[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Clearfield 2-2-1967 by Ord. No. 942.[1] (Ch. 67 of the 1966 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance repeals and replaces Ord. No. 136, adopted by the Borough of Clearfield 10-1-1900.
It shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner, or such other officer as may be named for the purpose by Borough Council, to make or cause to be made an annual enumeration and inspection of all telegraph poles, telephone poles, electric light poles and electric power poles, and any and all other poles which are now erected and maintained or may hereafter be erected and maintained by any person, firm, association or corporation whatsoever upon or along any of the streets, alleys or public places in the Borough of Clearfield. Such enumeration and inspection shall be made in the month of December of every year, and further inspections may be made by the Street Commissioner or other officer appointed for the purpose at any other time deemed advisable by the Borough Council, Street Commissioner or other officer appointed for the purpose.
The Street Commissioner or other person appointed for the enumeration and inspection of poles as herein provided shall make a true report, in writing, to Borough Council at the first regular meeting thereof in January of each and every year, setting forth the condition and number of poles erected and maintained by each person, firm, association or corporation owning and maintaining such poles within the limits of the Borough.
For the purpose of defraying the expense of the inspection and enumeration as herein provided, an annual inspection fee of $0.20 for each pole is hereby imposed for each pole maintained at the time of each annual inspection upon or along any of the streets, alleys or public places of the Borough of Clearfield. Such fee shall be for the use of the Borough and shall be paid in each case by the person, firm, association or corporation owning and maintaining such poles.
Upon receipt of the report from the Street Commissioner or other officer appointed for the purpose, the Borough Secretary shall prepare a statement of the number of poles maintained in the Borough by every such person, firm, association or corporation and the amount of inspection fee payable therefor. On or before the first day of March in each and every year, the Secretary shall give notice to such person, firm, association or corporation of said inspection fee and that the same is due and payable to the Borough not later than 60 days from time of notification. The submission of notification of enumeration and inspection of poles shall be a condition precedent to the obligation of the person, firm, association or corporation owning and maintaining such poles to pay such inspection fee.
Any person, firm, association or corporation owning or maintaining any pole upon or along any of the streets, alleys or public place of the Borough of Clearfield and refusing or neglecting to pay the inspection fee imposed under this chapter, shall be subject to a fine or penalty of $0.20 per pole for each month the fee for any pole remains unpaid beyond the time limit it is due in accordance with the terms of this chapter. The fine or penalty shall be for the use of the Borough of Clearfield and shall be collected as fines and penalties are now by law collected.
Ordinance No. 136 adopted October 1, 1900, and any other ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.