[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Monaca 11-2-1975 as Ch. I, Part 7B, of the 1975 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Retirement plan — See Ch. 58.
Salaries and compensation — See Ch. 63.
The words and phrases when used in this chapters shall have the meanings defined in Section 2 of Act No. 491 of the 1951 Session, General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.[1]
Editor's Note: See 65 P.S. § 202 et seq.
All employees of the Borough of Monaca who performed services which constitute employment, as defined in Section 2 of said Act of Assembly, shall be covered by this plan.
The Borough of Monaca hereby agrees to pay into the contribution fund at such time or times as the state agency may, by regulation, prescribe contributions in the amounts and at the rates specified by the applicable agreement entered into by the state agency under Section 4 of said Act. One-half of the necessary funds shall be obtained by deduction from the wages and salaries of the employees of said Borough. The remainder of said funds shall be paid by the Borough of Monaca from moneys collected through its general taxing power.
This plan shall be managed and administered by a board consisting of two members of the Borough Council, two employees of the Borough and the Mayor. It shall be the duty of this board to collect all moneys necessary for the operation of said plan and transmit said funds to the contribution fund. All other matters relative to the operation of the plan shall be managed by said board.
Said board will make such reports in such form and containing such information as the state agency may, from time to time, require and shall further comply with such provisions as the state agency or the federal agency may find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports.
The state agency shall have the authority to terminate this plan in its entirety in the discretion of the state agency, if it determines that there has been a failure to comply with any provisions contained in said plan. Such termination shall take effect at the expiration of such notice and on such conditions as may be provided by regulations of the state agency consistent with the provisions of the Social Security Act.
Any delinquent payments due the contribution plan may be withheld at the request of the state agency from any other moneys payable to the Borough of Monaca by any department or agency of the commonwealth.
This plan may be amended by the board at any time to comply with any rules or regulations made by the state agency. No other amendment shall be made except by action of the Borough Council of the Borough of Monaca.