The Board of Selectmen shall, at its first meeting as herein provided, choose by ballot one of its members who shall be the First Selectman of said town for the two years next ensuing and shall also bear the title of Mayor.
The First Selectman shall perform such duties as are imposed upon him by the General Statutes, except as otherwise provided by this Charter, and by the ordinances or by-laws of the Town of Winchester as provided in this Charter. Notwithstanding Robert's Rules of Order, at all meetings of the Board of Selectmen where the First Selectman shall so preside he shall be entitled to vote upon all matters and things.
The Board of Selectmen shall, at its first meeting as herein provided, designate one of its members to be Second Selectman, who shall have the powers and discharge the duties of the First Selectman during the absence of the latter from Town or during his inability to perform the duties.