[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Monaca 1-1-2006 by Ord. No. 888. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Nuisances — See Ch. 152.
The name of this chapter shall be the "Residential Revitalization Program Adoption Ordinance."
This chapter is adopted and enacted pursuant to the authority granted to the Borough of Monaca by all relevant state and federal laws, including, but not limited to, the following: The general authority granted by the Constitution of Pennsylvania to make and adopt all such ordinances, bylaws, rules and regulations as may be deemed expedient or necessary for the proper management of the Borough of Monaca and the Urban Redevelopment Law.[1]
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 1701 et seq.
The Borough Council recognizes that:
The Beaver Initiative for Growth has coordinated a countywide program model for residential revitalization and the reduction of residential blight, and that this program will include several communities throughout Beaver County working cooperatively to develop and share best practices for blight reduction.
The problem of residential blight is of serious concern in the Borough of Monaca, and that the amelioration of blighted properties will make our neighborhoods more attractive, safer and more valuable places to live and invest.
This activity requires centralized coordination and project management.
The Borough Council adopts the countywide Residential Revitalization Program and adopts the following as the key components of the program:
A Residential Revitalization Program Manager will be provided by the countywide program team in order to properly coordinate this activity.
The Borough of Monaca will appoint a primary liaison to the countywide effort who will report to the chairman of the Blight Reduction Committee for the Borough of Monaca and coordinate with the Program Manager.
A revitalization action plan (RAP) will be created in cooperation with the countywide program group that identifies and prioritizes blighted and abandoned properties and suggests possible actions to address blight.
A strategic process of acquiring properties so that they can be rehabilitated and returned to the tax rolls. This will be done in partnership with other program partners and is a key goal of the program. As such, several methods are contemplated as possible courses of action, including: donation, private market sales, tax sales, foreclosure sheriff sales and spot condemnation as described in the Urban Redevelopment Law.[1]
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 1701 et seq.
A review of municipal ordinances addressing issues of nuisance properties will be completed, comparing the ordinances of the Borough of Monaca to suggested best practices, and a set of recommendations will be presented.
Specific program strategies as devised by the countywide program team shall be available for use by the Borough of Monaca, including, but not limited to, establishing a Land Bank program, establishing a side yard buying program for adjoining homeowners, establishing a community green space program and the centralized marketing and outreach to well-qualified developers.
A partnership with Community Revitalization of Beaver County, a nonprofit organization established to lead and coordinate this program, as well as act as a nonprofit housing developer and resources broker for homeowners.
The Borough Council recognizes that a variety of blight reduction strategies will be employed, including the acquisition of some properties. For the properties that will be acquired, several acquisition methods exist, including: negotiated sale, donation, lien foreclosure and acquisition through eminent domain using the spot condemnation process in the Urban Redevelopment Law.[1] In order to use this tool, a Blight Review Committee (BRC) is hereby created pursuant to the Urban Redevelopment Law. For the purposes of this program, the BRC is established as follows:
The membership of the BRC will be made up of the following:
A representative appointed by the Council President of the Borough of Monaca;
A member of the Council of the Borough of Monaca;
A representative appointed by the Planning Commission of the Borough of Monaca;
A representative appointed by the Beaver County Planning Commission;
A representative appointed by the Beaver County Housing Authority;
A representative appointed by the Redevelopment Authority of Beaver County; and
A representative appointed by the Community Revitalization of Beaver County.
A quorum of four will be required for a BRC meeting, and all votes will be of a majority present for that meeting.
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 1701 et seq.