In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1966 Code have been included in the 2024 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Not applicable; was reserved in prior publication.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter From 1966 Code
Location in 2023 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Article I, Adoption of Code
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. I
Ch. 2, Airport Zoning Planning Agency
Ch. 109, Art. I
Ch. 3, Alarm Systems
Article I, Fire Alarms
Ch. 201, Art. I
Ch. 4, Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 5, Amusements
Ch. 209
Ch. 6, Animals
Repealed by Ord. No. 967
Ch. 7, Auditor
Ch. 5
Ch. 12, Board of Health
Ch. 12A, Borough Operations Manager
Article I, General Provisions
Ch. 20
Ch. 13, Building Code
Superseded by Ord. No. 1283
Ch. 14, Building Corrections
Ch. 224
Ch. 14A, Buildings, Numbering of
Ch. 436, Art. I
Ch. 14B, Business District Authority
Ch. 12, Part 3
Ch. 14C, Construction Codes, Uniform
Article I, Administration and Enforcement
Ch. 230, Art. I
Article II, Adoption of Standards
Superseded by Ord. No. 1312
Ch. 15, Curfew
Repealed by Ord. No. 1353
Ch. 17, Department of Borough Planning
Ch. 109, Art. II
Ch. 18, Dogs
Article I, Running at Large
Ch. 213, Art. I
Article II, Curbing
Ch. 213, Art. II
Ch. 18A, Electrical Code
Superseded by Ord. No. 1283
Ch. 18B, Emergency Services
Article I, Reimbursement
Ch. 253, Art. I
Ch. 18C, Engineer
Ch. 44
Ch. 19, Exhibitions and Amusements
Article I, Shows and Exhibitions: Licenses and Fees
Ch. 257, Art. I
Article II, Poolrooms, Bowling Alleys, Etc.; Hours
Ch. 257, Art. II
Ch. 20, Fees
Ch. 265
Ch. 21, Fences and Billboards
Ch. 268
Ch. 25, Firearms
Ch. 271
Ch. 26, Fire Insurance Claims
Ch. 273
Ch. 27, Fire Limits
Ch. 276
Ch. 28, Fire Prevention
Ch. 279
Ch. 29, Furnaces, Outdoor
Ch. 287
Ch. 31, Handbills, Posters, Etc.
Article I, Distributing or Discarding
Ch. 302, Art. I
Article II, Painting, Placement, Etc.
Ch. 302, Art. II
Ch. 31A, Historical Signs
Ch. 309
Ch. 32, Housing Code
Superseded by Ord. No. 1269
Ch. 32A, Junked, Abandoned or Discarded Items
Ch. 328
Ch. 33, Littering and Dumping
Article I, General Regulations
Ch. 346, Art. I
Article II, Littering From Vehicles
Ch. 346, Art. II
Ch. 33A, Obstructions, Visual
Article I, Traffic Hazards
Ch. 372
Ch. 33B, Mechanical Code
Superseded by Ord. No. 1283
Ch. 34, Parks
Article I, Prohibited Uses
Ch. 380, Art. I
Article II, Additional Prohibited Uses
Ch. 380, Art. II
Article III, Exemptions
Ch. 380, Art. III
Ch. 36, Peace and Good Order
Article I, Disorderly Conduct
Ch. 382, Art. I
Article II, Loitering
Ch. 382, Art. II
Article III, Additional Prohibited Acts
Ch. 382, Art. III
Ch. 38, Peddling
Ch. 384
Ch. 39, Pensions
Article I, Nonuniformed Employees Pension Plan
Superseded by Ord. No. 1338
Ch. 40, Plumbing
Superseded by Ord. No. 1283
Ch. 41, Police Department
Ch. 42, Property Maintenance
Superseded by Ord. No. 1330; see now Ch. 389, Art. II
Ch. 43, Pyrotechnics
Article I, Prohibited Uses
