[Adopted 3-18-1975 by Ord. No. 632]
Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful to operate any motor vehicle, of any type or description, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, buses, motorcycles, motorbikes, minibikes, motor scooters and go-carts, on any of the beaches within the City limits of the City of North Wildwood, New Jersey.
It shall be lawful to operate a motor vehicle, licensed under this article, on the beaches of this City, pursuant to the terms of this article, only as follows:
For the purpose of sport surf fishing, the dates and times are:
[Amended 6-5-2002 by Ord. No. 1416; 9-3-2002 by Ord. No. 1424; 10-4-2016 by Ord. No. 1705; 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 1729; 7-5-2022 by Ord. No. 1881;5-21-2024 by Ord. No. 1934]
On the Inlet Beach, from New York Avenue to the intersection of John F. Kennedy Beach Drive and 2nd Avenue: from the day after Labor Day until the third Friday in May, from 4:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m.
On the Front Beach, from the intersection of John F. Kennedy Beach Drive and 2nd Avenue to 26th Avenue: from October 1 until April 30, from 4:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m.
On the Front Beach, from the intersection of John F. Kennedy Beach Drive and 2nd Avenue to 26th Avenue: from the day after Labor Day until September 30 and from May 1 until the third Friday in May, from 4:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. and from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
[1] For any other recreational purpose deemed appropriate and approved by the Chief of Police or his designee or at the direction of the Director of Public Safety. Dates and times for said recreational purposes are identical to those enumerated under § 138-6A.
[Added 2-15-2022 by Ord. No. 1862]
Editor's Note: Former § 138-6B of the 1981 Code, concerning all-terrain vehicles, cycle and bike riding, as amended 6-8-1984 by Ord. No. 868, was repealed 5-5-1987 by Ord. No. 958.
For any other purpose deemed appropriate for commercial vehicles by the Chief of Police of the City of North Wildwood or his designee or at the direction of the Director of Public Safety.
[Added 5-7-1985 by Ord. No. 891]
For the purpose of operating a beach tram, which shall be operated by the City of North Wildwood or an individual or entity under contract with the City of North Wildwood.
[Added 4-7-1992 by Ord. No. 1118]
[Amended 4-5-1988 by Ord. No. 986; 9-7-1999 by Ord. No. 1336; 9-6-2011 by Ord. No. 1599; 2-15-2022 by Ord. No. 1862]
The following regulations shall apply to motor vehicles to be operated on the beaches for sport fishing:
A person desiring to operate a motor vehicle on the beaches of this City for sport fishing or any other approved recreational purpose shall make application for a license to do so at the City Police Department during regular business hours only. The applicant shall present his motor vehicle for inspection at the time and place designated by the Police Department, and said vehicle must bear a current inspection sticker issued by the state in which the vehicle is registered, if required for the operation on the highways of that state. The applicant shall also supply his name, address, driver's license and vehicle registration.
The City Police Department shall collect a fee of $20 for each license issued hereunder. Such license shall be valid from the date issued until the following Thursday before Memorial Day. The applicant, if properly qualified, shall, in addition to his license, receive a descriptive decal which is to be exhibited in plain view on the motor vehicle licensed under this article at all times while on the beaches.
The following equipment must be carried in any vehicle using the City of North Wildwood beaches: tow rope, jack with a board, inflated spare tire, shovel, fire extinguisher with necessary material and supplies, first-aid kit and flashlight.
Only a person licensed under this article may operate a motor vehicle on the beaches of this City during the prescribed periods of time, and he may only operate a vehicle licensed under the provisions of this article.
[Added 5-7-1985 by Ord. No. 891]
The following regulations shall apply to commercial motor vehicles to be operated on the beaches of the City of North Wildwood:
A person desiring to operate a commercial motor vehicle on the beaches of the City of North Wildwood shall make application for a permit to do so to the Chief of Police of the City of North Wildwood or his designee, during regular business hours only. The applicant shall present his commercial motor vehicle for inspection at the time and place designated by the Chief of Police or his designee, and said vehicle must bear a current inspection sticker issued by the state in which the vehicle is registered if required for operation on the highways in that state. The applicant shall also supply his name, address, driver's license, vehicle registration, proof of motor vehicle insurance and reason for the issuance of the permit.
