[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of York County 11-25-1992 as Ord. No. 92-2. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Whereas, the York County Commissioners have determined that it would be desirable and advantageous to adopt a Seal, specifically related to York County, in addition to the Official Seal presently in use;
Whereas, the York County Commissioners, after inviting the public to submit suggestions and drawings for a new, appropriate Seal, have selected a Seal for adoption.
The new Seal shall be in a form and appearance as attached hereto and shall be known as the "Official Seal of York County."
The new Seal may be impressed or printed on any documents as evidence of the official action of the Commissioners of York County.
The adoption of the new Seal shall not disqualify the use of the former Official Seal of the County Commissioners. The prior Seal may be used at any time for any purpose for which it has been used in the past.
The new Seal shall be effective upon the adoption of this chapter and may be used at any time henceforth.
Any person receiving an agreement, contract or other document may rely upon this Seal as evidence of the official concurrence and action of the York County Commissioners.