Unless limited by this Charter or by the Connecticut General Statutes, the Board of Selectmen shall by resolution or ordinance exercise all powers conferred by Section 7-194 of the Connecticut General Statutes (as may be amended from time to time) upon towns and shall by ordinance or resolution, specifically have the power:
To regulate the manner of warning meetings of said Board of Selectmen, and the times and places of holding its meetings, not otherwise provided in this Charter, or required by the Connecticut General Statutes, and to prescribe the order of business of such meeting;
To provide the mode of keeping the accounts of said Town, and auditing the same;
To adjust claims against said Town;
To defend actions against said Town;
To prosecute in the name of said town any proper action upon any contract or liability in which said town may be interested; and for all fines, penalties, costs and expenses imposed by this Charter, or by any ordinance or by-law of the town, and to enforce the collection thereof;
To define the duties of all officers and employees of said Town, when not expressly fixed and defined by the provisions of this Charter;
To prescribe the amount of bonds to be given by the several Town Officers;
To confer upon the several Town Officers all proper authority to enable them to execute and discharge their powers and duties;
To organize and regulate a volunteer fire department and to provide for the enlistment of fire companies and for the equipment, regulation, and control of fire companies;
To procure and maintain suitable and proper fire apparatus;
To provide hydrants at such points as they may deem expedient;
To provide a suitable supply of water for fire purposes;
To lay out, alter, establish, and make highways, streets, parks, public grounds, walks, gutters, and to repair and keep the same open and safe for public use and travel and free from encroachment and obstruction;
To provide for and regulate public lights, lamps, and lamp posts and the location thereof;
To prosecute all condemnation proceedings concerning the acquisition of property or property rights on behalf of the Town in accordance with the provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes; and
To regulate and control abandoned and unregistered boats and motor vehicles.
In addition to the powers set forth in Section 301, the Board of Selectmen shall have the power to enact, amend, or repeal ordinances for the preservation of good order, peace, health and safety of the town and its habitants, so long as such ordinances are not inconsistent with this Charter or the General Statutes of the State; and, not limiting the powers of the foregoing, the Board of Selectmen shall specifically have the power to ordain the following:
Boards and Commissions. The Board may create or abolish boards, commissions, departments and offices, other than those established by this Charter.
Penalties. The Board may prescribe in such by-laws and ordinances, penalties and fines for breach of the same as they may deem proper, not exceeding $100.00 for any one offense, imprisonment not to exceed thirty days, or both.
Governmental Contracts. The Board of Selectmen may, upon recommendation of the Manager, contract for services and the use of facilities of the United States or the State of Connecticut for any political subdivision thereof, or may, by agreement, join with any such political subdivisions to provide services and facilities, in which case, departments and offices created by this Charter, the functions of which are transferred into the terms of said contract, or agreement may, by ordinance, be abolished.
Regulation of Boards. The Board of Selectmen may regulate the internal operation of boards, commissions and officers which it fills by appointment, the Registrars of Voters, the Town Clerk, and the offices and employees appointed by it.
Charges and Fees. The Board of Selectmen may set charges or fees to be made for services by the town, or for the execution of powers vested in the Town as provided in this Charter.
Before the enactment, amendment or repeal of any by-law or ordinance, the Board of Selectmen shall cause to be published on the Town's website, a notice setting forth the subject matter of the proposed ordinance. Said notice shall be published for at least 14 days before the enactment, amendment, or repeal of the ordinance. The notice shall be simultaneously filed with the Town Clerk who shall make the notice available for public inspection. After the board has enacted, amended, or repealed any ordinance, said ordinance shall become operative fifteen (15) days after the entire text of the same shall have been published on the Town's website. The notice shall be simultaneously filed with the Town Clerk who shall make the notice available for public inspection. Any ordinance made by the Board of Selectmen may be amended, or repealed by them in the manner in which by-laws or ordinances are enacted. The form of all by-laws and ordinances shall be as follows: "Be it ordained by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Winchester, Connecticut".
In enforcing ordinances passed by the Board of Selectmen in any complaint or information instituted pursuant to the provisions of this Charter, it shall not be necessary to recite at length the by-law or ordinance for the breach of which such complaint or information is instituted, but it shall be a sufficient description of the offense for such complaint or information to set forth the act complained of and to allege the same to have been done contrary to the ordinances of the Town of Winchester in such case provided.