Permits will be issued on a date-to-date basis, for a maximum of one month, and said time period will be determined by the Chief of Police or his designee, in his sole discretion.
[Amended 8-6-1985 by Ord. No. 903; 5-5-1987 by Ord. No. 956; 4-5-1988 by Ord. No. 986]
The Chief of Police and the Public Safety Director of the City of North Wildwood, or their designees, shall collect fees for every permit issued to commercial vehicles which are traveling on the beach of the City of North Wildwood, and said fees shall be as follows:
Type of Fee
Vehicles Traveling to Points Within City Limits of City of North Wildwood
Vehicles Traveling to Points Outside City Limits of City of North Wildwood
1-day fee
30-day fee
Yearly fee
The above fees may only be waived by resolution of the Mayor and Council.
Only a person who is issued a permit under this article may operate a motor vehicle on the beaches of this City under the provisions of this article.
No vehicles with sleeping or eating accommodations shall be issued a permit or operated on said beaches at any time.
[Amended 6-8-1984 by Ord. No. 868; 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 1729]
No vehicle licensed under this article shall be operated on the beaches of the City of North Wildwood at a speed in excess of 15 miles per hour.
[Amended 5-7-1985 by Ord. No. 891; 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 1729; 7-5-2022 by Ord. No. 1881]
Access to and from the beach shall only be made through the following beach entrances:
1st Avenue and Surf Avenue.
2nd Avenue and Ocean Avenue.
8th Avenue and John F. Kennedy Beach Drive.
15th Avenue and the Beach.
Vehicles shall only cross the dune system at specified vehicle crossovers.
The use of pedestrian crossovers by vehicles is prohibited.
Except during actual entrance to and exit from the beach at the appropriate access points, no vehicle shall be operated at a distance of more than 50 feet from the then existing high-tide line and no closer than 50 feet to any sand dune. In addition, while entering or exiting from the beach, care shall be taken not to operate across or cause damage to any sand dunes.
The City Council is hereby authorized and empowered to adopt by resolution such other rules and regulations as it may deem necessary for the proper control of motor vehicles on the beaches, and licensees and permittees shall comply with all the rules and regulations herein set forth and as shall subsequently be adopted.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to municipal employees who may be required to enter upon the beaches in the performance of their municipal duties or functions, nor to any governmental agency, its employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors, who may be engaged in beach restorations or protection work, under the authority of this City. However, such personnel shall, if at all possible, avoid doing any damage to sand dunes on the beaches.
[Amended 6-8-1984 by Ord. No. 868; 3-20-1991 by Ord. No. 1054; 5-21-2002 by Ord. No. 1411; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Any person violating any provision of this article shall, upon conviction, be punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000, imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or community service for not more than 90 days, or any combination thereof, or to revocation or suspension of his or her license or permit, with respect to any or all of his or her licensed registered motor vehicles or all-terrain vehicles, cycles and bikes, or to all or any of said penalties, within the sole discretion of the Municipal Judge. If the violation is caused by the operation of an all-terrain vehicle, cycle or bike not registered to the permit holder, the permit of the offending all-terrain vehicle, cycle or bike may also be suspended or revoked in the discretion of the Municipal Court Judge, upon notice by summons to the holder thereof. The Chief of Police shall have the authority, in his discretion, to suspend the permit, license or the right of the offender to use the beaches pending a hearing before the Municipal Court Judge upon charges made. No license or permit holder shall be permitted to obtain a new license or permit for any motor vehicle during the period of suspension; nor, upon revocation, shall the permit holder or license holder obtain a new permit or license for a period of one year after his or her conviction.