[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of York County: Art. I, at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II); Art. II, 12-31-1996. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted at time of adoption of Code[1]]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II.
To protect the county from financial loss, the county maintains a fidelity bond by which all employees who handle funds, either cash or checks, are bonded in the event of either an intentional or unintentional loss. The bond, in effect, indemnifies the County of York against all losses.
The loss must be reported in a timely manner to the county's insurance broker, as required by the provision of the policy.
The company issuing the bond specifically reserves the rights and defenses available to it for failure to provide timely notice of a claim.
The county provides general liability and public officials liability (POL) insurance. POL is sometimes referred to as "errors and omissions coverage."
General liability covers claims that allege bodily injury, property damage or personal injury, such as slander and defamation of character.
POL claims primarily involve allegations of civil rights violations and discrimination but are not limited to these two areas. Most often POL suits revolve around the issue of due process and, therefore, provide coverage for any wrongful act.
It is not essential that each elected official, director and/or department head determine what type of claim he or she may have and under what coverage it falls.
It is essential that the County of York put the county's insurance broker on notice of an impending claim, suit, legal action or loss as soon as it is known.
Most of the county insurance policies are called "claims-made forms" which cover insured events only if the claim is filed during the policy term, regardless of when the event took place.
If the claim is reported after the policy has expired, the insuring company may invoke its right to deny coverage based on untimely notification.
The elected official, director and/or department head shall:
Review individual records and activities and provide the Risk Manager with a written summary of each claim or suit now pending against the elected official, director and/or department head, his or her staff, his or her department and/or the County of York. The summary should be brief, providing just enough information to determine the parties involved, the date of the event and the nature of the claim.
List the amount of any losses to the County of York and/or any demands for financial satisfaction from the County of York by the claimant.
All future losses must be reported within three working days after discovery of the loss.
The Risk Manager will then promptly notify the insurance broker of the pending actions and determine if additional information will be required.
If the elected official, director and/or department head is unsure as to what to report, he or she shall contact the Risk Manager.
[Adopted 12-31-1996]
The County of York shall provide general liability insurance coverage for volunteers while performing a service for the York County Department of Parks and Recreation, regardless of location. The coverage provides for payment of medical bills for a personal injury.
The volunteer shall file a claim by reporting the injury on a Visitor Injury Report.
This coverage depends upon the identity of the driver of the vehicle, the owner of the vehicle and the passengers in the vehicle.
County-owned vehicle.
Employee is the driver or a passenger. Workers' compensation insurance is always the primary insurer for an injury to an employee which occurs in the course and scope of his or employment.
Volunteer is the driver or a passenger. The volunteer's own personal vehicle insurance is the primary insurer. If there is no owned vehicle in the volunteer's household, York County's vehicle insurance policy provides coverage.
Personal vehicle.
Employee is the driver or a passenger. Workers' compensation insurance is always the primary insurer for an injury to an employee which occurs in the course and scope of his or her employment.
Volunteer is the driver or passenger. The volunteer's own personal vehicle insurance is the primary insurer. The vehicle owner's insurance is the secondary insurer, if the volunteer driver or the volunteer's household has no vehicle insurance.