[Adopted 1-3-1974 by Ord. No. 1045 (Ch. 62, Art. V, of the 1966 Code)]
A tax is hereby imposed, levied and assessed for general revenue purposes on each and every transfer of real property, or on any interest in real property, situate in Clearfield Borough, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, at the rate of 1% of the value, selling price or consideration of such real property or interest in real property transferred. This tax shall apply regardless of where the instruments making the transfer are made, executed or delivered or where the actual settlements on such transfers take place.
The tax imposed by this article shall be paid by the transferor or transferors, grantor or grantors, prior to the delivery of the deed or instrument transferring the real property, or of any interest in real property. The transferee or transferees, if the tax is not paid by the transferor or transferors prior to the delivery of the deed or instrument of conveyance of the real property, or of any interest in real property, shall remain liable for any unpaid realty transfer taxes imposed by virtue of this article.
The tax levied, imposed and assessed by this article shall be and remain a lien on the real property, or of any interest in real property, transferred until such tax is paid.
All taxes imposed by this article which are not paid when due and payable shall bear interest thereon at the rate of 1/2 of 1% per month until paid, and may be recovered and collected in an action brought in the name of the Clearfield Borough, as other obligations of like nature are collected.
The payment of the tax levied and assessed by this article shall be evidenced by a stamped impression affixed to the deed or instrument of transfer, or by a notation on the deed or instrument of transfer by the collector of the tax, indicating that the tax has been paid.
The Recorder of Deeds of Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, is hereby designated as collector of the tax hereby imposed, and such Recorder of Deeds shall make appropriate notations on all deeds or instruments indicating payment of this tax when such is paid. Likewise, said Recorder of Deeds shall account for and pay the tax collected, less collection fees allowed, to the Borough Treasurer each and every month. The compensation of the Recorder of Deeds of Clearfield County for collecting said tax and services incidental thereto is hereby fixed at 2% of the amount of tax collected. The Recorder of Deeds of Clearfield County, as collector of said tax, shall post bond in an amount to be set by the Borough Council from time to time, and the premium of such bond shall be paid by Clearfield Borough.
The Borough Council of Clearfield Borough may from time to time designate another person, firm or corporation to collect said tax and may revise, alter and change the fee paid to the collector.
Every deed or instrument transferring real property, or any interest in real property, in Clearfield Borough, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, shall state the actual consideration or selling price of the real property or interest in real property thereby transferred, or shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the transferor or his agent or by an affidavit of the transferee or his agent setting forth the selling price thereof. For purposes of determining whether or not a lien to Clearfield Borough, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, exists for unpaid taxes, the selling price or consideration set forth in the deed or in the accompanying affidavit shall be conclusive of the real selling price. If the transfer is a transaction that is not subject to the tax hereby imposed, such fact shall be disclosed in the instrument or in an affidavit.
This article shall not apply to any transfer of real property, or any interest in real property, exempted and excepted from taxation by Item (1) Section 2 of the Local Tax Enabling Act of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, known as Act No. 511, approved December 31, 1965[1]; further this article shall not be deemed, construed or interpreted to impose, levy and assess a tax that Clearfield Borough, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, may not lawfully impose, levy and assess.
Editor's Note: Pursuant to P.L. 197, No. 32, enacted 7-2-2008, sections of the Local Tax Enabling Act formerly codified in 53 P.S. § 6901 et seq. have been revised and renumbered. For exemptions, see now 72 P.S. § 8102-C.3
The provisions of this article are severable, and if any section or portion thereof shall be held illegal, invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect or impair the remaining provisions of this article. The intent of the Borough Council of Clearfield Borough is that this article would have been adopted if such illegal, invalid or unconstitutional section, or part thereof, had not been included therein.
This article shall be effective on July 1, 1974, at 12:01 a.m., and shall apply to all transfers of real property or interest in real property, thereafter.
This article is enacted pursuant to the Local Tax Enabling Act, also known as Act No. 511 approved December 31, 1965,[1] and any supplements or amendments thereto.
Editor's Note: See now 53 P.S. § 6924.101 et seq.
This article shall be effective on July 1, 1974, and shall remain effective on a calendar-year basis and shall remain in effect unless the rate of tax is substantially changed.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall neglect or refuse to comply with any of the terms or provisions of this article, or of any regulations or requirements pursuant thereto and authorized thereby, in addition to the other penalties provided by law, upon conviction before a Magisterial District Judge or other proper official, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $300 and costs of prosecution for each such offense, or to undergo imprisonment for not more than 30 days for the nonpayment of such fine and costs.
Should an instrument or deed transfer a tract of real property, or any interest in real property, located partly in Clearfield Borough and partly in another adjacent municipality, the value of the portion in Clearfield Borough shall determine the tax imposed by this article.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.