[Adopted 9-20-1977 by Ord. No. 693]
The following regulations have been approved by the governing body of the City of North Wildwood and shall apply, except as otherwise set forth herein, to all employees of the City of North Wildwood in the classified civil service. All leaves provided for in these regulations are not to be regarded as privileges to be exacted at the convenience or determination of the employee without regard to the policy of responsible departmental authorities or the work demands of the department and are to be taken with the approval of the department head, and, so far as possible, on such schedules and at such time as will best ensure the continuance of the regular departmental activities.
All permanent employees in the classified civil service of the City of North Wildwood, except the members of the Police Department, Fire Department, and blue collar employees of the Public Works Department and Buildings, Parks and Grounds Department, shall be granted annual vacation leave with pay as follows:
[Amended 2-16-2021 by Ord. No. 1825]
One working day's vacation for each month of service from the date of permanent appointment up to and including December 31st next following such date of appointment.
Twelve working days' vacation for each succeeding calendar year up to and including 10 years of service.
Fifteen working days' vacation for each succeeding calendar year up to and including 20 years of service.
Twenty working days' vacation for each succeeding calendar year of service thereafter.
The total years of service in the City of North Wildwood after permanent appointment of each such employee, both prior and subsequent to the adoption of the Civil Service Law, shall be considered in determining the annual vacation leave provided under this schedule.
When, in any calendar year, the annual vacation leave or any part thereof is not granted and taken by reason of pressure of work, as determined and approved by the department head, such annual vacation leave or part thereof not granted and taken shall accumulate to the credit of the individual employee and shall be granted and may be taken during the next succeeding calendar year only.
Any employee holding a full-time position pursuant to temporary appointment pending examination for permanent appointment in the classified service shall be granted one working day's vacation for each month of service from the date of temporary appointment to the date of permanent appointment; provided, however, that this shall not apply to temporary, emergency or seasonal employees.
[Amended 2-16-2021 by Ord. No. 1825]
The annual vacation leave for members of the Police Department, Fire Department, and blue collar employees of the Public Works Department and Buildings, Parks and Grounds Department shall be determined by contract between the City of North Wildwood and said members or the bargaining unit or units for such departments. In the event there is no contract which applies to such members, such members such be covered by § 71-9 of this article.
Every permanent employee or employee holding temporary appointment pending examination in the classified civil service of the City of North Wildwood, other than members of the Police Department, Fire Department, and blue collar employees of the Public Works Department and Buildings, Parks and Grounds Department, shall be granted, in addition to annual vacation leave with pay, one working day's sick leave with pay for each month of service from the date of regular appointment up to and including December 31st next following such date of appointment and 15 days' sick leave with pay for each calendar year thereafter.
[Amended 2-16-2021 by Ord. No. 1825]
If any such employee requires none or a portion only of such allowable sick leave for any calendar year, the amount of such leaves not taken shall accumulate to his credit from year to year and he shall be entitled to such accumulated sick leave with pay if and when needed.
The total years of service of an individual employee, after temporary appointment pending examination with appointment later made permanent, in the classified civil service of the City of North Wildwood, both prior and subsequent to the adoption of the Civil Service Law, shall be considered in computing accumulated sick leave due and available.
"Sick leave," for purposes herein, is defined to mean absence from duty of an employee because of personal illness by reason of which such employee is unable to perform the usual duties of his position, exposure to contagious disease, a short period of emergency attendance upon a member of his immediate family critically ill and requiring the presence of such employee or death in the immediate family. For the purpose of these rules, "member of immediate family" is interpreted as meaning father, mother, husband, wife, child, sister, brother or other near relative in residence. Sick leave shall not be interpreted as including an extended period where the employee serves as nurse or housekeeper during a protracted illness of a member of the immediate family.
Sick leave for a period greater than three days or totaling more than 10 days in one calendar year shall be granted only on the certificate of the departmental physician or a reputable physician, in which it is certified that the leave requested is within the provisions of the statutes and these rules, except that sick leave claimed by reason of quarantine or exposure to contagious disease may be approved on the certificate of the local Department of Health and in the case of death in the family, upon such reasonable proof as the department head shall require.
An employee who does not expect to report for work because of personal illness or for any of the reasons included in the foregoing definition of sick leave shall notify his immediate superior or some other person in his particular employment unit by telephone or personal message at 8:00 a.m. or other beginning hour of work for his position.[1]
Editor's Note Former § 71-11G, regarding sick leave for temporary, emergency or seasonal positions, which previously followed this subsection, was repealed 2-16-2021 by Ord. No. 1825.
[Amended 2-16-2021 by Ord. No. 1825]
Members of the Police Department, Fire Department, and blue collar employees of the Public Works Department and Buildings, Parks and Grounds Department shall be granted sick leave with pay pursuant to the terms of contracts between the City of North Wildwood and said members or the bargaining unit or units for such departments. In the event there is no contract which applies to such members, such members such be covered by § 71-11 of this article.