At any time prior to the effective date of any ordinance or resolution adopted by the Board of Selectmen, the electors of the Town shall have the power to approve or reject such ordinance or resolution as herein provided.
A petition seeking the approval or rejection of such ordinance or resolution may be filed by an elector of the Town with the Town Clerk, and, except as provided herein, such petition shall conform to the requirements of Connecticut General Statutes Section 7-9, as amended. Said petition shall contain the full text of the ordinance or resolution, shall request the reference of such ordinance or resolution to the electors of the Town, and shall be signed in ink or indelible pencil by qualified electors of the Town in a number equal to five (5) percent or more of the total number of the qualified electors of the Town appearing on the latest effective official list of the Registrar of Voters. Said petition shall be accompanied by affidavits signed and sworn to by each circulator as provided for under Connecticut General Statute Section 7-9, as amended.
The petition shall be filed with the Town Clerk, who shall within fifteen (15) days or within such time period as may be set by the Connecticut General Statutes determine whether the petition and the affidavits to be sufficient by comparing the names of the electors appearing thereon with the latest effective official list of the Registrar of Voters. Upon the filing of such petition with the Town Clerk, the effective date of such ordinance or resolution shall be postponed to the certification by said Town Clerk that the petition is not sufficient or to the certification of the results of such referendum. If the Town Clerk determines the petition and the affidavits to be sufficient, said Town Clerk shall so certify said petition to the Board of Selectmen at its next regular meeting. After receipt of such certification, the Board of Selectmen shall submit such petition to the electors at a Special Town Meeting, which said Board must call, to be held not less than thirty (30) days nor more than forty-five (45) days after receipt of such certified petition by said board. A majority vote of the electors to repeal any such ordinance or resolution shall not become effective unless a total of at least five (5) percent of the electors entitled to vote on the questions shall have voted.
When it is proposed to undertake any public work or improvement, purchase any implement or machinery, construct any building or buildings or appurtenances thereof, or additions thereto, or any ordinance or resolution proposing a special appropriation, which action involves the expenditures of any amount exceeding nine one hundredths of one percent (0.09%) of "Total Expenditures" in the latest approved town budget in any fiscal year and which exceeds the amount provided for in the budget or for which an appropriation has not been included in the budget, such expenditure shall not be made or undertaken until the same has been submitted to the electors of the Town at Special Town Meeting for purposes of calling a referendum. Said referendum shall be held on a date within one (1) week of said Special Town Meeting. Such expenditure shall not be made or undertaken until the same shall have been approved by the electors of the Town by vote at said referendum.
The following ordinances and resolutions are specifically exempted from electoral challenge as set forth in this Section: a resolution fixing the tax rate; a resolution making an appointment or removal; an ordinance making a special appropriation of less than nine one hundredths of one percent (0.09%) of "Total Expenditures" in the latest approved town budget in any fiscal year; any emergency ordinances as defined in this Charter.
Form of Petition for Referendum. The form of petition for referendum shall be as follows:
Warning: All signatures shall be in ink or indelible pencil.
We, the undersigned electors of the Town of Winchester, hereby present this petition under the provisions of the Charter of the Town of Winchester [here insert the words "requesting the repeal of', or "requesting the approval of"] the following resolution [here insert the text of the resolution], and we certify that we are electors of the Town of Winchester residing at the addresses set opposite our names and that we have not signed this petition more than once. (Here follow the signatures and addresses.)
Form of Affidavits of Circulators to Accompany All Petitions. The affidavit of the circulators of any petition which shall accompany such petition shall be in the following form:
_______________ County, State of Connecticut [here insert name and residence of the circulator of the petition], being duly sworn, depose and say that he is an elector of the Town of Winchester, and that he is the circulator of the foregoing petition containing [here insert the number of signatures on such petition] signatures, that each person whose signature appears on this page signed the same in person in my presence, that I either know each such signer or that such signer satisfactorily identified himself or herself to me, that they are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be, and that all the signatures on said page(s) were obtained not earlier than six (6) months prior to the filing of said petition.
Subscribed and sworn before me this __________ day of _______________, 20_____.
Notary Public
The electors of the Town, acting at a Special Town Meeting, shall have the power to propose to the Board of Selectmen any ordinance, except for the following: Any ordinance appointing or removing officials or employees of the Town; specifying the compensation or hours of work of officials or employees of the Town; adopting the annual budget; authorizing the levy of taxes; fixing the tax rate.
