[Adopted 6-4-1900 by Ord. No. 131 (Ch. 36, Art. III, of the 1966 Code)]
Any person or persons who shall engage in any species of ballplaying, snowballing or playing at shinney or football upon any of the streets or alleys of the said Borough shall, upon conviction of each and every offense before the Mayor or any Magisterial District Judge of said Borough, be fined not more than $5 and costs, and, in default thereof, shall be committed to the Borough lockup not exceeding 12 hours.
Any person or persons who shall strike or beat on any windows or doorsteps, or throw by means of any sling or otherwise any stones, shot or other missile at or upon any windows, doors, steps, porches or houses upon any of the streets or alleys of the Borough, or pull any door bell of any dwelling with intent to annoy the owner or occupant thereof, or shall remove any sign, steps or any portion or fixture in and upon any premises within the Borough without the consent of the owner shall, upon conviction of each and every offense, be fined not more than $5 and costs, and, in default thereof, shall be committed to the Borough lockup for not exceeding 48 hours.