All elections for town officers shall be held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each odd numbered year.
At each state election, there shall be elected two (2) Registrars of Voters.
At each town election, there shall be elected the following:
Board of Selectmen. Seven (7) Selectmen, each for a term of two (2) years.
Town Clerk. A Town Clerk for a term of two (2) years or such period as may be specified by the General Statutes.
Constables. Four (4) constables, each for a term of two (2) years.
Board of Education. There shall be a Board of Education consisting of nine (9) members to be elected as follows:
At the biennial election to be held in 1987, there shall be elected four (4) members for a term of four (4) years.
At the biennial election to be held in 1989, there shall be elected five (5) members, each for a term of four (4) years.
Thereafter, there shall be elected for terms of four (4) years at each biennial election that number of members necessary to replace the members whose terms expire, each for the term of four (4) years from the date of election.
The terms of elected office shall be from the date elected until the successor shall be elected and qualified, except that the Town Clerk shall hold office for two (2) years from the first Monday of January succeeding the election until his successor shall be elected and qualified, and the Registrars of Voters shall hold office for the term of two (2) years from the Wednesday following the first Monday of the January next succeeding their election until the Wednesday following the first Monday of the third January succeeding their election.
All elected officers shall have the powers as vested in them by the Connecticut General Statutes unless specifically provided otherwise by this Charter.
Minority representation on any elective or appointive board, council, commission, committee or similar body of the Town shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 9-167a of the General Statutes, Revision of 1958, as amended. As provided in said Section, the maximum number on any such board, commission, committee or similar body who may be members of the same political party shall be as specified in the following table:
More than 9
Two-thirds of total membership
All elective officers shall be residents and electors of the Town, and if any such officer at any time shall cease to be a resident of the Town, his office shall be vacated.
For each elective office, the officer or officers who shall receive the greatest number of votes shall, subject to Section 205 above, and subject to the provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes, be declared elected.
Whenever there shall be a tie vote for any office, a new election for such office shall be held on the ensuing third Tuesday of November and only those candidates whose votes were tied shall then be voted for.
Vacancies in municipal offices, from whatever cause arising, shall be filled according to the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes Section 9-220 and 10-219 as may from time to time be amended.
The mode of nomination of candidates for all elective offices of the town shall be in accordance with the General Statutes.
Any person whose name has been presented pursuant to the provisions of this Article as a nominee for any office, may, not later than fifteen (15) days before the election for which he is nominated, cause his name to be withdrawn from nomination, in accordance with the General Statutes.
At meetings for the election of officers, the moderators shall be chosen by the Registrar of Voters in the manner prescribed by the General Statutes.