[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of York County as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 2-9-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-02]
Whereas, the York County Nursing Home provides long-term nursing care for residents of the home, in compliance with regulations developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health; and
Whereas, from time to time, residents may be required to make payments to the County of York for care provided by the York County Nursing Home that are not covered by private insurance, medicare or medicaid; and
Whereas, the County may wish to enter into a payment agreement with residents for amounts due the County of York; and
Whereas, the County is required by federal HIPAA regulations to protect and preserve a resident's rights by not having their name(s) and institutionalization a matter of public record.
For all amounts due to the York County Nursing Home, a payment agreement between the parties will be required stipulating the amount to be paid to the County of York and the terms thereof.
The York County Nursing Home Administrator will be authorized to sign all resident payment agreements on behalf of the Board of Commissioners.
A copy of the payment agreement will be provided to the York County Treasurer's Office and the Controller.