Any such petition may be filed by an elector of the Town with the Town Clerk, and, except as provided herein, such petition shall conform to the requirements of Connecticut General Statute Section 7-9, as amended. Said petition shall contain the full text of the ordinance proposed and shall be signed in ink or indelible pencil by qualified electors of the Town in a number equal to two (2) percent or more of the total number of the qualified electors of the Town appearing on the latest effective official list of the Registrar of Voters. Said petition shall be accompanied by affidavits signed and sworn to by each circulator as provided for under Connecticut General Statute Section 7-9.
The petition shall be filed with the Town Clerk, who shall, within fifteen (15) days or within such time period as may be set by the Connecticut General Statutes, determine whether the petition and the affidavits are sufficient by comparing the names of the electors appearing thereon with the latest effective official list of the Registrar of Voters, and if they shall be sufficient he shall so certify said petition to the Board of Selectmen at its next regular meeting. The Board of Selectmen shall within sixty (60) days after receipt of such certified petition either adopt the proposed ordinance after a public hearing, or submit the same to the electors at a Special Town Meeting to be held within ninety (90) days from the date of the Town Clerk's certification, provided that if a General Election or Town Election is to occur within four (4) months of such certification, the ordinance may be submitted at such election. The ordinances shall be adopted if a majority of those vote in favor of the ordinance and such majority consists of four (4) percent or more of the total number of qualified electors of the Town, as determined by the latest effective official list of the Registrar of Voters.
Form of Petition For Initiative. The form of petition for initiative shall be as follows:
Warning: All signatures shall be in ink or indelible pencil.
We, the undersigned electors of the Town of Winchester, hereby present this petition under the provisions of the Charter of the Town of Winchester initiating the following ordinance, [here insert the text of the ordinance], and we certify that we are electors of the Town of Winchester residing at the addresses set opposite our names and that we have not signed this petition more than once. (Here follows the signatures and addresses.)
Form of Affidavits of Circulators to Accompany All Petitions. The affidavit of the circulators of any petition which shall accompany such petition shall be in the following form:
_______________ County, State of Connecticut [here insert name and residence of the circulator of the petition], being duly sworn, depose and say that he is an elector of the Town of Winchester, and that he is the circulator of the foregoing petition containing [here insert the # of signatures on such petition] signatures, that each person whose signature appears on this page signed the same in person in my presence, that I either know each such signer or that such signer satisfactorily identified himself or herself to me, that they are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be, and that all the signatures on said page(s) were obtained not earlier than six (6) months prior to the filing of said petition.
Subscribed and sworn before me this_______________ day of _______________, 20_____.
Notary Public
An emergency ordinance shall be only for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, shall contain an explicit statement of the nature of the emergency, and shall be adopted by not less than five (5) affirmative votes of the Board, and in no event shall the annual budget or any appropriation, except as hereinafter provided, constitute an emergency ordinance. For the purpose of meeting an emergency as herein defined, or to prevent the breakdown of any essential service rendered by a department, board, commission, or agency of the Town, the Board of Selectmen by an affirmative vote of not less than five of its members may appropriate, notwithstanding any other provision of this Charter, a sum not to exceed Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) in any one fiscal year. Every such emergency ordinance including any amendments thereto, shall automatically stand repealed at the termination of the sixty-first day following passage of said ordinance.
Subject to the provisions of this Charter, the Board of Selectmen shall follow Robert's Rules of Order and shall designate a parliamentarian.
First Meeting. The first meeting of the Board of Selectmen shall be held at 10:00 a.m. the morning next following their election.
Regular Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held twice in each month on dates to be fixed by ordinance, at which meetings any elector, property owner, or resident of said Town may appear and be heard as to any business of said Town.
Special Meetings. The First Selectman shall have the power to call a special meeting of the Board of Selectmen at any time and he shall call such special meeting whenever requested to do so by two members of said Board. The call for such special meeting shall be served upon or mailed to each member of said Board at least twenty-four (24) hours before the hour of the meeting; but the lack of a call or the insufficiency of the server shall not invalidate any meeting of the Board when all members shall be present and none of them objects to such lack of service.
Voting at Meetings. At any meeting of said Board, any member may demand an "aye" and "nay" vote on any question to be voted upon and such vote shall be recorded in the minutes of the Clerk.
Quorum. Four (4) members of said Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business.
Adjournment. All meetings of said Board may be adjourned from time to time as said Board may determine.
