[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Clearfield as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 4-6-1908 (Ch. 19, Art. I, of the 1966 Code)]
From and after the passage of this article, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to maintain or exhibit any theatrical or operatic entertainment, sleight-of-hand performance or play for which an admission fee is charged or where a collection is taken up, in the Borough of Clearfield, without having first obtained from the Mayor of said Borough or, in his absence, the President or Clerk of Council, a written license so to do, for which license he or they shall pay to the Mayor for the use of the Borough of Clearfield, the following sums: for one performance, $1; for performances for one week, $3; for performance for one month, $10; for one year, $50, provided that this section shall not apply to any performance when exclusively by residents of this Borough for any charitable or other public use and not for any personal profit.
From and after the passage of this article, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to perform or exhibit in the open air of any public grounds, streets or alleys within the Borough of Clearfield with any wax figure, sleight of hand, jugglery, rope walking or acrobatic feats without having first obtained from the Mayor of said Borough written license so to do, for which license he or they shall pay to the Mayor for the use of the Borough of Clearfield the following sums: for one performance for one week, $6; for performance of one month, $20.
From and after the passage of this article, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to give an exhibition of any kind upon any public ground, street or alley in the Borough of Clearfield for the purpose of selling proprietary medicine or any other merchandise without having first obtained from the Mayor of said Borough a written license so to do, for which license he or they shall pay to the Mayor for the use of the Borough of Clearfield the following sums: for one performance, $3; for performance for one week, $15.
From and after the passage of this article, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to exhibit any show or circus in tents or under canvas within the Borough of Clearfield without having first obtained from the Mayor of said Borough a written license so to do, for which license he or they shall pay to the Mayor for the use of said Borough of Clearfield the following sums: for performance for one day, where an admission of $0.25 or less is charged, $20; for performance for one week, where an admission of $0.25 or less is charged, $50; for one day, where an admission of over $0.25 is charged, $40; for performance for one week, where an admission of over $0.25 is charged, $100.
From and after the passage of this article, it shall be unlawful for any company or troupe exhibiting in tents or under canvas outside of the Borough limits to give a street parade or outdoor exhibition within the Borough of Clearfield without having first obtained from the Mayor of said Borough a written license so to do, for which license he or they shall pay to the Mayor for the use of the Borough of Clearfield, the following sums: for performance for one day, where $0.25 or less is charged for admission to their show tent, $10; for performance for one week, where $0.25 or less is charged for admission to their show tent, $25; for performance for one day, when over $0.25 is charged for admission to their show tent, $15; for performance for one week, when over $0.25 is charged for admission to their show tent, $35.
From and after the passage of this article, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to maintain any roller-skating rink or like place of amusement within the Borough of Clearfield without first obtaining from the Mayor of said Borough a written license so to do, for which license he or they shall pay to the Mayor for the use of the Borough, the following sums: for one month, $5; for six months, $20; for one year, $30.
From and after the passage of this article, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to obtain or exhibit any moving-picture show, electrical or phonographic performance or a combination of electrical and phonographic performance for which an admission fee is charged or where a collection is taken up, within the Borough of Clearfield, without having obtained from the Mayor of said Borough a written license so to do, for which license he or they shall pay to the Mayor for the use of the Borough of Clearfield the following sums: for one performance, $1; for performance for one week, $3; for performance for one month, $5; for performance for six months, $20; for performance for one year, $30; provided that this section shall not apply to any performance given by the residents of this Borough for any charitable or other public use and not for personal profit.
From and after the passage of this article, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to maintain any shooting gallery or merry-go-round within the Borough of Clearfield without having first obtained from the Mayor of said Borough a written license so to do, for which he or they shall pay to the Mayor for the use of the Borough of Clearfield the following sums: for one day, $1; for one week, $2; for one month, $5; for six months, $20; for one year, $30.
From and after the passage of this article, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to maintain any bowling alley within the Borough of Clearfield without first obtaining from the Mayor of said Borough a written license so to do, for which license he or they shall pay to the Mayor for the use of the Borough of Clearfield the following sums: for six months, $10; for one year, $15.
Any person, company or troupe violating the provisions of any of the sections of this article shall pay for such violation a fine equal to double the amount of the license fee as hereinbefore fixed for a single day or performance in such sections thereof, except in the case of §§ 257-6 and 257-9, when a fine shall equal double the amount of license fee fixed in § 257-6 for one month, and in § 257-9 for six months, which fines are to be recovered by summary proceedings to be instituted before the Mayor or any Magisterial District Judge in and for the County of Clearfield, upon information on the oath of the officers charged with the collection thereof, upon whose warrants or summons the goods and chattels as well as the person of the offender may be liable to attachment and seizure forthwith, until payment and satisfaction of the said fines shall be effected.
The ordinance of this Borough adopted[1] day of relative to the licensing of shows, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Editor's Note: These were blank on original copy, but believe that they were intended to state the adoption date to be 2nd day of February 1885.
[Adopted 4-15-1914 (Ch. 19, Art. II, of the 1966 Code)]
From and after the passage of and publication of this article, it shall be unlawful for any owner, manager, clerk or person in charge of any billiard room, poolroom, bowling alley or shooting gallery in the Borough of Clearfield, Pennsylvania, to which the public is invited, to cause, allow, permit or suffer the same to be open or any person or persons to play at billiards, pool or to bowl on said alleys or to shoot in said gallery under his control, management or supervision, between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m.
Any person or persons violating the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction before the Mayor or a Magisterial District Judge, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $50, and, in default of the payment thereof, with costs, shall undergo imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding 30 days.