[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Clearfield 4-23-1992 by Ord. No. 1172; amended in its entirety 9-20-2007 by Ord. No. 1297 (Ch. 12A of the 1966 Code). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The Council of the Borough of Clearfield hereby creates the office or position of Borough Operations Manager.
The Borough Operations Manager shall be appointed on an annual basis for a term of one year by a majority vote of Borough Council. The Manager shall serve at the pleasure of the Council and may be removed at any time by a majority vote of Council consistent with any provisions for termination set forth within the Borough Operations Manager contract.
The salary of the Borough Operations Manager shall be fixed and determined by the Council of Clearfield Borough.
Before entering upon his duties, the Borough Operations Manager shall give a bond to the Borough with a bonding company as surety, to be approved by Council, in the sum of $100,000 conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties. The premium for said bond is to be paid by the Borough.
The Borough Operations Manager during the course of employment in that position shall be a resident of either Clearfield Borough or Lawrence Township. The Manager need not be a resident at the time of his appointment, but upon appointment shall move and reside within Clearfield Borough or Lawrence Township within a reasonable period of time, to be determined by Borough Council.
Subject to modification or recall by ordinance of Borough Council, the powers and duties of the Borough Operations Manager shall include the following:
The Borough Operations Manager shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the Borough and shall be responsible to the Borough Council as a whole for the proper and efficient administration of the affairs of the Borough.
The powers and duties of administration of all Borough business shall be vested in the Manager, unless expressly imposed or conferred by statute upon other Borough officers.
The Borough Operations Manager shall manage and supervise and is responsible for the activities of all municipal departments, except for the Police Department. As to the Police Department, the Mayor may designate or allow certain duties or supervision to be exercised by the Manager as the Mayor deems fit.
The Borough Operations Manager hires, and when necessary for the good of the service, shall suspend or discharge any employee under the Manager's supervision, except those persons covered by the Civil Service provisions of the Borough Code and those covered by union contracts who shall be hired, suspended or discharged in accordance with such provisions. The Manager shall report, at the next meeting thereafter of Council, any action taken.
The Manager shall be responsible for the administration of the budget after its adoption by the Council.
The Manager shall develop long-range fiscal plans for the Borough to be presented as necessary to the Council for its review and adoption.
The Manager shall hold such other municipal offices and head such municipal departments as the Council may from time to time direct.
The Manager shall attend all meetings of Council and its committees, unless excused by the President of Council. The Manager shall have the right to take part in discussions of Council. The Manager shall receive notice of all special meetings of Council and its committees.
The Manager shall prepare the agenda for each meeting of Council and supply facts pertinent thereto.
The Manager shall keep the Borough Council informed as to the conduct of Borough affairs; submit periodic reports on the condition of the Borough finances and such other reports as the Council requests and make such recommendations to the Council as the Manager deems advisable.
The Manager shall see that the provisions of all franchises, leases, permits and privileges granted by the Borough are observed.
The Manager shall employ, by and with the approval of Council, experts and consultants to perform work and to advise in connection with any of the functions of the Borough.
The Manager shall be responsible for letting of contracts in due form of law and supervising the performance and faithful execution of all contracts except insofar as such duties are expressly imposed by statute upon some other Borough officer.
The Manager shall see that all money owed to the Borough is promptly paid and that proper proceedings are taken for the security and collection of all the Borough's claims.
The Manager shall act as the purchasing officer of the Borough and purchase, in accordance with the provisions of the Borough Code, all supplies and equipment for the agencies, boards, departments, and other offices of the Borough.
The Manager shall keep an account of all purchases and shall, from time to time or when directed by Council, make a full written report thereof.
The Manager shall issue rules and regulations, subject to the approval of Council, governing the procurement of all municipal supplies and equipment.
The Manager shall investigate and dispose of all complaints regarding Borough services and report thereon to Council.
The Manager shall manage agencies and offices of the Borough to achieve goals within available resources; plan and organize workloads and staff assignments; train, motivate and evaluate staff; review progress and direct changes as needed.
The Manager shall provide leadership and direction in the development of short- and long-range plans; gather, interpret, and prepare data for studies, reports and recommendations; coordinate department activities with other departments and agencies as needed.
The Manager shall provide professional advice to the Borough Council and department heads; make presentations to councils, boards, commissions, civic groups and the general public.
The Manager shall communicate official plans, policies and procedures to staff and the general public.
The Manager shall assure that assigned areas of responsibility are performed within budget; perform cost control activities; monitor revenues and expenditures to assure sound fiscal control; prepare annual budget requests; assure effective and efficient use of budgeted funds, personnel, materials, facilities, and time.
The Manager shall determine work procedures, prepare work schedules, and expedite workflow; study and standardize procedures to improve efficiency and effectiveness of operations.
The Manager shall issue written and oral instructions; assign duties and examine work for exactness, neatness, and conformance to policies and procedures.
The Manager shall maintain harmony among workers and resolve grievances.
The Manager shall perform or assist subordinates in performing duties; adjust errors and complaints.
The Manager shall prepare a variety of studies, reports and related information for decision-making purposes.
The Manager shall see that all laws and ordinances are faithfully performed, subject only to the limitations of the Borough Code.
The Manager shall serve on boards, commissions, committees, task forces and other bodies as appointed or authorized by Council.
The Manager shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as may from time to time be assigned by Borough Council, committees of Borough Council or the committee chairpersons or officers of Borough Council.
The Mayor and the Borough Operations Manager are hereby authorized to cooperate and to coordinate departments under their supervision in all cases where their respective duties and powers shall overlap or complement each other or the good of the Borough shall require.
It is the intent of Council that no member of Council, nor any Council committee, shall dictate or influence the temporary hiring or suspension of any person prior to action thereon by vote of the majority of Council at the next regular meeting of Council, or Executive Session held during such meeting. It is the further intent of Council that no member of Council or any of Council's committees shall make inquiries or give orders, publicly or privately, to or from any subordinate of the Borough Operations Manager, and all inquiries, complaints or requests for services shall be referred to the Borough Operations Manager or to the chairperson of the appropriate Council committee who shall place the same upon the agenda for discussion at the next meeting of such committee.
If the Borough Operations Manager becomes ill or needs to be absent from the Borough, he shall designate one qualified member of his staff, or request another Council officer, to perform the duties of the Borough Operations Manager during his absence or disability. The person so designated shall not perform these duties for a period longer than two weeks without the approval of the Council. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Borough Operations Manager from requesting prior Council approval of a person or officer to act hereunder during the time the Borough Operations Manager will be unavailable.
Whenever in this article the masculine pronoun is used, it shall include the feminine.
All ordinances or resolutions, or parts of ordinances or resolution, insofar as they are inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed.
This article shall take effect immediately upon passage.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Art. V, Additional Duties, adopted 7-16-1992 by Ord. No. 1173, was repealed 2-16-1995 by Ord. No. 1195.