[Adopted 4-3-1918 by Ord. No. 282 (Ch. 71, Art. V, of the 1966 Code)]
Editor's Note: Parts of this article that were superseded by Article II were omitted.
No person shall place or cause to be placed any obstruction above, upon or under any public highway, except upon the consent and subject to such conditions as this Borough may impose and then at the risk and responsibility of such person.
When in the performance of duty, the following vehicles shall have the right-of-way:
United States Mail.
Fire Department.
Emergency repair service corporations.
The military.
When two or more vehicles shall arrive at a street intersection at the same time, the vehicle to the right hand of any driver shall have the right-of-way.
A vehicle shall not so occupy any street or alley as to obstruct traffic.
A vehicle meeting another shall pass to the right.
A vehicle overtaking another shall pass to the left and not pull over to the right until entirely clear of it.
A vehicle turning into a street to the right shall turn the corner as near the right-hand curb as practicable.
A vehicle turning into a street to the left shall pass around the point of intersection of the streets, but if so directed by the traffic officer it shall pass in front of instead of around the point of intersection.
A vehicle crossing from one side of the street to the other shall do so by turning around in the direction the traffic is going.
A vehicle shall keep as near as practicable to the right-hand curb so as to leave the center of the street clear for overtaking traffic; the slower the speed the nearer the curb.
A vehicle passing around a circle shall keep to the right from entrance to exit.
A vehicle shall not back to make a turn if it obstructs traffic, but shall to around the block or to a street wide and clear enough for the purpose.
A vehicle shall not follow another too closely for safety.
A vehicle, on the approach of fire apparatus moving in the same or in the opposite direction, shall stop so as not to interfere with the passage of said apparatus, and shall not pass said apparatus when it is in motion.
A vehicle shall not follow any piece of fire apparatus to the scene of a fire until all fire apparatus shall have sufficient time to reach the fire, and persons must not congregate or travel on the highway near the scene of a fire so as to interfere with the work of the firemen.
A vehicle shall not stop with its left side to the curb.
A vehicle waiting in front of an entrance to a building shall promptly give way to a vehicle arriving to take up or set down passengers.
A vehicle shall not stand within any portion of a street or alley for a longer period of time than that designated by signs erected upon said street or alley by this Borough, nor shall a vehicle stand within 20 feet of a fire hydrant.
A vehicle shall not stand on any street or alley so as to prevent the free passage of other vehicles in both directions at the same time.
A vehicle shall not stand at any angle backed up or head-on to a curb, except while actually loading or unloading, and if horse-drawn and with four wheels, the horses shall stand parallel with the curb, facing in the direction of traffic.
A vehicle shall not stop in any street except near the curb and then so as not to obstruct a crossing or crosswalk, except to allow another vehicle or pedestrian to cross its path.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 71-66G of the 1966 Code, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed by Ord. No. 383 on 9-16-1926.
A vehicle driver when slowing or stopping shall give signal by hand or whip, or in some other unmistakable manner.
In turning while in motion, or in starting to turn from a standstill, a signal shall be given by raising the whip or hand and indicating with it the direction in which the turn is to be made.
A vehicle before backing shall give ample warning.
Police whistle signals shall indicate:
One blast: north and south traffic stops and east and west proceeds.
Two blasts: east and west traffic stops and north and south proceeds.
Three or more blasts: the approach of fire apparatus or other danger.
The driver of a vehicle carrying bright lights shall dim them when approaching another vehicle.
Sound signals are prohibited except for necessary warning.
The speed of vehicles shall not exceed the rate of speed established by law, and all vehicles shall proceed with great caution, especially in making turns, in crossing streets, alleys, crosswalks and sidewalks and in passing other vehicles.
A vehicle's use is prohibited when so constructed, enclosed, equipped or loaded as to be dangerous, retard traffic or prevent the driver from having a view sufficient for safety.
A vehicle's use is prohibited when so loaded with iron or other material as to create loud noises while in transit.
A vehicle when loaded with any material extending beyond its rear shall be provided with a red flag by day and a red light at night on the extreme rear of such load.
A vehicle shall not tow more than one other vehicle, and the connection shall be not longer than 16 feet.
A motor vehicle left standing without an operator in charge shall be efficiently locked and its emergency brake set.
No person under 16 years of age, whether the owner of a vehicle or not, shall operate any motor vehicle upon any of the public streets of this Borough.
No one shall ride upon the rear of a vehicle without the driver's consent nor with any part of his body protruding.
The use of motor muffler cutouts and the emission of dense smoke from motors are prohibited.
A horse shall not be left unattended in a street, alley or unenclosed space without being securely fastened, unless harnessed to a vehicle with wheels so secured as to prevent its being dragged faster than a walk.
A driver shall hold the reins in his hands continuously while riding, driving or leading a horse.
No one shall overload, over-ride, ill-treat or unnecessarily whip any horse.
No one shall crack or so use a whip as to excite any horse other than that which he is using, or so as to annoy, interfere with or endanger any person.
No one shall use a horse unless it is fit for its work, free from lameness or sores likely to cause pain, and from any vice or disease likely to cause accident, injury or infection.
In crossing streets at places other than the regular crossings, pedestrians must exercise a high degree of care.
All persons are prohibited from congregating or standing on the sidewalks or crossings so as to interfere with free traffic at any time.
Pedestrians and drivers shall at all times observe and obey the directions and orders given them by the policemen of this Borough with reference to the use of the highways.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article, upon conviction before the Mayor or any Magisterial, District Judge, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $50 with costs and, in default of the payment thereof, shall be sentenced to imprisonment in the county jail for a period not to exceed 30 days.