[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of York County 1-4-1995. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Personnel policies — See Ch. 263.
TDD machines — See Ch. 333.
As a large percentage of county departments have become involved in the implementation and usage of electronic mail through the Information Services System, it is necessary to advise all personnel regarding the criteria and expectations involving the usage of the E-mail system.
All personnel should understand that the system is for business purposes only.
While the E-mail system may be used for transaction of confidential documents, employees are expected to understand that, should they review such document, there is an expectation of responsibility to maintain the confidentiality.
All personnel should realize that E-mail messages may be subject to review from time to time by supervisory and/or managerial personnel in order to ensure that the usage is for business purposes only.
Individuals found to be using the E-mail system for any purpose other than county-authorized, business purposes or violating the required confidentiality of the system may be subject to disciplinary action for such violations, up to and including dismissal.