Clerk. The Town Clerk, in addition to powers and duties provided in the Connecticut General Statutes, shall be the Clerk of the Board of Selectmen. Within ten (10) days after each meeting of the Board of Selectmen he shall prepare and have available in his office for public inspection the minutes of any such proceedings, including the vote of each member upon any issue before the Board of Selectmen as required by the Connecticut General Statues. Said minutes shall be presented to the Board of Selectmen for approval at the next meeting of the Board of Selectmen. Within twenty-four (24) hours following approval of the minutes by the Board of Selectmen, the Clerk shall record said minutes in a record book and shall certify said minutes to be a true and accurate record. Such record book shall be available for public inspection in the office of the Town Clerk at all reasonable times. The Board of Selectmen may furnish the Town Clerk the necessary secretarial assistance to perform the duties prescribed by this section and fix the compensation therefor.
The annual salary of each selectman and the mayor shall be One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) respectively.
No member of the Board of Selectmen during the term of office for which he is elected and for two (2) years thereafter, shall be appointed to any office of profit under the government of the Town of Winchester.
The office of any Selectman failing to attend three (3) consecutive regular meetings shall be declared vacant unless such failure is due to reasons of health, or for any other legitimate reasons, or unless he shall be excused by a majority of the Board.
The Board of Selectmen may call a Special Town Meeting for purposes of a referendum or initiative or for any purpose not inconsistent with the provisions of this Charter.
At any town meeting, the Mayor shall preside unless a moderator is designated by a majority vote of the Board.
At any Special Town meeting where a resolution is introduced to authorize the issuance of any bonds or notes, the meeting shall be adjourned after an opportunity for discussion of such resolution to a referendum to be held on a date within one (1) week thereafter. The referendum shall be conducted according to the provisions of Chapter 90 of the General Statutes.
The Board of Selectmen shall have the power to preserve the peace in said town, and may suppress all tumults and riots by force if necessary; and may at all times require, in the performance of said duty, the aid of any sheriff, constable, or policeman, or all of them together, or of any of the legal voters of said town, and may call upon the Governor for the assistance of the State Militia.
In addition to the appointment of Town Manager pursuant to Section 501, the Board of Selectmen shall also appoint by an affirmative vote of a majority of the total membership of the Board of Selectmen.
A Town Attorney, to be appointed within ninety (90) days of each biennial election who shall hold office at the pleasure of said Board. The Board of Selectmen may further appoint at any time, one or more Special Attorneys, each to serve at the pleasure of said Board.
A Park and Recreation Board consisting of nine (9) to thirteen (13) members each to serve for a term of not more than six (6) years. Terms shall expire in the month of April.
A Board of Tax Review consisting of three (3) members each for a term of not more than three (3) years. Terms shall expire in the month of October.
An Economic Development Commission consisting of seven (7) regular members and four (4) alternate members each for a term of not more than five (5) years. Terms shall expire in the month of April.
A Zoning Board of Appeals consisting of five (5) members and three (3) alternate members each for a term of not more than five (5) years. Terms shall expire in the month of December.
Water Pollution Control Authority consisting of five (5) members each to serve for a term of not more than five (5) years. Terms shall expire in the month of June.
Inland Wetlands Commission consisting of nine (9) members each to serve for a term of not more than three (3) years. Terms shall expire in the month of April.
Winchester Housing Authority consisting of five (5) members to serve as set forth in the Connecticut General Statutes. Terms shall expire in the month of April.
Planning and Zoning Commission consisting of five (5) members and three (3) alternate members each to serve for a term of not more than five (5) years. Terms shall expire in the month of October.
A Fire Chief solely upon the recommendation of the Fire Department, to serve a term of not more than five (5) years. Terms shall expire in the month of September.
An Ethics Commission consisting of five (5) members each to serve a term of not more than three (3) years. Terms shall expire in January.
The Board of Selectmen shall fill any vacancy in any such office for the unexpired portion of their term, except that the Town Manager shall fill vacancies on the Economic Development Commission. Members of either the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Zoning Board of Appeals must also be an elector of the Town of Winchester. Other than members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Town Attorney, all appointments to offices and Commissions under this section shall be residents of the Town.
The Board of Selectmen shall require and receive annually, plans of action from various town boards and commissions; and shall have general supervisory control over the coordination of action by various commissions. The Board of Selectmen shall authorize and provide for the training of individual members of the various town boards and commissions in order to permit them to effectively carry out the stated purposes of each such board or commission. The Board of Selectmen shall appropriate sufficient funds for such training as it deems necessary.