[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
The City shall have organization in the departments and divisions as provided for by this Code with the goal of maximum efficiency and effectiveness in government. The principal Departments of the government shall be:
Revenue and Finance
Tax Collection
Tax Assessment
Public Works
Buildings, Parks and Grounds
Recreation and Tourism
Construction Inspection
Emergency Management
Beach Patrol
Municipal Court
The Mayor may approve the organization and reorganization of departments, offices, and agencies on recommendation of the head thereof and subject to available appropriations, provided that any plan calling for changes in the number of departments, personnel strength, or classification and pay of employees shall be submitted to Council at least 14 days prior to the regular meeting. The Council may, by way of resolution at the next regular meeting, approve or reject the plan or return it for revision. Failure to act at that meeting shall constitute approval, and the plan may then be adopted at once.
Establishment. The Department of Administration is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Department head. The City Administrator shall serve as the Department Head.
Composition. The Administrative Department shall consist of the:
[Amended 10-6-2015 by Ord. No. 1686; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Office of the Mayor
Office of the City Clerk
Office of the City Administrator
Office of the City Engineer
Zoning Officer
Planning Board
Board of Health
Tourists' Development Commission
Alcoholic Beverage Commission
Board of Health
Function. The Administrative Department shall coordinate the various departments of the City with the goal of achieving the maximum efficiency and effectiveness in City government.
Establishment. The Department of Revenue and Finance is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Department head. The Department of Revenue and Finance shall be headed by the Chief Financial Officer.
[Amended 2-7-1989 by Ord. No. 1026]
Function. The Department shall perform all appropriate functions associated with:
Custody, investment, and disbursement of City moneys.
General and budgetary accounting and fiscal control and reporting.
Billing and collection of general revenues.
General fiscal procedures.
Claims approval for payment. Bills, claims, and demands against the City shall be deemed approved or disapproved by Council in accordance with the action of the Chief Financial Officer.
The fixed asset limit for local governmental assets held by the City of North Wildwood is hereby set at $5,000.
[Added 10-17-2023 by Ord. No. 1918]
Establishment. The Department of Tax Collection is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Department head. The Director of the Department of Tax Collection shall be the City Tax Collector.
Function. The Department of Tax Collection shall perform all the appropriate functions associated with:
Receiving and collecting all moneys assessed or raised by taxation or assessment and other municipal charges as assigned.
Maintenance of proper records.
Issuance of a monthly report to the governing body accounting for all moneys for which the Department of Tax Collection is responsible.
Maintenance of a current record of all tax liens.
Preparation of all tax searches as required.
Such other duties as prescribed by statute.
Establishment. A Tax Assessment Department is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Department head. The Tax Assessor shall serve as the head of the Tax Assessment Department.
Function. The Department of Tax Assessment shall perform all the appropriate functions associated with:
The assessment of each separate parcel of real property within the confines of the City.
The maintenance of proper records of all properties assessed or exempted.
The maintenance of a current Tax Map of the City of North Wildwood.
Establishment. A Legal Department is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Department head. The City Solicitor shall serve as the head of the Legal Department.
Function. The Legal Department shall perform all the appropriate functions regarding legal matters for the City of North Wildwood and shall coordinate the Offices of the Prosecutor and Attorney for the Planning Board of the City of North Wildwood.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Establishment. A Department of Public Works is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Department head. The Superintendent of Public Works shall serve as the Department Head of the Department of Public Works.
Function. The Department of Public Works shall perform all the appropriate functions associated with:
Maintaining, constructing, and reconstructing streets.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Maintaining motorized equipment, traffic lights, sewer system and sewer plant, bulkheads, boardwalks, and beaches.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Supervising animal disposal activities and solid waste collection and recycling.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Establishment. The Department of Buildings, Parks and Grounds is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Department head. The Superintendent of Buildings, Parks and Grounds shall serve as the Department Head of the Department of Buildings, Parks and Grounds.
Function. The Department of Buildings, Parks and Grounds shall perform all of the functions necessary to maintain properly all municipally owned buildings, parks and grounds.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Establishment. The Department of Recreation and Tourism is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Department head. The Superintendent of Recreation and Tourism shall serve as the Department Head of the Department of Recreation and Tourism.
Function. The Department of Recreation and Tourism shall perform all functions associated with: providing the citizens of North Wildwood with a comprehensive program of recreational and cultural activities.
Establishment. The Department of Construction Inspection is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Department head. The Construction Official shall serve as the Department Head of the Department of Construction Inspection.
Function. The Department of Construction Inspection shall perform all functions associated with the inspection and enforcement of building, electrical, fire, plumbing, and housing codes.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663]
Establishment. A Department of Police has been established in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to Chapter 75, Police Department, of the Code of the City of North Wildwood.
Department head. In accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:61-4f, the Mayor shall be the head of the Police Department and shall have the power to appoint, suspend or remove all employees of the Police Department. He shall appoint the Chief of Police and such captains and sergeants as may be authorized by ordinance, with the advice and consent of Council. He shall control and direct the police force of the City and he may appoint such special policemen as he may deem necessary for the preservation of public order. He shall enforce the laws of the state and the ordinances of the City.
Division of Code Enforcement. There shall be established within the Police Department, a Division of Code Enforcement with civilian code enforcement officers serving therein. The code enforcement officers shall report directly to the Chief of Police.
Function. The Police Department shall perform all functions associated with the enforcement of all state statutes and City ordinances for which the Department has jurisdiction.
Establishment. A Fire Department has been established in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to Chapter 37, Fire Departments, of the Code of the City of North Wildwood.
Department head. The Fire Chief shall serve as the Department Head of the Fire Department.
Function. The Fire Department shall perform all functions associated with the prevention and containment of fires within the City of North Wildwood.
[Amended 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 1727]
Establishment. The North Wildwood Office of Emergency Management hereby is created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Department head. The North Wildwood Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator shall serve as the department head of the North Wildwood Office of Emergency Management.
The North Wildwood Office of Emergency Management shall perform all of the functions associated with the duties and jurisdiction that are conferred upon it by the Emergency Management Act, N.J.S.A. Appendix A:9-30 et seq., as amended, and by such executive orders of the Governor, directives of the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management and directives of the Cape May County Office of Emergency Management as may be applicable to municipal offices of emergency management.
Establishment. The Department of Beach Patrol is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood.
Department head. The Director of the Beach Patrol shall serve as the Department Head of the Department of Beach Patrol.
Function. The Department of Beach Patrol shall perform all the functions associated with the supervision of the beaches within the City of North Wildwood.
Establishment. The Department of the Municipal Court is hereby created in and for the City of North Wildwood pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 19, Court, Article I
Department head. The Municipal Judge shall serve as the Department Head of the Department of the Municipal Court.
Function. The Department of the Municipal Court shall perform all functions associated with the duties and jurisdictions conferred by the provisions of the statutes of the State of New Jersey.