The name of this organization shall be "Pleasant Acres Auxiliary."
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote public
interest in the York County Hospital and Home, known as "Pleasant
Acres," and to provide services for its residents.
The York County Hospital and Home is a public institution owned
and operated by the County of York, for residents of the county, under
the supervision of the County Commissioners and under the direct administrative
control of the Administrator. The policy of this organization shall
be to undertake only such services and activities as are approved
in advance by the Administrator of the York County Hospital and Home.
Copies of all minutes, reports, notices and news releases of
the Auxiliary shall be filed with the Administrator and with the Director
of Volunteer Services.
Nominations shall be made and reported by the Nominating Committee.
Nominations may also be made from the floor at the annual meeting
by any member, provided that the consent of the person to be nominated
has been given, in writing, before placing the name in nomination.
All officers shall be elected at the annual meeting. Election
may be by acclamation or by ballot. If by ballot, tellers are to be
appointed by the President to count the ballots. A majority vote is
sufficient for election.
Vacancies in office, other than the office of President and
Vice Presidents, shall be filled by the Executive Board, upon recommendation
of the Nominating Committee, for the unexpired term.
These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote (at least 25)
of the members present at any meeting of the Auxiliary, provided that
notice of the proposed amendment has been given, in writing, to all
members at least two weeks prior to the time of the meeting.
Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall be used as the parliamentary
authority for all procedures not specifically covered by these bylaws.