[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Clearfield 3-21-1932 by Ord. No. 433 (Ch. 14 of the 1966 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
It shall be the duty of the owners of all buildings which have been or may hereafter be partly or completely destroyed by fire to clean up the premises, remove the debris and either tear down and remove the unburned portion or restore the same to a tenantable or inhabitable condition within 60 days after the occurrence of any fire and without any notice from the Borough to that effect.
Any building which shall be permitted by the owner to become dilapidated, dangerous or unsightly so as to be a detriment to the community, and any new erection which is or hereafter may be left uncompleted and by reason thereof has been or may become hazardous, unsightly, obnoxious or dangerous, are hereby declared to be nuisances and the Borough may upon 30 days' notice require the owner or owners thereof to abate such nuisances.
[Amended 5-6-1968 by Ord. No. 966]
Upon the failure of any owner or owners to comply with the provisions of § 224-1 hereof without notice, or upon failure to comply with § 224-2 hereof after 30 days' notice, the Borough may abate such nuisance or nuisances and recover the cost thereof from the owner or owners, together with a penalty of 10% of such cost; such sum may be recovered by an action of assumpsit or by the entry of a municipal lien therefor.
It shall be sufficient notice to the owner under §§ 224-1 and 224-2 to make service upon the occupant of the premises, if any; or if there be no occupant, then upon the owner personally, if found within a convenient distance, or by registered mail to his or their last known address. Should service in any such manner be impossible, it shall be sufficient to post a notice upon the premises and, at the expiration of 30 days thereafter, if the nuisance is not abated the Borough may proceed as hereinbefore set forth.
[Amended 5-3-1968 by Ord. No. 966]
Any person being convicted before the Mayor or any Magisterial District Judge of the Borough for violation of this chapter shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $100, provided that such fine shall be in addition to the cost of removal and the 10% penalty set forth in § 224-3.