[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Kittanning as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 275.
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 282.
Floodplain management — See Ch. 327.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 481.
Water — See Ch. 533.
[Adopted 9-21-1959 (Ch. XVIII, Part 1, of the 1970 Code of Ordinances)]
[Amended 7-14-1971 by Ord. No. 160-1971; 4-6-1998 by Ord. No. 396-1998]
Every owner of property in the Borough of Kittanning whose property abuts upon any line of the sanitary sewers of the Borough of Kittanning which drains to the sewage treatment plant of the Borough of Kittanning, shall connect at his/its own cost, the building, buildings or other structures located on said property, with said sanitary sewers of the Borough for the purpose of disposing of all drainage as is customarily disposed of in a system of sanitary sewers. In the connection to the sanitary sewer system:
No person shall connect roof, foundation, area way, parking lot, roadway or other surface runoff or groundwater drains to any sewer which is connected to a wastewater treatment facility unless its connection is authorized in writing by the Borough.
Except as provided in Subsection A above, roof, foundation, area way, parking lot, roadway or other surface runoff or groundwater drains shall discharge to natural outlets or storm sewers.
In the event that an illegal connection or illegal discharge exists, upon notification, the owner of the property shall immediately disconnect said illegal connection or discharge. If said disconnection is not made within seven days following notification, the Borough or its agent may enter upon such property and disconnect such illegal sewer connection. Upon disconnection of said sewer connection by the Borough or its agent, the Borough shall send an itemized bill of the cost of disconnecting said illegal connections plus a charge of 10% of the cost of construction for administrative overhead to the owner, which bill shall be paid forthwith.
It shall be unlawful for any owner, lessee or occupier of any property abutting on any line of the sanitary sewer system of said Borough to employ any means, either by septic tank or otherwise, for the disposal of sanitary sewage other than into and through the sanitary sewers of said Borough.
Where any structure is now or hereafter may be connected to any septic tank or using any method by which sanitary sewage is disposed of or eliminated other than through the sanitary sewer system of said Borough, it shall be the duty of the Borough Secretary or other authorized person to notify the owner, lessee or occupier of such structure in writing, either by personal service or certified mail, to disconnect the same and make proper connections for the discharge and disposal of sewage through the sanitary sewer system of the Borough as hereinafter provided, within 90 days after receipt of such notice.
In case any owner of property adjoining or adjacent to such sewer shall neglect or refuse to connect with and use said sewers for such period of 90 days after notice to do so has been served upon him, either by personal service or by certified mail as aforesaid, the Borough Council or its agents may enter upon such property and construct such connection. In such case, the Borough Secretary or other authorized person on behalf of the Borough Council shall forthwith upon completion of the work send an itemized bill of the cost of construction of such connection to the owner of the property to which connection has been so made, which bill shall be payable forthwith. In case of neglect or refusal by the owner of such property to pay said bill, a municipal lien for said construction shall be filed within six months of the date of completion of the construction of said connection, the same to be subject in all respects to the general law providing for the filing and recovery of municipal liens.
Any person required to connect with the sewer system of the Borough shall make application for a tapping permit to the Borough Secretary on forms furnished by the Borough, and shall set forth in said application the character of the structure and use, the lot number and location, and the name of the person who is to make the connection.
No privy vault, cesspool, septic tank or similar receptacle for human excrement shall at any time, now or hereafter, be connected with the sanitary sewers of the Borough.
No privy vault, cesspool, septic tank or similar receptacle for human excrement shall hereafter by maintained upon any premises from which connection with any of the Borough sewers shall have been made. Every such privy vault, cesspool, septic tank or other receptacle shall, within 30 days after final enactment of this article in the case of premises now connected with a sewer, and, within 30 days after connection with a sewer, in the case of premises hereafter so connected, be abandoned, cleansed and filled under the direction and supervision of the Borough Council. Any such privy vault, cesspool, septic tank or other receptacle not abandoned, cleansed and filled as required by this section shall constitute a nuisance and may be abated on order of the Borough Council as provided by law, at the expense of the owner of such property.
[Amended by Ord. No. 396-1998]
The construction of all private sewers or laterals and their connections with any lines of the sewer system shall be done in accordance with rules and regulations established by the Borough Council and shall be inspected by the Borough Engineer before being covered.
The size, slope, alignment, construction materials, trench excavation and backfill methods, pipe placements, jointing and testing methods used in the construction and installation of a building sewer shall conform to the building and plumbing code provisions [1]or other applicable requirements of the Borough. In the absence of code provisions or an application thereof, the materials and procedures set forth and appropriate specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) and Water Pollution Control Federation (WPCF) shall apply.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 275, Building Construction, and Ch. 282, Construction Codes, Uniform, of the Code of the Borough of Kittanning.
All new sewers shall be consistent with the Borough's approved Combined Sewer Overflow Plan of Actions. As such, no new sewers or modifications of existing sewers shall cause dry weather overflows to occur within the Borough's sewer system. Dry weather overflows occur when sewerage is discharged from the system to any outfall other than the Borough's wastewater treatment facility without a significant precipitation event. These discharges shall be strictly prohibited. No new combined sewer shall be constructed or introduced into the Borough's sewer system under any circumstances.
[Added by Ord. No. 396-1998]
No owner shall discharge, cause to be discharged or permit to be discharged to any of the Borough's wastewater facilities any substances, materials, waters or wastes in such quantities or concentrations which will:
Create a fire or explosion hazard, including, but not limited to, gasoline, benzene, naptha, fuel oil or other flammable explosive liquid, solid or gas.
