[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Clearfield 12-7-1978 by Ord. No. 1090 (Ch. 56 of the 1966 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Mayor or the Borough Administrative Officer shall prepare snow and weather emergency plans for use within the Borough of Clearfield and inform the public of the details of such plans. Such plans may include but shall not be limited to provisions for warning motorists and pedestrians; prohibiting parking on designated streets; requiring chains or snow tires on vehicles operating on streets; removing and storing vehicles that are stalled, stuck, parked or abandoned on designated streets; early dismissal of Borough employees or excusing Borough employees under the Administrative Officer's jurisdiction from reporting for duty; posting guidance and warning signs and markings on designated streets; and removal of snow, sleet, hail and ice.
Whenever there is a forecast of, or an accumulation of, eight or more inches of snow, the following Borough streets are to be designated as snow routes between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight and shall be posted as such:
Name of Street
North and South Front Street
From East Locust Street to East Walnut Street
North and South Second Street
From East Walnut Street to Reed Street
North and South Third Street
From Bridge Street to Leavy Avenue
East Cherry Street
From South Front Street to South Fourth Street
East Market Street
From Front Street to Cemetery Road
East Locust Street
From North Front Street to North Fourth Street
East Pine Street
From North Front Street to North Fourth Street
Reed Street
From North Second Street to North Fourth Street
Whenever there is a firm forecast of snow, sleet, hail or freezing rain from the weather bureau, or whenever snow, sleet, hail or ice or a combination thereof reaches an accumulation of eight or more inches on one or more of the streets of the Borough designated as snow emergency routes in § 427-2, the Mayor or the Borough Administrative Officer, or their duly authorized representative, may declare and invoke a snow parking emergency to be known as "Snow Emergency Plan No. 2." The Mayor or the Borough Administrative Officer, or their representative, shall make an announcement thereof through the press, if possible, but in any event through not less than two radio stations with a normal operating range covering the Borough. Snow Emergency Plan No. 2 shall become effective at the following times if the above required announcement is made:
If the announcement is made between 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 midnight: two hours after the announcement.
If the announcement is made between 12:00 midnight and 7:00 a.m.: 9:00 a.m.
On any street or portion thereof designated as a snow emergency route and marked by red and white signs which conform to state highway department specifications and posted, alternately, two to the block, no person shall, while Snow Emergency Plan No. 2 is in effect, park or permit any vehicle to remain parked on any such street. The parking prohibition shall remain in effect until Snow Emergency Plan No. 2 has been terminated by the Mayor or the Borough Administrative Officer, or their designated representatives. Notice of termination shall be given in the same manner as notice of the emergency was given.
Whenever the Mayor or the Borough Administrative Officer, or their designated representative, is of the opinion that snow, sleet, hail or freezing rain is causing slippery or hazardous conditions which may lead to serious traffic congestion on Borough streets, he may declare and invoke a snow traffic emergency to be known as "Snow Emergency Plan No. 1," until such emergency shall have been declared terminated as provided in § 427-3A above. It shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct or impede traffic on any street designated as a snow emergency route by reason of his failure to have the vehicle operated by him equipped with snow tires or chains. The announcement of Snow Emergency Plan No. 1 shall be made in the press, if possible, but in any event through not less than two radio stations with a normal operating range in the Borough. Snow Emergency Plan No. 1 shall become effective upon announcement.
Whenever any vehicle shall be found stalled, stuck, parked or abandoned on any Borough street designated and posted as a snow emergency route in such a manner as to obstruct or impede traffic or hinder snow removal or cindering or salting operations when either snow emergency plan is in effect, the vehicle may be removed, at the owner's expense, to an area designated by the Borough Administrative Officer. Such vehicle may be removed only by persons authorized by the Borough Administrative Officer and approved by Borough Council. Such persons, so designated, shall notify the Chief of Police or the Police Department immediately following such removal. Such authorized persons shall give the type of vehicle, the license tag number, the place of removal, the time of removal, the cause of removal, the place to which the vehicle was removed and such other information as required. The Chief of Police or the Police Department shall attempt to notify the owner of such vehicle, as soon as reasonably possible, of the removal and location of the vehicle.
Certain vehicles are expected from the provisions of this chapter as follows:
Commercial vehicles making emergency deliveries of fuel and motor oils, coal, gasoline, goods, milk, medicines, food and utility repair vehicles.
Emergency vehicles of public service corporations.
Ambulance and vehicles carrying sick or injured persons.
Vehicles engaged in snow plowing or removal or the cindering or salting operations on Borough streets.
Tow trucks.
Physicians responding to sick calls.
Vehicles carrying the United States Mail.
Police vehicles.
Fire vehicles.
Government emergency vehicles.
Municipal vehicles declared essential by the Borough Administrative Officer.
Hearses and motor vehicles in funeral processions.
Whenever either snow emergency plan is in effect, the normal prohibitions against parking in alleys shall, temporarily, be held in abeyance. However, whenever a designated snow emergency route has been cleared by snowplowing, removal or cindering operations, vehicles so parked in nearby alleys shall be removed therefrom.
During either snow emergency plan it shall be unlawful for any person, when shoveling sidewalks, to deposit waste snow on the streets of the Borough after they have been plowed.
Whenever the plowing of at least two lanes of any Borough street has been accomplished, residents on said streets may be required to move their vehicles into those lanes in order to permit Borough forces to plow and/or open the curb lanes of such streets.
No snow from driveways or parking lots shall be pushed, dumped, shoveled or in any manner placed onto the streets of the Borough.
Any person or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter, or any rules and regulations pursuant thereto, shall, upon conviction before a Magisterial District Judge, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $300 and costs.