The creation of an Architectural and Landscape Design Advisory Board is hereby established, whose purpose it shall be to review new nonresidential development within Franklin Township, including renovation and rehabilitation to existing nonresidential structures, maintaining the guidelines towards architectural design as detailed within Chapter
253 et seq., of the Code of the Township of Franklin.
Architectural and Landscape Design Advisory Board meetings shall be
conducted once per month, on a schedule to be determined by the Township.
Meetings will be held in the Municipal Building and may be subject to cancellation
due to the lack of an agenda. All meetings shall be open to the public and
duly advertised in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, except where
otherwise provided by law.
Nothing contained within the architectural design requirements shall
be construed to apply to such existing or proposed business entities recognized
as meeting the agricultural guidelines pursuant to the Right to Farm Act,
and in fact, any such agricultural business entity shall be and is hereby
excluded from the requirements as set forth within the Architectural and Landscape
Design Ordinance of Franklin Township.