Cause corrosive damage or hazard to structures, equipment or personnel of the wastewater facilities, but in no case discharge with the following properties:
Having a pH lower than 5.0 or greater than 10.0 for more than 10% of the time in a twenty-four-hour period;
Having a pH lower than 3.5 or greater than 12.0 for any period exceeding 15 minutes; provided, however, that these minutes may be modified for facilities designed to accommodate greater ranges.
Cause any obstruction to the flow in sewers, or interfere with the operation of the wastewater facilities due to accumulation of solid or viscous materials.
Constitute a rate of discharge or substantial deviation from normal rates of discharge ("slug discharge") sufficient to cause interference in the operation and performance of the wastewater facilities.
Contain heat in amounts which will accelerate the biodegradation of waste, causing the formation of excessive amounts of hydrogen sulfide in the wastewater sewer, or inhibit biological activity in the wastewater treatment facilities, but in no case shall the discharge of heat cause the temperature in the Borough's wastewater sewer to exceed 58° C. (150° F.) or the temperature of the influent to the treatment facilities to exceed 40° C. (104° F.) unless the facilities can accommodate such heat.
Contain motor oil or nonbiodegradable oils of minerals or petroleum origin.
Contain floatable oils, fat or excess grease, which in the quantities discharged would cause an obstruction to flow in the sewers, or interfere with the operation of the wastewater facilities due to accumulation of solid or viscous materials.
Contain noxious malodorous gas or substance which alone, or in conjunction with other materials, is present in quantities which create a public nuisance or a hazard to life.
Contain radioactive waste in harmful quantities as defined by applicable state and federal regulations.
Contain any garbage that has not been properly shredded.
Contain any odor- or color-producing substances exceeding concentrations limits which may be established by the Borough for the purpose of meeting the Borough's NPDES permit.
The Borough shall have the right to establish additional discharge restrictions, discharge limits or pretreatment standards, and if, in so doing, the Borough establishes concentration limits to be met by an industrial owner, the Borough, in lieu of concentration limits set forth herein, shall establish mass limits of comparable stringency for such an owner at the request of such owner.
[Amended 2-10-1970 by Ord. No. 116-1970; 12-14-1976 by Ord. No. 217-1976; 4-10-1989 by Ord. No. 333-1989]
Any person or persons, or partnership, or any agent or executive officer of any corporation violating any provision of this article shall, for every such violation, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $25 or more than $600 and costs of prosecution, and, in default of payment of fine and costs, to undergo imprisonment for not more than 30 days. Provided: Whenever any such person or persons, or partnership, or any agent or executive officer of a corporation shall have been notified by service of a summons in a prosecution that he is committing any violation of this article, each day that he continues that violation after that notification shall constitute a separate offense.
[Adopted 9-21-1959 (Ch. XVIII, Part 2, of the 1970 Code of Ordinances)]
[Amended 6-22-1964 by Ord. No. 16-1964; 8-3-1970 by Ord. No. 149-1970; 7-5-1974 by Ord. No. 202-1974; 7-28-1982 by Ord. No. 270-1982; 6-11-1984 by Ord. No. 283-1984; 12-9-1985 by Ord. No. 299-1985; 12-29-1988 by Ord. No. 327-1988; 2-28-1989 by Ord. No. 336-1989; 12-17-1990 by Ord. No. 355-1990; 12-14-1992 by Ord. No. 373-1992; 12-20-1995 by Ord. No. 385-1995]
For each water-metered customer or account there is hereby levied the following rentals:
A minimum rental of $10.05 per calendar month;
An additional charge of $1.70 for each 1,000 gallons, or fraction thereof, of water used that period in excess of 3,000 gallons to a maximum of 10,000 gallons; and
A reduced charge of $1 for each 1,000 gallons, or fraction thereof, of water used that period in excess of 10,000 gallons.
[Amended 6-22-1964 by Ord. No. 16-1964; 8-3-1970 by Ord. No. 149-1970; 7-5-1974 by Ord. No. 202-1974; 6-24-1977 by Ord. No. 224-1977; 7-28-1982 by Ord. No. 270-1982; 12-9-1985 by Ord. No. 299-1985; 12-29-1988 by Ord. No. 327-1988]
Residential. For each private dwelling, one-family or one-family apartment unit, without a water meter, there is hereby levied a rental of $17.04 per quarter-annual period.
Commercial. For each commercial establishment, office or enterprise, without a water meter, there is hereby levied a rental of $29.27 per quarter-annual period.
[Amended 6-22-1964 by Ord. No. 16-1964; 8-3-1970 by Ord. No. 149-1970; 8-2-1964 by Ord. No. 21-1964; 6-24-1977 by Ord. No. 224-1977; 7-28-1982 by Ord. No. 270-1982]
The rates set forth in §§ 454-11 and 454-12 hereof shall be payable quarter-annually on a calendar-year basis and shall be subject to such prompt payment discount as the Council of the Borough of Kittanning may from time to time determine. The Borough of Kittanning may enforce collection of delinquent sewer rentals through action of assumpsit in a court of competent jurisdiction, the filing of a municipal claim or lien against the real property which is subject to the delinquent rental, and against the owner thereof, or such other proceedings as may be appropriate and lawful. These remedies are cumulative and not exclusive.
[Amended 5-7-1968 by Ord. No. 78-1968]
All rentals or charges set forth under this article and its supplements and amendments, are imposed for the use of the sanitary sewer system and sewage treatment works, and shall be charged and billed to and collected from the owners of properties served by that sewer system and sewage treatment works.