[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Kittanning 11-4-1930 (Ch. I, Part 5, of the 1970 Code of Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fire Company — See Ch. 68.
Fire loss claims — See Ch. 343, Art. I.
The Town Council of the Borough of Kittanning, in the County of Armstrong and State of Pennsylvania, does hereby recognize the Kittanning Volunteer Firemen's Relief Association as the only person, firm, corporation or association of the Borough of Kittanning entitled to receive the entire net amount received from the two-percent tax paid or to be paid upon premiums by foreign fire insurance companies to the Treasurer of the Borough of Kittanning.
The Treasurer of the Borough of Kittanning upon receipt of the amount from the two-percent tax paid by foreign fire insurance companies upon premiums of insurance shall immediately pay the same over to the Kittanning Volunteer Firemen's Relief Association.