Whenever an employee in the classified civil service is disabled, as a result of illness or injury entitling said employee to workmen's compensation benefits, he shall be entitled to a leave of absence with pay to be known as "SAI Leave," as differentiated from sick leave, for a period of time coextensive with the period of time for which workmen's compensation temporary disability benefits are payable to said employee. In the event the employee's department head cannot initially determine whether to charge the employee with sick leave or SAI leave, he shall charge said employee with SAI leave. However, such employee's records shall be adjusted, if indicated, upon the determination of the City's workmen's compensation insurance carrier and no further adjustment to such records shall be made until the workmen's compensation proceedings, if any, including all appeals, shall have been concluded. The result of such proceedings shall be binding upon the City and the employee.
To be entitled to SAI leave, the employee shall submit to the department head, as soon after his leave commences as is practicable, a certificate from a licensed physician setting forth that such employee is unfit for the performance of his duties, the physician's estimate of said period of unfitness, together with a history of the injury or illness, and the medical reasons therefor. At the end of such estimated period or at any time prior or subsequent thereto, the employee's department head or a member of the City's governing body may require that the employee be examined by a licensed physician designated by City Council for that purpose, which physician may but need not be the employee's treating physician. Such leave, whether alternately determined to be sick leave or SAI leave, shall terminate upon a certificate from a licensed physician that said employee is fit for the performance of his duties.
Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, no period of SAI leave shall extend beyond a period of one year or beyond the period of time in which workmen's compensation temporary disability payments are authorized pursuant to law. Any temporary disability workmen's compensation payment made to or received by or on behalf of such employee while such employee is on SAI leave shall be deducted from the amount carried on the payroll for such employee or assigned to the City of North Wildwood by the insurance carrier or the employee.
An employee who is a member of the National Guard or naval militia or of the military or naval forces of the United States and is required to undergo field training therein shall be granted a leave of absence with pay for such period of such field training. This leave shall be in addition to the annual vacation leave.
A permanent employee holding a position in the classified service who is temporarily incapacitated, either mentally or physically, to perform his duties or who desires to engage in a course of study such as will increase his usefulness on his return to the service or who, for any reason considered good by the department head or appointing authority, desires to secure leave from his regular duties may, with the approval of the department head or appointing authority, be granted a special leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed six months and, with the approval of the Mayor and Council, may be granted an extension of such leave for an additional period not to exceed six months. Further leaves, in such cases, may be granted only with the approval of the Mayor and Council and the Civil Service Commission. Any employee asking for special leave without pay shall submit his request, in writing, stating the reasons why, in his opinion, the request should be granted, the date when he desires the leave to begin and the probable date of his return to duty. For any case of special leave without pay, other than as herein provided, the question of whether the employee granted such leave shall be entitled to his former position on his return from such leave or whether his name shall be placed on the reemployment list for the class shall be governed and determined by the civil service statutes and rules.
[Amended 12-2-2014 by Ord. No. 1663; 11-21-2023 by Ord. No. 1920[1]]
The basic working hours for all employees in administrative departments shall be from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., with one hour off for lunch at a time to be designated by the department head. The working hours for other departments shall be established by departmental procedures and appertaining collective bargaining agreements.
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided an effective date of 1-1-2024.
The following days shall be designated as holidays in the City of North Wildwood: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and any other such holiday as may be designated by the Mayor and approved by resolution of Council, not to exceed a total of 14 holidays annually. An official holiday shall be the period from 12:00 midnight preceding the holiday to 12:00 midnight of the day of the holiday
[Amended 11-21-2023 by Ord. No. 1920]
When an employee is required to work on a designated official holiday, he shall receive, therefor, equal time off from regular employment at a time to be determined by his department head. Holiday time off shall not be allowed an employee unless he has worked during the week in which the holiday falls; however, should such holiday be observed while an employee is on vacation, said holiday shall not be counted as a vacation day. Holidays for members of the Police Department, Fire Department, and blue collar employees of the Public Works Department and Buildings, Parks and Grounds Department shall be subject to contracts between the City of North Wildwood and said members or the bargaining unit or units for such departments.
[Amended 2-16-2021 by Ord. No. 1825]
Every full-time employee in the classified civil service is expected and will be required to be in attendance and at work during the regular hours prescribed for the department by the City of North Wildwood. Every part-time employee in the classified civil service is expected and will be required to be in attendance during the hours prescribed for his employment. Violation of working hours, as prescribed, and leaves of absence without proper authorization will be subject to disciplinary action. Each department head shall be responsible for maintaining records showing the attendance, time worked and leave for any reason of all such officers and employees in the classified civil service in his department.
An employee who is absent from duty for five consecutive work days, without notice to his superior officer of the reason for such absence, shall be held to have resigned.