of classroom aids, guides, workshops and training.
Advise the Town government on historical issues and subjects, including historical objects, structures, sites, districts, preservation and National Register properties.
Serve as a liaison among the Town's museums, libraries and historical organizations, and with similar outside groups, to encourage historical coordination, cooperation and resource-sharing, as well as maintaining a reference library of historical information and serving as a central referral point for informational inquiries.
[Added 4-15-2024]
Pursuant to C.G.S. § 7-148(c)(5)(d), the Town Historian(s) shall be appointed to promote a knowledge, appreciation and dissemination of Town history.
The Town Historian(s) shall be a legal resident and elector of the Town.
The Town Historian(s) shall be qualified by a knowledge of Town history as well as state and American history, by a knowledge of historical research, and by good writing and speaking skills.
Term of office; method of appointment.
The Town Historian(s) shall be appointed to a term of three years by the Board of Selectmen. The same person may be reappointed for additional terms.
A vacancy in the position of Town Historian shall be appointed by the Historic Commission and confirmation by the Board of Selectmen for the unexpired portion of the term vacated.
The Town Historian shall serve without compensation.
The Commission shall elect its own Chairman and such officers as may be necessary at any meeting in January of each year.
The Commission shall establish regular meetings at least once each month and designate the time and place thereof.
Each Commissioner shall be notified of all meetings, and public notice, on the Town’s website and in the Town Clerk’s office in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, shall be given of all meetings.
The Commission shall adopt rules and regulations for the operation of meetings and the transaction of business within its jurisdiction and shall keep records of all its proceedings in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.
The Commission shall prepare a requested annual operating budget for the following fiscal year for submission to the Town Manager on or before the first day of January in each year.
The Commission shall submit recommendations to the Town Manager for historic-preservation-related projects to be funded by the Capital Improvement Plan for the ensuing five-year period on or before the first day of January in each year.
The Commission shall make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen regarding reasonable charges for the use by the public of historic landmark sites and for any of its purposes as set out above.
The Commission shall have the right to call upon any other department of the Town government for assistance in performing its duties. Any question as to what shall constitute a proper request for assistance shall be decided by the Town Manager.
The Commission may receive gifts in the name of the municipality for any of its purposes and shall make recommendations regarding the administration of the same for such purposes, subject to the terms of the gift.
[Added 4-15-2024]
No person shall have the right to expend any public funds of the Town in carrying out any activity authorized by this chapter without prior approval by the Board of Selectmen, nor shall any person have the right to bind the Town by contract, agreement or otherwise without prior approval of the Board of Selectmen.
[Added 4-15-2024]
This chapter shall not be construed to conflict with any federal or state statutes, the Charter, rules, regulations or Town ordinances.
If any part of this chapter shall be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, all other parts shall remain in full force and effect.