[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Clearfield 10-18-2001 by Ord. No. 1238 (Ch. 31A of the 1966 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
A written request for historical signs shall be made to the Borough Council Planning and Zoning Committee.
The Borough of Clearfield shall not be responsible for maintenance, upkeep, or liability of or for any historical sign placed in accord with this chapter.
The Borough of Clearfield, in order to maintain a neat and uniform appearance, shall have the right to remove unsightly or damaged historical signs.
The wording of historical signs must be factual and contain historically significant information that can be found in a published historical record and/or authenticated by the Clearfield County Historical Society.
The Borough of Clearfield has the right to deny or change the wording of a proposed historical sign such that it meets those standards set forth in Subsection A above.
The applicant for the placement of any sign must receive Penn DOT permission if the historical sign is in a Penn DOT right-of-way.
The historical sign pattern or style is to resemble the Georgia Type Pattern or be similar to the current style of historical signs already placed at the time this chapter is enacted.
Historical signs must also comply with sign guidelines established in Section 515, Signs, of the current Borough of Clearfield Zoning Ordinance or any amendments thereto.
That the Borough Secretary shall enter this chapter in the Borough Ordinance Book, as required by law, and this chapter shall take effect and be in full force from and after the date of enactment.