[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Monaca 10-27-2015 by Ord. No. 944.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Nuisances — See Ch. 152.
Property, vacant and abandoned — See Ch. 171.
Solid waste — See Ch. 184.
Editor's Note: This chapter also superseded former Ch. 169, Property Maintenance, adopted 9-14-2004 by Ord. No. 876.
Except as otherwise changed or modified by this chapter, Chapter 1 through Chapter 8, inclusive, and Appendix A of the 2012 International Property Maintenance Code are hereby adopted by the Borough of Monaca, and same, along with the changes and modifications listed hereinafter, shall constitute and be known as the "Monaca Borough Property Maintenance Code" and may be referred to as the MBPMC.
The following changes and modifications to the 2012 International Property Maintenance Code (hereinafter referred to as the IPMC), which changes and modifications shall be made part of the MBPMC, appear hereinafter:
Section 101.1 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
101.1 Title.
Those requirements shall be known as the Monaca Borough Property Maintenance Code, hereinafter sometimes referred to as "MBPMC" or "this Code."
Section 102.3 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
102.3 Application of other codes.
Repairs, additions or alterations to a structure, or changes of occupancy, shall be done in accordance with the procedures and provisions of all other applicable prevailing codes adopted by the Borough of Monaca.
Section 103.1 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
103.1 General.
The person in charge of enforcing this code shall be the Neighborhood Services Officer, who, for purposes of this code, may also be referred to as the "Code Official."
Section 103.2 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
103.2 Appointment.
The Code Official shall be appointed by the Council of the Borough of Monaca.
Section 103.3 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
103.3 Deputies.
With the concurrence of the Council of the Borough of Monaca, the Code Official shall have the authority to appoint a deputy or deputies, who shall have powers as delegated by the Code Official.
Section 103.5 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
103.5 Fees.
The fees for activities and services performed by the Code Official or a deputy in carrying out the responsibilities under this code shall be as set forth in a fee schedule set by Council from time to time by resolution.
Section 106.3 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
106.3 Prosecution of violation.
The word "misdemeanor" shall be replaced with "summary offense."
Section 106.4 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
106.4 Violation penalties.
The following shall be added: "The fine for each day's violation shall be up to the maximum imposable for a summary offense."
Section 109.3 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
109.3 Closing streets.
When necessary for public safety, the Code Official shall temporarily close structures, and, acting in conjunction with and obtaining the approval of the Chief of Police of the Borough of Monaca, shall close sidewalks, streets, public ways and places adjacent to unsafe structures, and prohibit the same from being utilized.
Section 111.2 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
Section 111.2 Membership of Board.
The Board of Appeals shall consist of three members appointed by the Council of the Borough of Monaca.
Section 111.2.1 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
Section 111.2.1 Alternative members.
The Council of the Borough of Monaca shall appoint alternative members to the Board of Appeals who shall serve when a regular member(s) is(are) unable to do so.
Section 202 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
Section 202 General Definitions.
CODE OFFICIAL. The following shall be added: "The Code Official shall also be known as the "Neighborhood Services Officer" and vice versa.
Section 302.4 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
Section 302.4 Weeds. The following shall be added in the first sentence after the word "of": "six inches."
Section 304.14 of the IPMC shall be changed/modified to read as follows:
Section 304.14 Insect screens.
The following shall be added in the first sentence between the words "from" and "to": "March," and in the second sentence before the word "every," "September."[1]
Editor's Note: "September" would follow the word "to" before "every."
The commentary following each section of the IPMC is to be used in conjunction with interpreting and implementing the IPMC and not as a substitute for the code. The commentary is not intended to govern, rather, it is advisory only. The Code Official alone possesses the authority and responsibility for interpreting the code.
The IPMC and commentary, except as changed or modified as hereinbefore set forth, is deemed to be incorporated and merged herein as though more fully set forth at length.
A copy of the 2012 IPMC shall be kept on file at the Borough offices and used, along with the modification/changes referred to hereinbefore, in any type of enforcement action taken by the Code Official.