[Adopted 8-8-1957 by Ord. No. 761 (Ch. 44, Art. I, of the 1966 Code)]
From and after the effective date of this article it shall be unlawful for any engineer, any member of any railroad train crew or any other agent of any railroad company to blow, cause or permit to be blown any whistle on any railroad locomotive within the corporate limits of the Borough of Clearfield; provided, however, that the prohibition of this article shall not apply whenever it shall appear necessary to any person on any railroad locomotive or train to blow a whistle in order to give warning to any persons either on the railroad tracks or in such close proximity thereto as to be endangered by failure to blow a whistle, or to give such warning in case of blinding snow, driving rain and/or dense fog.
Any engineer, any member of any train crew or any other agent of any railroad company who shall violate the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a summary offense and, upon conviction before the Mayor or any Magisterial District Judge of said Borough, shall be subject to the payment of a fine of not less than $10 or more than $25 and costs for each separate offense and, in default of payment of the same, shall be imprisoned in the Borough lockup or the Clearfield County Jail for a term not exceeding 10 days for each offense.
Any railroad company which shall allow the provisions of this article to be violated shall be subject to a penalty of not less than $10 nor more than $25 for each violation, to be recovered with costs the same as fines and penalties of a like amount are now recoverable by law.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith be and the same hereby are repealed.
This article shall become effective immediately upon final passage hereof and due advertisement according to law.