Ch. 281, Art. I
Article II, Public Display
Ch. 281, Art. II
Ch. 44, Railroads
Article I, Whistles
Ch. 397, Art. I
Article II, Speed Limit
Ch. 397, Art. II
Article III, Crossing Streets
Ch. 397, Art. III
Ch. 46, Real Estate Registry
Ch. 403, Art. I
Ch. 48, Recreation Board
Ch. 48A, Recycling
Ch. 432, Art. I
Ch. 49, Restaurants and Eating Places
Ch. 408
Ch. 51, Sewage Disposal System
Ch. 52, Sewers
Article I, Sewerage
Article II, Stormwater
Article III, Sewer Connection Permits
Article IV, Sewer Connections
Article V, Industrial Waste Rules and Regulations
Ch. 53, Sexually Oriented Businesses
Ch. 419
Ch. 54, Slaughterhouses
Ch. 423
Ch. 56, Snow and Emergency Code
Ch. 429
Ch. 56A, Solid Waste
Ch. 432, Art. II
Ch. 57, Speed -Timing Devices
Ch. 485, Art. VI
Ch. 58, Streets and Sidewalks
Article I, Openings and Excavations
Ch. 440, Art. XII
Article II, Signs Over Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. 440, Art. X
Article III, Sidewalk Construction and Repair
Ch. 440, Art. I
Article IV, Snow and Ice Removal
Ch. 440, Art. XI
Article V, Downspouts
Ch. 440, Art. IX
Article VI, Building on Public Property
Ch. 440, Art. V
Article VII, Areaways
Ch. 440, Art. III
Article VIII, Obstructing Streets
Ch. 440, Art. II
Article IX, Obstructing Sidewalks
Ch. 440, Art. VIII
Article X, Advertising Matter
Ch. 440, Art. IV
Article XI, Prohibited Uses of Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. 440, Art. VII
Article XII, Transporting Loose Materials
Ch. 440, Art. VI
Ch. 59, Street Naming and Addressing
Ch. 436, Art. II
Ch. 60, Sunday Sports
Ch. 62, Taxation
Article I, Income and Wage Tax
Superseded by Ord. No. 1304
Article II, Real Property Tax
Article III, Per Capita Tax
Ch. 458, Art. I
Article IV (Reserved)
Article V, Realty Transfer Tax
Ch. 458, Art. II
Article VI, Local Services Tax
Ch. 458, Art. IV
Article VII, Amusement Tax
Ch. 458, Art. III
Ch. 63, Transportation: Public
Ch. 462
Ch. 67, Utility Poles
Ch. 473
Ch. 69, Vegetation
Article I, Shade Tree Commission; Trees
Ch. 481, Art. III
Article II, Grass, Weeds and Other Vegetation
Ch. 481, Art. I
Article III, Appeals
Ch. 481, Art. II
Ch. 71, Vehicle and Traffic
Article I, Impoundment
Ch. 485, Art. IV
Article II, Parking Meter Zones
Ch. 485, Art. III
Article III, Taxicab Stalls
Ch. 485, Art. V
Article IV, Traffic Regulations
Ch. 485, Art. I
Article V, Additional Traffic Regulations
Ch. 485, Art. II
Ch. 72, Ward Boundaries
Ch. 156
Ch. 73, Weighing Coal
Ch. 343, Art. I
Ch. 74, Zoning
NI; see Ch. 500
Part I, Clearfield Volunteer Firemen's Relief Association
Ch. 55
Part II, Police Pension, Death and Disability Fund
Repealed by Ord. No. 1332
Part III, Salaries and Compensation
Article I, Mayor and Councilmen
Article II, (Reserved)
Article III, Police Force
Article IV, Tax Collector
Part IV, Social Security
Part V, Clearfield Parking Authority
Repealed by Ord. No. 1231
Part VI, Clearfield Borough Park Authority
Ch. 12, Part 2
Part VII, Clearfield Municipal Authority
Ch. 12, Part 1
Part VIII, Cable Television